06-19-2003, 02:47 PM
Quote:sage_4 Posted on Jun 19 2003, 12:21 AM
if i had to pick i would definitely get a tattoo, but i really dont feel the need. not that im against it or anything, i just dont have enough money to spend on a tattoo.
WHOAWHOAWHOA, if you didn't go out and spend money on getting your perfectly mono-colored volvo painted, you surely would have plenty of money to get a tattoo. so that's no excuse. still, your philosophy stands rightly.
I have my left ear pierced, as of now, but I plan to have a tattoo later on in life. I plan on aquarius on my shoulder blade, medium sized, and only one color. nothing too fancy, but still i want one. I've had other piercings in me previously, but nothing that lasted (e.g., my nipple, my ankle, my elbow, etc.). My dad told me that if i got any piercings other than my ear, he'd rip them out. I guess i just caved on the thought that i'd end up with three nipples....