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Sprays in rc_arena
I remember this came up as a discussion before. There are certain people who make large custom tags, then sprays them on every pad in the arena multiple times... basically as many times as they can. This gets extremely distracting to start with, then if a certain area has enough sprays, it gets choppy in that area. Actually, it's one person in specific who does it, and I don't mean ghengis. I think most of us know who. Today we had an argument with him about it, pleaded that he stop spraying so much, and he just kept shrugging it off saying "it's not my prob" and "turn off sprays." Now, it may seem logical to him that we just turn off sprays. But really, I do like seeing certain sprays, and his are fine as long as he sprays like just a few. Hell, I spray mine down once or twice, and I like having it there. So no, I refuse to turn off all sprays. There were a couple of junior admins in there who did not want to kick him or do anything, as they figured it might be considered admin abuse. And I am saying, it should be a RULE that sprays are limited, or at least at the admin's discretion how much is acceptable. Or is there some way for the server to limit them, or have them disappear after a while? Or can this be done client-side? And by a show of hands, who here enjoys seeing a retarded cat or a linux penguin with a big white background sprayed over and over about 20 times or more in arena? Oh, and I also get angry at people who purposely spray over my spray. Leave it alone damnit!
You'll be please to know that this is something that the admin's have already noticed, and are already discussing.:) Personally, I disable all sprays, so it never affects me:

Quote:mp_decals "1.000000"
cl_download_ingame "0"
cl_allowdownload "0"

I personally think that should be in the default config for everyone.
why do u get upset when people spray over your image?
you know our server crashed around the same time last night I am not sure if it was a direct result but it doesnt matter....the spray spammer disrupted the flow of the game and wasnt very 'sportsman-like'

I wanted to see SS new spray I am sure he was over zealous and that is understandable.....but inexcusable at the same time...banned that wonid 138234 until he can apologize and not be so self centered. He is a nice guy and a good player but what he did was inconsiderate.

note to all admins....kick the player and it will reset and clean his sprays...this is always appropriate and I am sure something that spray spammers are use to and will 'get over' if they get angry...

note to g-boy part of the fun of sprays is using yours to tag over's gonna happen...thanks for not getting upset during game about it
i like spraying <_< right in the middle of the pad:)is fun :P
wow im banned again? wtf....if you ppl do not want to see sprays turn them off...grits can set limits on how many sprays a person can spray and how on 56k and i get no lag whatsoever...i was warned by GB months and months ...might i say months ago not to spray that much..GRITS never said anything to me..last night i had at least 3-5 sprays in the center..and 1 spray on the i was being called everyname that isnt in the filter "douchebag,prick,ass,retarded" etc..i did not say 1 mean thing to anybody and i was being harrassed...ive done nothing wrong,i didnt want to get into a fight, grits you might see the logs that i wasnt trying to start one..but when you get 3,4,5 ppl in 1 room that hates turns into a big mess and i end up being banned..for like the 20th time...then 1 guy "not saying" was going on "i wonder if those sprays can crash the server" refering to me as im not apologizing to anybody...after all the things that they said to me im not saying jack..guess ill stay banned.GRITS get on msn so we can talk this over
SS that is bullshit by the time the server crashed you had 3 sprays on every single pad. First it was just 1 on every pad and we were asking you to stop before you shrugged us off. You kept doing it just to piss us off and you know it. You were warned by a lot of people but continued to do it, so its your own damn fault.
lmao..kid i know how many sprays i had...i wasnt warned at all..only ppl who where complaining to me was you and g-boy.i had 3-5 sprays in the center..and 1 on the other pads..
here's a thought you all should think about..when was the last time GRITS had to get on to me for doing something..when was the last time GB kicked\gagged me for doing something mean\wrong..when was the last time i got into fights with ppl...incase you hadnt of noticed i told grits awhile back ill be a good boy :> and not get into any fights..but yet at the end i get banned for spraying "to many sprays"
Well SS I, probably with most people who were in that server last night, notice that you like being "annoying" and like getting into "Fights". In your post you just called me kid again. How many times have I told you that you calling me "Kid" is the dumbest thing in the world? You are 2 years older than me, and your not acting like it at all. Grow up and get back to reality. Cecil, as a junior admin, told you to stop doing it. I said it was personally causing me lag, and explained to you how holdouts servers are having lag problems right now and excessive sprays are not helping matters. G-boy probably told you a thousand things about how senior admins feal about said matters. You shrugged everyone off and continued to argue with us, and now your saying we bullied you. Why would we just bully you ? I thought your little penguin and xerox kitty sprays were cute until you were doing it just to piss us off. Is it that hard to apologise, I would expect a grown mature 18 year old man like yourself who be able to muster up one.
ok #1 i dont spray just to piss ppl off..#2 i didnt want to get into any conversation with any of you ppl..because it always ends up you guys bickering and fighting and its not worth it...who cares if i call you a kid..its not that big of a deal..i call everybody a kid..but thats not the point...the point is you guys are the same guys that complain about the sprays..i never get any complaints from anybody guys are not worth a argument
My cat used to spray alot. I banned him from the house and it stopped.
i dont have the cat spray anymore :>
"it's not my problem"

You had to say that. That is the trademark line of an ######. I remember my friends and I went to one of those two dollar movie theaters, and we asked this one guy if he could move over a seat. He replied: "it's not my problem....

chill sock please

edited by GRITS
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
I am really chomping at the bit here to get into the argument, but at this point I think it should stop. It's done, and there are reasons people don't like too many sprays, and I also explained why I won't turn off the sprays completely. There were way more sprays than you say there were. You KNOW that some people don't like it, and admins have talked about it before. It's like tapping your fingers on a hardwood desk incessantly, and several people tell you to stop, and you continue to do it until someone intervenes and pulls you away from the desk. GRITS has pulled you away from the desk, so apologize and stop tapping your fingers.
My turn to add a reply but I am closing this thread because it is getting out of hand quickly.
I have been talking to SS all morning clearing up any misunderstandings regarding why he was banned and how I feel about spray spamming.
We have come to an understanding on both accounts.
I enjoy sprays, it shows individuality, I am not sure if too many lag the server or not..I have never received a documented answer from anyone. I do not think anyone should over do the sprays. I still dont know where all the arrows are and if I cant see them I know new players will find it difficult to play.
What SS was banned for was ignoring an admin who asked him twice if he would stop and for disrupting the flow of the game by aggravating at least 3 players.... more like 5 probably. poor sportmanship plain and simple and I just wont have it on the server if I can help it.
I banned him to get his attention on how important this matter was and that it did make a difference to me.....seems he didnt think I would care.<_<
Well it did get his attention and this morning we went over the logs together....he may have been a PITA but one other player in particular was way more offensive in my opinion. I would have gagged or kicked them both.
FYI I will always defend my admins decision...I trust your opinion or you wouldnt be admin...I am just saying what I would have done to them. Other than the "it's not my problem" comment SS did not say much.
g-boy handled it the way I appreciate a player handling a problem...he asked SS to stop a couple times, and then told me about it. He never lost control although it is evident he was fuming. I agree with g-boy I should not have to miss out on others sprays so that I dont have to be overwhelmed by one persons spray. I am looking into limiting the amount of times a person can spray. I will post if and when I can get it to work. Until then more than 3 sprays is spamming just like chat rule for now start a poll if you want me to change it or a thread if you want to discuss it but that is the rule I am giving to my admins to enforce....if you see two warn if you see's you're call

bottom line I am unbanning SS with the agreement that he will pay attention to admins and refrain from spraying his tag so much especially when he is asked to stop.

To all of the players and admins I heard from this morning.....Thanks for keeping me informed with the happenings on the servers I can not always be there but I always care about whether or not people are happy and 'playing nicely':thumb:

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