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List of (semi)free games to try
Who havent played Natrual Selection?
And who found that the alien or the human sides were to easy?

Well, try this then. The aliens are at some smaller, but harder to control with the view.
The name of the game is Tremulous.
And its free and multiplatform.
There's a lot of servers with this game.


The next game on the list is A Tale in the Desert 2
This game is free to try for 24 hours. But dont hassitate to try it anyways.

[attachment=2498:attachment] [attachment=2499:attachment]

Sound - 8 of 10

The sound effects are amazingly well done in this game. Whether you're running through grass or sand, listening to the sound of a flax comb working, or just standing by the water listening to the waves lapping the shore, the effects just work; never overpowering, and never detracting from the situation.

There is also one piece of music, usually at the beginning of the game (login screen). This is a nice touch as well, even though there is no background music during actual gameplay. Those who find this to be a detriment may want to fire up your favorite MP3 player.

A slight lack of music is the only thing that drops this score, otherwise sound is clear and appropriate.

Graphics - 8 of 10

The environments in this game are outstanding. While discussing this facet with the lead Linux developer, I learned that, since Tale 1, a great number of environmental items (trees, plants, and buildings being the majority) have been upgraded or overhauled. From lush green pastures, to desert oases, to vast waterways, this is a great looking game. Check out the screenshot gallery and see what I mean.

Gameplay - 9 of 10

I guess the best place to start for this category is with your character. You are, of course, a peasant in Egypt when you first begin. You have minimal skills and knowledge, which can be upgraded or improved at schools and universities. First tasks include such things as growing and harvesting flax for making rope, canvas and linen; gathering grass, mud and sand for making bricks; and gathering or growing other items, such as wood, thorns or mud for various other projects.

This part of the game can become somewhat tedious at times, as you need to gather a rather large amount of resources to accomplish some tasks. For example, your first building costs 200 bricks and 100 boards. However, in the larger scale of things, this is a necessary part of the game, as it gives you some sense of scale as to the number and scope of skills you can accrue during gameplay.

Another important facet of gameplay is the learning of new skills, particularly taking tests. There are 7 schools within the game (Architecture, Art & Music, Body, Conflict, Leadership, Thought and Worship), and each has their own tests. For example, the School of Body requires you to perform a list of tasks within a set time period, and the School of Leadership requires you to have a petition signed for you to begin the test.

Once these tests are completed, further skills or abilities are unlocked for you to learn. Also, as time goes on even more technologies are unlocked. This allows for a huge range of things that can be done within the gameworld. Players also directly contribute to the legal system and major projects within Egypt.

Outgun 1.0 is a fun little online 2D game which could look like tanks.
Should be tried out for the little fun hour

Next game.
is a strategy game featuring tactical combat against hostile alien forces which are about to infiltrate earth at this very moment. You are in command of a small special unit which has been founded to face the alien strike force. To be successful on the long run, you will also have to have a research team study the aliens and their technologies in order to learn as much as possible about their technology, their goals and the aliens themselves.

[attachment=2501:attachment] [attachment=2502:attachment]

Next game on the list is Cube 2
The screenies are here.
They pretty much talk for themselves

This should cover it for now.

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Well, I'm INVISIBLE AGAIN ... I might as well pay a visit to the LADIES ROOM ...
Without ice cream life and fame are meaningless.
[Image: stoned.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
List of (semi)free games to try - by FuzzyShoting - 07-24-2006, 05:12 PM
List of (semi)free games to try - by NITRO! - 07-24-2006, 05:43 PM

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