09-29-2005, 02:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-29-2005, 02:15 AM by _Acid_Head_.)
My idea is a ladder, not really meant for a league. You can have playoffs from the top 10 players or whatever towards the end of the season, but I'd rather this be on-going, with resets every 6 months or whatever.
Anyway here it is:
There are four ranks, people are ranked by letter, A (top rank), B, C, and D (everyone starts at this rank). Your letter rank is determined by how many points you have, people are still ranked by number, the letter ranks serve a purpose which I will explain.
Everyone will start with 1,000 points, that's D. 0-1,999 points is rank D, 2,000-2,999 points is rank C, 3,000-3,999 points is B, and 4,000+ points is rank A. People are given a certain amount of points depending on who they beat, and lose a certain amount of points depending on who they lose to, this is all determined with letter rankings. When everyone starts off and plays people of the same rank (D), you will gain 100 points for a win, and lose 100 points for a loss, you cannot go below zero points. If a person at rank D were to challenge someone ranked C, he would recieve 125 points, and the person at rank C losing to someone ranked D would lose more points, 125. Now, if a person ranked higher wins against someone ranked lower, he would not gain as many points either, he'd gain 25 less per lower letter rank. The point of all this? Risk and reward. You may look at this last paragraph and think it's too confusing to work, but it can and does, it's a stolen idea off one of the most popular open ladder leagues in video gaming:P
It's simple really, someone ranked higher wont get as many points from someone ranked lower, and will lose more points if he loses to that person. Someone ranked lower beating someone higher will get more points with less risk of losing points. People cannot challenge others that are 3 ranks above or below (no A vs. D matches). People wanting to join the ladder after the season starts may do that as well, only catch is they'd start at zero points. Many of the rules cloudfuel posted will apply, like matches played first to 15 wins.
I dislike the idea of people being forced to play, this idea eliminates that with a few more rules put in (like a limit to how many times you can play the same person per week, or something like that). I also think it would be better if people lost points in this way, instead of getting wacky point bonuses from some weird mathematical formula and never losing a point. If you wanted to have a tournament with this idea, you *could* by just picking out the highest ranked players and having play-offs at the end of the season.
I probably left something out and this post probably doesn't make too much sense. Anyway, you decide!
Anyway here it is:
There are four ranks, people are ranked by letter, A (top rank), B, C, and D (everyone starts at this rank). Your letter rank is determined by how many points you have, people are still ranked by number, the letter ranks serve a purpose which I will explain.
Everyone will start with 1,000 points, that's D. 0-1,999 points is rank D, 2,000-2,999 points is rank C, 3,000-3,999 points is B, and 4,000+ points is rank A. People are given a certain amount of points depending on who they beat, and lose a certain amount of points depending on who they lose to, this is all determined with letter rankings. When everyone starts off and plays people of the same rank (D), you will gain 100 points for a win, and lose 100 points for a loss, you cannot go below zero points. If a person at rank D were to challenge someone ranked C, he would recieve 125 points, and the person at rank C losing to someone ranked D would lose more points, 125. Now, if a person ranked higher wins against someone ranked lower, he would not gain as many points either, he'd gain 25 less per lower letter rank. The point of all this? Risk and reward. You may look at this last paragraph and think it's too confusing to work, but it can and does, it's a stolen idea off one of the most popular open ladder leagues in video gaming:P
It's simple really, someone ranked higher wont get as many points from someone ranked lower, and will lose more points if he loses to that person. Someone ranked lower beating someone higher will get more points with less risk of losing points. People cannot challenge others that are 3 ranks above or below (no A vs. D matches). People wanting to join the ladder after the season starts may do that as well, only catch is they'd start at zero points. Many of the rules cloudfuel posted will apply, like matches played first to 15 wins.
I dislike the idea of people being forced to play, this idea eliminates that with a few more rules put in (like a limit to how many times you can play the same person per week, or something like that). I also think it would be better if people lost points in this way, instead of getting wacky point bonuses from some weird mathematical formula and never losing a point. If you wanted to have a tournament with this idea, you *could* by just picking out the highest ranked players and having play-offs at the end of the season.
I probably left something out and this post probably doesn't make too much sense. Anyway, you decide!