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He also went by [cHiF]hreat (something like that)

He's probably from cs....ban him if you want he was just being damn annoying.... "HACKER!!!!"
did you put xxx in the chat? which server were you on?
I dont understand the whole xxx...;)
lol..i'm with Quick, I don't really get it either...and it was GRITS 24/7 arena
When GRITS looks at the logs, she don't read the whole log because that would take her for ever. What she does is seach for XXX. If you put a XXX in to the chat or team chat, GRITS will see it much faster.

This is why we don't like people having XXX in their names because when she searches for XXX it will show up.
The whole XXX thing.

Basically all you need to do is is if there is someone there breaking the rules type XXX in team chat or normal chat so that GRITS can see this when going through the logs.

It's useful to include the offendors name and/or wonid.

The wonid being very useful.

Well this is probibly my last post for the month as I'm going on vacation tomorrow so have fun everyone and i'll see you again in the September.
bye rush...have fun

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