07-13-2003, 06:19 PM
My god man, for one thing, all I said when I played you was that you lagged, more than anything to see if you realized how much you were lagging, I didn't say it in a way like "LOL U R TEH SHITTY LAGGER U SUXX0R". I was pissed at DD for obvious reasons, he kept abusing every admin command he had, it would piss anyone off to have some shithead newbie teleport you around the map while in the middle of a match, me being in the air a lot, every time he would teleport me I would end up curving trying to save myself and falling.
I don't know where you get "swearing like crazy" from, since you can't swear on your server.
My god man, for one thing, all I said when I played you was that you lagged, more than anything to see if you realized how much you were lagging, I didn't say it in a way like "LOL U R TEH SHITTY LAGGER U SUXX0R". I was pissed at DD for obvious reasons, he kept abusing every admin command he had, it would piss anyone off to have some shithead newbie teleport you around the map while in the middle of a match, me being in the air a lot, every time he would teleport me I would end up curving trying to save myself and falling.
I don't know where you get "swearing like crazy" from, since you can't swear on your server.