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maybe this should be a rule..
many many years ago me and a few peeps creating a bind in hldm which makes your model change everytime you press your strafe keys\forward,back keys..very simple bind but it causes everybody to lag in the server....about 2 mins ago i was in Grits and a guy name MunkeyBrains had this on...lagged the shit out of me but i dont know about anybody else....maybe this should be a new rule.
Interesting observation...everyone was lagging really badly last night and he happen to be one of the players there. But the major lagger was Zith and he said he was on cable. Maybe a new rule should involve people who 'strobe'. I didnt kick him because I always feel bad for people who have poor hook ups...Ricochet is one of the few online games you can play if you do...
Don't forget...the internet is pretty laggy today due to this virus outbreak. I would
still institute a policy to kick warpers and such.
Aww come on! lag is in dammit!:thumb:
There's a difference between high ping and lag. I don't feel bad for people who warp around and such, because I really can't imagine what connection and hardware they have that would make them do that. I am sure it is their settings or they have too many programs open, or they just won't pay a few bucks for a decent dialup connection or something. Limit, ss, shalk, scrye, etc... they have high pings due to distance or dialup connections, but they don't LAG. They look normal, and every once in a while they spike or a disc goes through them. But it's nothing big. The people who actually LAG should be kicked immediately, because for one thing, it makes the game less enjoyable for us. And second, I'm not sure how they are enjoying it, so you're doing them a favor.
What g-boy is trying to say is: Lag = Packet Loss; Ping = Distance to the server from your computar.
g-boy! i have ADSL <_< israel is just VERY far. i dont have 56k errr . dialup is old
If people complain alot, I will kick someone who is lagging.

If they make me feel sick just by watching them I kick them.

If their ping jumps around too much and too high I kick them.

but before I kick I always suggest for people to go and reboot first. If they don't get the hint after a few times, they get the boot.

If people complain that mine is jumping around, I usually leave and reboot.
I know where Israel is shalk:P... reread my post, I said you guys have high pings because of distance OR dialup. Let's put it this way... you and netniv because of distance, scrye, ss, and limit because of dialup.

And ping isn't exactly distance (although I know what you mean), it is time. It's the number of milliseconds it takes to send information between the person's computer and the server.
that's more like it :P
Lag is a result of a bad connection or packet loss. Ping is a tool to test response time. It has nothing to do with distance or hops. Traceroute will show hops to target. Netstat will show ports in use and ports waiting. Let's get the terms right.:P
Lag..Whats this lag you speak of you? Is it the way of the old world? :D
whoawhoawhoa. you can't just kick people because they spike, or lag, or whatever. if anything, it helps you frag. if someone spikes, it doesn't mean that they are in another place on your screen, it means that they are somewhere else on their own. i spike occasionally, which is due to packet loss, and indeed, it seems to slow the server the slightest bit. but you cable/dsl/broadband people need to realize that a 100 ping is still really freakin good.
and some of us are too POOR to get a decent connection. so ya can't blame that either.
i vote don't kick people with bad pings; rather, banter and offend them until they leave on their own. being an admin on the HLDM server, when people badmouth me, i retalliate. problem solved. :D
Quote:i vote don't kick people with bad pings; rather, banter and offend them until they leave on their own. being an admin on the HLDM server, when people badmouth me, i retalliate. problem solved.

Brokend you might admin your way but that is not how it goes here on the Rico side. I hope you are joking about offending people to make them leave. That's just sad IMO. We are not talking about people who have 100 ping. We are also not talking about people who spike or lag cause everyone does from time to time. The people that teleport across the map are the ones that are annoying. Maybe you should actually play Rico first and find out for yourself how some of these "teleporters" are not fun to play against.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I was basically going to say exactly what p&g said. I have cable and I get 110-120 on holdout's servers because I'm in California, they are in Ohio. That's about 20 higher than I usually get on that distance, but there's no lag. No one ever said anything about kicking people with high pings. As was mentioned a couple of times before, there are several players on dialup or very far away who get 200-250 pings. They are fine, because they don't warp across the map. And in rico, yes, it does mess up the shot. In ricochet, you have to see where the person is going to be and shoot there... well, if they are warping, it's near impossible to tell, unless they are a newb and you have the timing of jumps memorized, then it can be done. But here's the problem... even if you hit them, the discs GO THROUGH. A warpy kind of player will have 9 out of 10 discs go through them, so it gets bothersome.
Quote:And ping isn't exactly distance (although I know what you mean), it is time. It's the number of milliseconds it takes to send information between the person's computer and the server.

I know it's time, but who had the better ping to our local RFA server g-boy?:P
ditto to "G" and "P & G" and PS, there is not much excuse for not having broadband unless its not available in your area. You got the puter, broadband is for most an hrs work per month, for some 2 or 3, jeez go dig a ditch once a month and it will pay for it.
ok dont start with you should get broadband..why do you have 56k blah blah blah..ok #1 over half of the hl community has 56kers...#2 in most situations like cant get anything else other then 56k...i do have satellite but you cant play games with that..when ppl come around dissing others for not having broadband is retarded and they should be shot...also like most of use we cant dish out the money for expensive...
the bottom line is, u can't punish people for circumstances that they can not control
Actually, I'm not so sure acid... I know for a while I was hanging around 30 and you would have lower. But When I started getting like 150 on the server, I stopped playing there, and came back... I was hovering around 15-18, it rarely went over 20. So I think maybe I had you beat there... or yours dropped to 10 or something.

By the way, where was the RFA server? It was obviously in LA somewhere... or maybe Burbank?
Power and Glory,Aug 13 2003, 09:16 PM Wrote:
Quote:i vote don't kick people with bad pings; rather, banter and offend them until they leave on their own. being an admin on the HLDM server, when people badmouth me, i retalliate. problem solved.

Brokend you might admin your way but that is not how it goes here on the Rico side. I hope you are joking about offending people to make them leave. That's just sad IMO.
well, that would be sad had i been serious. very, very sad. <_<
anywho, rico is a HL mod, and things work very similar to HLDM, only instead of discs, there are bullets. so i do get frustrated. but i still won't kick a person just cos they have a high ping, or lag a lot. it's discrimination, kon sarnit! besides, it wouldn't make it a friendly server, and that is kinda what the admins are there for.
Quote:You got the puter, broadband is for most an hrs work per month, for some 2 or 3, jeez go dig a ditch once a month and it will pay for it.
dammit, i work my ass off, i get paid badly, and i have more important bills to pay, that i still can't manage. don't tell me it's easy. if it were, i'd have it. ask sage, he can vouge for me.
I play both games and lag is a lot more forgivable on HLDM than it is on Ricochet...but it does get frustrating for everyone. We have to have some kind of parameters....what is acceptable...please check out the new poll I started.
btw I am LMAO at the idea of sage 'voguing' for you and I am hoping you meant 'vouch'. I usually can read past typos but this one made me smile..... thanks brokend :D
no, i meant vogue. we get together every once in a while, when we're drunk enough, and whip out the ol' drag-queen costumes and a camera, and well, you get the idea. damn, no one vogues as well as sage, that's for sure :lol:

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