05-28-2003, 01:11 AM
i concur w/ acid...why the hell did you guys vote for her? you said yourself that skill is NOT the only factor in getting into uT, but w/ regards to her, it's the only thing i can possibly think of as an admittance factor..or maybe you feel uT has to have a token female (hey guys, maybe she'll be as cool as shakira...maybe not)...i don't know, but don't claim that we are all ignorant as to her identity...it doesn't fly as an argument considering that she has obviously practiced and most likely at vads under a diff name. another issue is that she put on the tag before she was officially admitted...maybe many of you felt pressured to vote for her because you didn't want to get her hopes up...well, congradulations, you got someone's hopes up anyway. you were insensitive to make players aware that you were voting on them anyways...it's just tacky and shows a definative lack of foresight.
it seems SS has been playing longer, gotten to know you guys longer and has a better reputation (well at least it beats NO reputation) w/ your clan. hey, look...i don't mean to disparage chicita in the least...but i take in question your judgement as a clan. for shame uT...for shame.
it seems SS has been playing longer, gotten to know you guys longer and has a better reputation (well at least it beats NO reputation) w/ your clan. hey, look...i don't mean to disparage chicita in the least...but i take in question your judgement as a clan. for shame uT...for shame.