07-29-2003, 09:35 PM
anyone who has played me recently has to know that my skills in rc have really dropped significantly. I've been telling everyone that its alot of weed and alchohol, but i must come clean. I stopped smoking weed two weeks ago, but those two weeks have seen me with less rc then ever b4. Even though i admit that last night i was heavily partying (and the ppl i played earlier today can vouch for me, cause i was complaining about a hangover), it doesn't have to do with that. IN FACT the real reason i can't play alot anymore is because i went to see and army recruiter two weeks ago and have been trying to get into the Army (I enlisted on monday). NOW i need to get a new job while i wait to ship out to oklahoma, but the job will be full time. So between working out, seeing my recruiter, my new job, and yes partying i don't have alot of time to play rc. And this has really killed my style and has made me really ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***y (amoung other reasons for being ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***y) cause i lose alot, sorry guys.