06-14-2003, 04:01 PM
The fact is acid, that this is real life, the way we interact with people is a bit diffrent but, the fact is, this is real life. I don't see your logic about enforcing rules means people are going to leave RC. Its like people leaving a town that has cops in it. The Rules are there for the people, if they're on the stricter side then thats the way they are. GRITS told me excatly why she has stricter rules and is not as tolerable to swearing and people being mean, and i agree with her. What you can do now is accept resoponsibilty for your actions and face the consequences, or be immature and try to get back on the servers like you've done so many times. You've given the admins no real choice, you broke the rules now u want back in, broke them again etc. I see no end to this cycle right now, and sooner or later your gonna get banned for life. Like the boy who cried wolf.