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Post your problems with steam...
Oh so far all the problems I have had with steam are...

Double clicked on installer did the set up information (giving it one of my 5 or 6 e-mail addresses) then clicked on next, told it to take form the existing files and then it just sat there saying it was updating something. I let that go for like 3 or so hours.

I used Task manager to close down steam seeing as how it didn't want to close down itself.

Then I turned steam on again. It took over 2 to 3 minutes for it to come up but it finally did. Then it said it was updating something else and that actually went pretty quick.

Then when the screen for it came up, I clicked on games, then clicked on the game I wanted. Seeing that nothing came up, I right clicked on it and hit launch, it said it had to load Ricochet which was 25 meg. (ok so if it had to load it, what the hell was it doing for 3 hours?)

So I loaded Ricochet and TFC up which also loaded up the original half-life. Now Ricochet, TFC and Half-Life are lit up.

I launched Ricochet again.... and it does nothing but sit there.

I said it once, I will say it again... STEAM IS A PIECE OF CRAP!
I was just about to post this very same issue... it's stuck, doesn't launch anything :/ In fact, on my machine, after it updates those programs, I have to close steam down because it's frozen... just doesn't work... go in again, and it lits up with Ricochet / HL for me... looked in e:/steam/steamapps and sure enough there are some gcf files... what's interesting is that I now have a halflife.gcf that's over 430 meg from somewhere and yet when I was watching my filewall stats... there's no way it downloaded it.... so wtf did it come from, and how come it takes so long to generate it?!
O well I posted mine in the other want to move it for me :D
Hmm...well Gwar I did what you tired of it sittin there doin nothin at all and shut it down by Task manager...and then opened it back up and I went into the games and picked dod and it was like O we need to install this..and then it just stops respondin...:angry:

Net: The big file is a combined file of everything from your current install of Half-Life
I was actually able to start a DOD server but so far can't connect to any real ones. There are no Rico Steam servers as of now so I guess I won't see you guys for a few weeks since I can't play on the regular ones.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Here's my problem:

[Image: steam2.gif]
I just saw that pic on another forum that's hilarious but true.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Well I tried settin my comp back a day before I had steam..and tryin to start over..not a good move as of right now..It wont even find a server..This is soo ######..valve better get this mess cleaned up....
Acid, you had me in stitches iwth that picutre... couldn't be helped and it's even affected my typing!

Btw folks, I now have the following files in Steam/SteamApps just to play ricochet alone:

Quote:half-life-engine.gcf        16,384KB
half-life-localized.gcf    65,536KB
half-life.gcf              430,080KB
platform.gcf                16,384KB
ricochet.gcf                24,476KB

If you don't see the first four, you ain't gonna get ANY of the games to work... Oh, and now that it's trying to launch Ricochet, it says I have ANOTHER fourty minutes to go before I can play... !!!!
Hey at least your is connecting to a server..mine isn't even doin that..god this new system is horrible...
Something else I had to do earlier... was uninstall Steam and then remove the ENTIRE Steam folder... I got further after doing that than I did before... 23 minutes 58 seconds to go, but it's been like that for 10 minutes now... I think... seems like it at least...
ok i did a search on the steam server search, and you can't play any servers that don't have steam on them if you are using steam..... so won and steam aren't crossoverable, and on top of that, i can't load ricochet. sometimes when it downloads something, it'll forget to download it and i have to restart steam (usually by exiting out and restarting, but sometimes i have to go through task manager and end the process). On top of that it takes a good 5 minutes for steam to even appear on your screen when you start it up and apperently it has to update things every time you get on it, how can there be so many updates to something that was released no more then 12 hours ago? or better yet why don't those updates stick so you don't have to red/l them.... oh yeah if you quit the program cause a d/l locked up and it got any more then 1% done, you never have to dl it again, and when you use it, it fails to run....
edit: the friends network doesn't work

on the plus side though, it has a nice GUI and is actually kinda user friendly till you start doing things so it'll lock up on you.
Sounds valve-esque. As in, full of logic errors.
oh oh oh i found another, you can forget updating your game properties cause once you leave the specific game properties, steam completely locks up on you
oh and try to run steam in the background while you oh say browse around on Opera (havne't tried ie, of course i hate ie... another story...) complete lock up...
Actually, I have managed to update my game properties... provided it's the FIRST thing you do... But speaking of which I have another thread to post....
I originaly thought that even after you got the new StreamId I would be able to play on all servers as long as Steam was running. I found out the hard way myself that you can only play on servers that are in Steam themselves.

Please someone get a semi-stable Rico Steam server going:(
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I could do, but I don't think my server guy would like that ;-) Anyway, you should be in the position I am... laptop is being updated... but the desktop is still on WON...

Guess which one is actually working...
The thing ran well in the early morning hours hence how I got through the whole install in less than a half-hour. The biggest problem now is the traffic. We are talking about millions of HL owners hammering one central server. This is the exact same thing that happened when the Steam beta was released back in January. You think Valve would have learned their lesson from the last time.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Actually from looking I'd say there were several, but they don't get randomly used :/
technically won isn't gone so you can still play ricochet the old fashioned working way
I am doing... bit of both.. steam is being allowed to install on my laptop... I'm playing via WON on the desktop
ok this is a first, i got a Abort, Retry, Ignore error with steam while trying to install day of defeat, lol that is the FIRST time i've EVER gotten that error since win 95
Yeah, I remember that:)Used to get it all the time on floppies... usually means bad sector of some description....
lets see:

half life - works fine
ricochet - works fine
counterstrike - works fine
opposing forces - locks up when you try to play the single player
team fortress classic - locks up while starting the game and you get stuck on the startup screen
deathmatch classic - won't even load the game, just opens up an instance of hl.exe in your processes and fails to load the game
day of defeat - haven't downloaded yet since it takes 5+ hours to dl (longest of any game i've dled)
dedicated server - haven't tried it yet but appears to be fine
Quote:technically won isn't gone so you can still play ricochet the old fashioned working way

The only way I could do that is by hooking up my other comp which I might do.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
With Steam....
half life - locks up on background screen when trying to start
ricochet - locks up on background screen when trying to start
counterstrike - don't know, I don't care about it.
opposing forces - don't know, I don't care about it
team fortress classic - locks up on background screen when trying to start
deathmatch classic - don't know, I played it once just after the last patch was out, didn't care for it
day of defeat - don't know, I don't care about it
dedicated server - don't know, I don't run servers at all

With Won server...

half life - In on a server and playing in seconds
ricochet - In on a server and playing in seconds
counterstrike - don't know, I don't care about it.
opposing forces - don't know, I don't care about it
team fortress classic - In on a server and playing in seconds
deathmatch classic - don't know, I played it once just after the last patch was out, didn't care for it
day of defeat - don't know, I don't care about it
dedicated server - don't know, I don't run servers at all
Pretty much the same for me. It's all gone crap like... though that TS is listed... is a good thing
Well the only two ones I can play are HL and CS and the rest when I click on them it says it will aquire files..and then it just freezes and stops respondin
O and I did see thoughs few TS servers...but when I click on them it says Preparing to load CS and then just quits..

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