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I'm back again woot
Hey guys im back again i just wanted you all to know how lovely i feel :wub:now i feel like a million dollars :DOr is it a million bucks i dont kno, but i don't care i'll cya yall later hehehe
Ok dont even try to message this. this one sucks!
Why did you sign up for the forums with the RFA tag I thought they were no more?
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Ummm that would be my bad...they were probably still a thing when he signed up just took me this long to validate him:blsh:
P&G i have this tag because i registered when i was in rfa :rolleyes:and i put my email adress in there so i cant put my email adress again and make a new one so that's how it ended :smurf:
Welcome to the forums,

On your left you should find refreshments and free doughnuts. You will be staying in the room up the hall and to your right. If there are any problems don't hesitate to mention them to our staff, you should find them to be a friendly and helpful group of people. Get aquainted with the company in your neighbouring rooms as you shall be spending most of eternity here. Please make yourself at home... may I take your coat (and wallet)?
Quote:Please make yourself at home... may I take your coat? (and wallet?)
Ummm no my wallet is much too welll it's much too materialized (is that a word? because if it isnt i luv it) My coat on the other hand You can have it because my coat just plain sucks

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