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Steam pic bash thread
there are a bunch of em scattered around the forums now, and in order to prevent them from being posted more then once, lets put them together. Here is mine that i found on and posted in some thread.

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LOL Good job is mine...That I posted 1ST..gwar tryin to take mine away from me lol
:lol:LOL!!! funny rings so true, i almost want to cry :(
ok guys, second time i got this error. So, i took a screen shot of it and am posting it here.

and to add insult to injury, that background website is the pro-steam petition. talk about irony

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that just made me burst out laughing.
I think steam has just proven that we need a new word for bugs that all out prevent use of a program (if no such term exists, that is). "Fatal Fault" maybe. That way, the idiots who don't realize that page is a joke, won't go around confusing OS bugs with things of OIF disfunctionality.
There is ... bugs are problems, faults are deadly... ask any developer:) For instance, you don't die of a bug in California.. but if that fault wakes up and causes an earthquake... you have to watch yourself to make sure you ain't lost in the disastor that strikes...

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Do you see this file in your steam/steam folder : "steamui_english.txt" ?

"Steam_SubscribeIntro1" "You're about to subscribe to:"
"Steam_SubscribeIntro2" "This will cost $9.95 per month.

Since it is your first time subscribing to a game,
we need to ask you for some additional information."
"Steam_SubscribeIntroProductName" "Valve Premier Pack"
"Steam_SubscribeUserInfo" "Please enter your first and last names, exactly as they
appear on your credit card."
"Steam_EmailAddress" "Email address"
"Steam_EmailAddressVerification" "(for purchase confirmation and receipt)"
"Steam_FirstName" "First Name"
"Steam_LastName" "Last Name"
"Steam_SubscribeCardInfo" "Choose a credit card type, and enter the card number
and expiration date."
"Steam_CreditCardType" "Credit card type"
"Steam_CreditCardNumber" "Credit card number"
"Steam_CreditCardExpiration" "Card expiration"
"Steam_SubscribeBillingInfo" "Enter your address as it appears on your credit card
billing statement."
"Steam_Address" "Address"
"Steam_City" "City"
"Steam_StateOrProvince" "State or Province"
"Steam_Country" "Country"
"Steam_PostCode" "Postal (or Zip) Code"
"Steam_CountryOfResidence" "I currently live in the country selected above"
"Steam_SubscribeReviewInfo" "If there are any errors below, click 'Back' to fix them.\nOtherwise, click 'Purchase' to complete the transaction."
"Steam_ProductCostLabel" "Cost"
"Steam_TaxLabel" "Estimated tax"
"Steam_TotalLabel" "Total"
"Steam_ProcessingSubscriptionInfo" "Processing your subscription.
This should take less than a minute."
I knew there had to be a financial motive for releasing this pile of crap

I'm sure when I installed Steam it said something about a free 30 day trial
so I figured after 30 days it wouldn't be free.

Im scared... seriously scared. Surely they won't charge to play Rico ? If they do, that will be the end of Rico, i'm sure.
well now valve has finally gone and shot itself in the foot.

First they kill off thousands of half life players by switching to this steaming pile of crap. (i like that adjective phrase its funny^_^)

NOW they are going to charge the few remaining players...

damn either valve hates its players or it really doesn't want us playing their games.
From my understanding this is whats going to happen....

You will be able to walk down to your local store, pick up half-life or half-life 2 or any other valve product install onto your computer, start up steam and then play half-life 1 or 2 or any other valve product for the next 5 years (or longer) without paying another cent to valve.

There will also be the steam subscription option. For 10 bucks a month you will be able to buy access to any and all of valves products via steam. But there will be a catch with these ones. You just can't subscribe for one month, download all of Valves products and then kill off the subscription and keep playing the products. And from what I understand even if you pay for 16 months and then at the end of that 16 months you are sick of paying for a subscription but want to keep playing the valve products you've downloaded you won't be able to. You will have to go out and buy the products in the store.

So for say $160 bucks (USD), you walk away with nothing. If you play half-life 2 for say 5 years (like I have played original half-life for) that will be $600 bucks (USD) you have spent out with nothing but memories and some files on a hard drive.

I paid $60 or $80 bucks (Canadian) for half-life. Thats it. I have not spent a penny more on that game. I could quit today and start playing a couple years from now and it still won't cost me any more.

I already shell out $50 bucks (Canadian) a month for my net connection, why would I want to spend another $15 bucks (Canadian) just to play one game.

Sure I suppose the 10 bucks for one month is good for testing to see if you like the game, but thats about it.
I would agree that it's good for seeing if you like it... I have no qualms with that...:)
you know, this sounds sort of like evercrack. You pay 40 bux for the game (20 for any of the thousand expansions they have to it), then you procede to pay a monthly fee to actually PLAY the game. These guys are like marketing gods, cause they can easily take advantage of stupid people and their addiction to computer games.
I don't think your that stupid pG... quite smart in fact, you just need to get over that addiction of yours ;-)
i don't play evercrack :P
lol, that's something I never thought of as a response ;-) Admittedly because when I replied last night I was tired and didn't read your post properly... Still interesting name for the game... heh.
strange comic
netniV,Sep 17 2003, 01:55 AM Wrote:lol, that's something I never thought of as a response ;-) Admittedly because when I replied last night I was tired and didn't read your post properly... Still interesting name for the game... heh.
you've never heard everquest refered to as evercrack?

anyways that strip above is hilarious
no, I hadn't ;-) And yes that comic is funny. I never play everquest, never have. A friend of mine has it, and she raves about it... that's about my limit of everquest interaction...
i heard rUsh reffer to it as evercrack, and i wonder if penny arcade has made a comic bashing steam yet, u know they will.
Find out and let us all know. If they haven't lets email them and get them on the case!
i should but they're probably flooded with emails about how to bash steam in their comics. There archives is like the history of gameing, of course they would do something steam related.
they haven't, today's comic was about final fantasy tatics
Final Fantasy rockozors
Here's a head scratcher. This never happened before steam got installed.

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That'll be because your mp.dll and other things have been adjusted to run with STEAM rather than WON.
So... the cache is redundant?
No. If it thinks something is current it'll use it. Plus the cache is smaller than the thing unpacked.
Hahaha... this one happened to me...

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