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Why you shouldn't drink in excess amounts
In this thread I shall recount a past experience (last night and this morning to be exact) with drinking in excess amounts in a short period of time.

The night started off rather well, went to my friends house to have a few drinks. Problem number one, he's already plastered. Well no biggie, I'll just have a few drinks anyways. Problem number two, plastered friend keeps getting me to take shots and pound down beers. 5 Bottles and 8 shots in approximately 15 minutes is what I'm told I got up to. Anyways it didn't take long for drunken stupor to set in and thats when shit really started happening (literally and figuratively).

I decided to make an adventure upstairs to talk my friends mom's hot friends because I was horny I think. Anyways, upstairs I went and sat down and talked to them, my memory is extremely fuzzy at this point but my friend told me it went something like this.

Me: "How all yall doing" *stumble stumble*
Red head: "We're good, you look like you're having fun." *all giggle*
Me: "Yea it's pretty rad." *Crash into chair*
Blonde: "Jeez you better take it easy there or you might not be too comfortable."
Me: "How about you come get comfortable with me baby." *B)*
Blonde: "Um..., that's alright I'm comfortable like I am now."
Me: *Start violently puking, hit head on table and passout*

Now you may be saying, man that sucks, but wait, there's more. So there I am passed out and now on the floor with my head resting on my arm(thank you ladies for making sure I did not choke on vomit in my sleep despite my actions). Now I puked, a lot, and pissed myself a lot while passed out, but to top it off, I also pooped myself. Go figure, I have no bowel control while drunk and asleep.

That's about the worst of it all, after that I woke up at some point, went to shower, passed out for two hours in the shower and went home. I'm fairly ok now, I haven't puked for like 3 hours and I think I washed most of the funk out of my clothes. Although I do feel like I'm about to puke still and it's been a lingering feeling, plus I'm super hungry but I think I'll just puke more if I eat anything. Help?

Messages In This Thread
Why you shouldn't drink in excess amounts - by 16 - 07-16-2005, 02:12 PM
Why you shouldn't drink in excess amounts - by 16 - 07-16-2005, 10:27 PM
Why you shouldn't drink in excess amounts - by 16 - 07-17-2005, 01:43 AM

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