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Cuttn' the Deck with Scissors
Thursday Nights... Friends? WWE SmackDown? Reruns of the Muppet Show? Yes, but none of it matters, because you are all glued to the forums and just DYING to see who it is I will be featuring this week in my little weekly party.
It seems all of you were quite interested in last week's installment, for her views have already surpased week 1's Knightmare post. I think Griits has some fans!

You all know this week's guest as the guy who beats you each and every night. He wins and then wins again. He then switches styles just for kicks so he can beat you again, this time a little bit differently. In addition he is a genuine nice guy, recently earning a junior admin spot on Vad's new 24/7 Arena server. He is a key member of the uT clan, he is a regular on the forums, and he walks around in full RC model atire (blue). Running_With_Scissors is all that is Ricochet.

RWS had won his first three hands of Black Jack. He had done so with 18's or higher on each. I had been dealt three 12's, and had busted on three jacks. In for a long night, I started in with the questions.

Beastie: Mr. RWS, can I call you Sciz? It's all fun and games until somone looses an eye! Where does the name come from? Have you ever been wounded by a sharp metal object?
RWS: Of course, anything for you Beastie. B) Ah well, my name originates from my first experiances with Ricochet. I started playing during the patch release, and the community was rather "tough" on new players, but I expected no less. This drove me to become a better player and I decided that I would deliver sweet vengence upon the players that tossed me around like a rag doll. During this short period of two weeks I met a player by the name of PlAyInG_WiTh_FiRe(I still don't know his real alias), who was the first player to give me truly sound advice. He was an awesome player and a better person, so I decided to play on his name for comical purposes. Hence, RuNnInG_WiTh_ScIsSoRs came about. I then disappeared for about 6 months and never heard from/about him again. I think he fell off a cliff, or something along those lines. Sharp metal objects? I have nicked myself with my razor a few times, but other than that, I'm careful to avoid impaling myself. I've heard that it's quite painful.

I, too have suffered a sleu of razor related injuries. I shave a LOT! Maybe you have seen the picture.

Beastie: People tell me you may be today's best Ricochet player. In fact Gemakk labeled you potentially his toughest current opponent just two weeks ago in his interview. Are you the best? Who gives you the most trouble?
RWS: I have to thank Gemakk for such an honor, any casual mention from one of the greatest players of all time is good in my book. Me? The best? Perish the thought! I personally don't think there is a true 'best', but some players can consistently kick some serious ass. Oh man, everyone can give me some serious trouble when they put their heart into it. Although, KS, G-boy, Acid, Shalk, Gemakk, Knight, and Rule can make me sweat buckets at times. On a side note, I have to say that MaGoo is my easiest opponent, I'm usually drinking tea during our matches. :lol:

Sciz had mentioned my name right after Gemakk's however I editted it out of this interview as to show humility. No actually I was not mentioned. I lose almost every match. He makes me cry my self to sleep each night.

Beastie: While this may be old news and perhaps a painful memory for you, please tell some of our newer readers about your epic match with RiP's G-Boy a few weeks ago. Recount the madness. G-Boy will be interviewing in a few short weeks. Can we expect a rematch any time soon, perhaps by that time?
RWS: Ah yes, that was quite the battle, I picked up a strong lead in the beginning and thought that I would be pulling up to the finish line in no time. I soon let my own self-confidence get to me, and G-boy took full advantage of the opportunity. He came back like a K-mart shopper who bought the wrong color of shaving cream. With some excellent shots and a good strategy he defeated me in an awesome match of 7-6. As for a rematch, only time will tell.

Possibly the best clan match to date, G-Boy will give us his perspective on it sooner than I led on in the question.
Back on the Black Jack table, Sciz had managed to draw a crowd. Most were tourists in awe of his blue jumpsuit. 'Are those frisbees?' The others were probably hotel personel incognito. He had managed to win each and every of his four-teen hands of Black Jack. I had lost all but two, and was dreading the thought of top ramen for the next three weeks.

Beastie: Gemakk talked about something else I know you can relate to. How does the word 'best' plague your ability to enjoy the game when looking to play casually? You seem to use many aliases. Is this why?
RWS: Sorry to say, but being called the best can be a double-edged sword of epic proportions. Pressure can take a serious toll on the fun factor. I have talked with multiple players and it seems more people think that ricochet is about being the best, and not about having fun. Why do I have to prove myself to you? Why should I care what you think my level of skill is? Why must I play like it's my life on the line for every game? In reality, I'm finding playing ricochet to be more and more of a chore and less of a GAME. I'm tired of entering the server to find some soap opera or another taking place. This is after all, a GAME. I don't care if some 9 year old calls me a moron from 3,000 miles away. Sorry folks if I'm secure with myself and not going on an abominal rage to plague the server with stupidity after every insult or action.
On an earlier note, here's an example of something that happens to me every time I enter the server would go as followed: Hypocrite enters the server, RWS beats Hypocrite 10 times, Hypocrite beats RWS once in the eleventh match. Hypocrite proceeds to go on a rampage spitting and swearing that RWS sucks and that Hypocrite beat RWS, making him a better player than RWS. RWS leaves due to the fun factor dropping through the floor. I have no problem with losing, in fact it just pushes me to become a greater player, but throwing insults after a match/talking behind their back is an immature and obnoxious way to handle a win. You may beat them 1,000 times, but there is always that 1 match you lost, hence they're better than you. Period. This is why I use multiple aliases, because I like to have FUN. I go through enough of these situations in the REAL WORLD.

Beastie: I have played you under various names, and I have noticed that you will undertake entirely different strategies at times. Have you generally stuck with the same over time or do you feel yourself evolving?
RWS: As a player, I have to say that I'm constantly evolving, it's survival of the fittest. Some player comes up with suchandsuch move, you find a way to counter it, they learn to counter the counter, etc. The cycle goes on for eternity. Unpredictability is the key to success in Ricochet and if they know the moves to one style, use another. G-boy proved this point excellently when he changed styles half way through our match, props! Changing strategies/styles is also a key to remaining incognito, most players don't check wonids unless they're familiar with the opponent's style. Why check a wonid when it's probably some player you've never seen before, but if they recognize your style of choice, they'll become curious.

Many had in fact become curious. 'Who is that trekee at that Black Jack Table? Why is he surrounded by security? What's with the ridiculous outfit?!'
I had stopped playing cards, for my pockets were long empty. I instead ordered seven shots of sambuka. Let Sciz tip the cocktail waitress. He can obviously afford it.

Beastie: Along with your obvious handle on Ricochet: the Game, you have been very involved in Ricochet: the Community. What does this group of people mean to you?
RWS: I've never seen anything like it, the players are great, the people are great. What more can you ask for? I used to play a good amount of TFC and CS and I was in a number of clans, but they were nothing compared to uT or the community itself. This is the first time I've ever truly gotten to know fellow players and their outlooks on life. It is a unique and wonderful experiance that I hope will live on for ages to come.

Beastie: I am sure people are growing tired of this particular question, for I have beaten it to death. But are we ready for a patch and a new group of players?
RWS: I myself like beating dead horses, but that's just me. As for your question, variety is the spice of life.

My shots arrived and I took them one-by one. Soon I would forget about the rent check I had just instead invested into Las Vegas's most notorious industry.
Now I just wanted to learn more about RWS. His name is Conor, and he is 20 years old,and a full-time student at PCC in Pasadena, CA. He does odd jobs and plays a lot of Ricochet.

Beastie: Tell me about a day in the life of RWS. What other activities outside of Ricochet (gaming or non) do you enjoy? Do you ever play with play-doh?
RWS: Beastie my friend, anybody who's somebody plays with play-doh. I play a mean game of tabble-tennis, but my true love is basketball, nothing like it. I played for the JV and Varsity teams in high school, great fun. My day usually involves me getting up and going to class, followed by working, which is then followed by playing ricochet. From here I proceed to do whatever random thought pops into my head, be it dates or sleeping on the bench next to the bus stop. Usually I get back to my apartment around 1-2 am, where I proceed to play more ricochet. Unfortunately, sleep soon overtakes me and the cycle repeats. Redundant, isn't it?

No. Losing to you 60 or 70 times in a row.... THAT's redundant. <_<

Beastie: If you had to choose a single food, and you could only eat variants of that food for EVER, what would that food be? Have you ever eaten play-doh?
RWS: Sushi, my god, this stuff is great, nothing bad comes out of Japan (unlike the 80's). There's no substition for forking over 5 bucks for a Tamago, only to have finished it in 5 seconds. Ah, good times.
Yes, I have eaten play-doh, a little bit on the salty side, but an exquisite dish none the less. :D

Beastie: What were your favorite toys as a kid? I was a big Star Wars, Transformers, and Legos kid. I also liked to make sculpteres of my favorite foods out of play-doh and eat them. Did you ever do that?
RWS: Legos were mad fun. I loved making models, trains and the such, but my favorite activity had to be playing with my toy dinosaurs. Nothing like a 5 year old expressing his murderous intentions by having figurines rip out each other's lungs. I did the same thing with play-doh, but now I bought the play-doh former thing you see on T.V. Saves me a good 2 minutes at making play-doh into fat producing fast food.

I must have missed the play-doh sushi mold.
My buzz came to a sudden hold as something happened... the dealer flipped over her card and Sciz's winning streak came to a halt! His hand showed 20 and hers showed the same... a push!!
No ricochet player likes a push. Sciz jumped up onto the table and screamed at her. 'Lies! Hax! YOU DIRTY BUMPER!' :o
Security swarmed in. 'That's it, Flash! You're out of here. Take your.... frisbees with you!'
We were excorted first to the cage, where Sciz collected his winnings, and then to the exit. My buzz raging, I felt my stomach turn a bit. I could really go for some play-doh sushi!

Beastie: I am starving! Is there a toystore near by?
RWS: How coincidental you should ask! I was just heading to one right now, I call it "The Liquor Store."

Why stop now? He's buying!

Running_With_Scissors is at or near the top level of play. He will continue to beat the rest of for a good while. Next week's feature is a player who shares this upper-tier of talent. Who will it be? Ok I will tell you... 'Lies!'

No I won't.

Thanks, Sciz!

Messages In This Thread
Cuttn' the Deck with Scissors - by Beastie - 06-13-2003, 01:37 AM
Cuttn' the Deck with Scissors - by Beastie - 01-03-2004, 03:37 PM

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