06-21-2003, 02:09 AM
I think everyone should just drop it because it's not a big deal. SS did something, he complained, now he won't do it again... if he does, he will get further punished, and so on and so on. Yes, he can be a pain in the ass, but so is everyone at some point, we've had to deal with the likes of johnnykill, mew, sinbon, acid, and a few others... we can go without the nuttiness with ss as well. And cloud... I'm sorry, but I feel like telling you to just please shut up. Every goddamn post that relates to admin abuse, you come in and start instigating with the person who complained, I guess standing up for the admins or something... one, they can handle themselves... two, like I said, you instigate and try to get more pissed off responses... not sure if you're just trying to up your post count, look righteous, or trying to impress grits. I suggest the topic be closed, unless gwar wants to post logs or something.