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These huys were HUGE bigots
Well im at my dads house until like monday so today i spotted these two guys tellin everyone they're ######. Then they started after me " im like what the heck are you doing here anyway go to cs go bug on people that will turn on a comeback", and then they bind saying U suck a dirty D**k diablo go **** ur self all the way to h*ll. And they kept doin that. They flooded the server saying we own this server jack*** get the H*ll outta here. That's when i left
I suppose there isn't much point in banning anyone at the current time...they'll all get back on soon anyways
There's always a point. Just because things are going to be changing doesn't mean that you should let them off. That's like the police/army not bothering just because there is anarchy or the world is going to end... it wouldn't happen, and as admin's we won't stop either...
I would be a TERRIBLE
well, it would keep them off the servers for 2 weeks.
I trust you know what is approved and not approved behavior. Did you XXX in the logs?
give me a date and time. which server were you on?
I wasn't there, so i couldn't comment, plus Diablo didn't say which of the servers this was one...
They wouldn't have been able to spam those lines, so searching the logs wont help. This had to have been on some non-regulated server.
that's what I thought, hence the comment above... one of the servers would replace words with *'s though, and I wondered if that was the one he was on about...

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