06-11-2006, 01:16 PM
Q) How often do you visit the forums?
A) A couple of times a day, if I can.
Q) What games are you playing now?
A) Ricochet, Kanonball, TFC, UT2k4
Q) Who do you miss in the vad community?
A) The oldies - Shakira, Jabbahunt, Phyxious, Knightmare, Gemakk, Davion, RuNnInG_wIth_ScISsOrS, noxious, PuNkGirL, PIX, ][_ i m i t | e s s, SoulEvan, MorningStar, Beastie, zig (oops), Sartargo.
Q) What was/is your favorite memory in the vad community?
A) Oooh boy.. so many... I can't really just nail one down.. but looking back on the progression this game and myself have made since the beginning... players befriended, players lost... the overall community has seen its up and downs and we're still here... that would have to be it for me.:)
A) A couple of times a day, if I can.
Q) What games are you playing now?
A) Ricochet, Kanonball, TFC, UT2k4
Q) Who do you miss in the vad community?
A) The oldies - Shakira, Jabbahunt, Phyxious, Knightmare, Gemakk, Davion, RuNnInG_wIth_ScISsOrS, noxious, PuNkGirL, PIX, ][_ i m i t | e s s, SoulEvan, MorningStar, Beastie, zig (oops), Sartargo.
Q) What was/is your favorite memory in the vad community?
A) Oooh boy.. so many... I can't really just nail one down.. but looking back on the progression this game and myself have made since the beginning... players befriended, players lost... the overall community has seen its up and downs and we're still here... that would have to be it for me.:)