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Once again advantage is being taken on the servers. People are bypassing the swear filter, starting trouble with other players, and believe they can't be banned or punished because they are a member of this community.

Nobody is protected and will be treated just the same as everyone else.

Rules are being broken and consequences will be enforced....consider the following as your last warning

- Typing FU or STFU is bypassing the filter, always has been because it is antagonistic, just because it is an abbreviation doesn't mean we will tolerate it.
- Stop bypassing the swear filter on purpose. Community members know it's there, choose your words better.
- No More Harassing other players. harassment is bothering someone repeatedly over and over. If someone asks you not to bother them. DON'T BOTHER THEM.
- Don't reveal anothers identity. If someone is under an alias, they are under it for a purpose, don't reveal it to everyone else, even admin's are not allowed to do so. Again you are doing it just to harass, if you want to talk to them do it in psay. All regulars are entitled to this privilege
- Negative attitudes towards people causing them to leave. Stop being a bully or just plain meaness.

Just because an admin isn't on, doesn't mean it's O.K.

Consider this a warning to those who are guilty.
servers, website, irc, teamspeak

Messages In This Thread
NONSENSE MUST STOP - by GRITS - 06-19-2005, 02:24 PM
NONSENSE MUST STOP - by Guest - 06-20-2005, 01:13 PM
NONSENSE MUST STOP - by Gwarsbane - 06-20-2005, 01:31 PM
NONSENSE MUST STOP - by GRITS - 06-20-2005, 01:49 PM

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