02-19-2003, 07:30 PM
no crosshair....well I've never even noticed we have one...lol. I don't think it's that important...also the thing about powerups lasting in DM...why should you lose your powerups just cuz you get knocked off or fall? I think that is pointless....don't take that away...there is nothing wrong with keeping them for 20 minutes...I say kudos to you for not wasting them. I have also never had a freeze chase me...I dodge once and it's gone...there are only a maximum of 4 ricochets and after that it's gone. I have played since this first came out and that has NEVER been a problem. Now about the freezes not homing in right...well most of the time they do, but I have noticed in DM especially they go to the bottom and try to kill people down there. I agree it should be the ABSOLUTE closest person in which you are targeted at.