06-14-2003, 07:50 PM
Gwarsbane,Jun 14 2003, 10:43 PM Wrote:Its funny how some people think that just because they are playing a game that they are not dealing with real people.well seeings how when i join the server and you are there..you dont say a word to me..but when somebody says something bad about me...who is the first one to respond with some smartass remark...now i dont know if you're trying to push me to do something wrong so you can be the first to ban me and gloat all about it on the forums but it aint gonna happen
To me, both Acid and Soul sound paranoid. They make it sound like Evil and I are sitting around thinking of ways to get them banned. Drugs will do that to ya, don't know if Soul does drugs (acid has said he does more then a few times) so I don't know what souls excuse is.