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Time zone?
Great Question....Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) which is fine for our UK players because Greenwich is in England...but it does sort of mess with others. It is the international standard and considered the "Universal Time Zone" and for our CS friends it is also called "Zulu" time in the military. It is used so that everyone is on the "same time". It is 5 hours different than the EST in the states or Canada and is based on longitude. Greenwich has been considered the "prime meridian" since 1884. :)

Messages In This Thread
Time zone? - by PuNkGirL - 03-03-2003, 08:10 AM
Time zone? - by GRITS - 03-03-2003, 09:42 AM
Time zone? - by g-boy - 03-03-2003, 10:39 AM
Time zone? - by Gwarsbane - 03-03-2003, 10:55 AM
Time zone? - by noxious - 03-03-2003, 08:08 PM
Time zone? - by Melba Toast - 03-04-2003, 01:02 AM
Time zone? - by jabbahunt - 03-04-2003, 09:00 AM
Time zone? - by noxious - 03-05-2003, 02:02 AM

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