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CS 1.6
WTF is up with the riot shields? Can you just NOT shoot through them? IMO they're way too powerful.

Secondly, steam freezing up is pissing me off, I'm sticking to WON until steam is mandatory.
riot shield actually is worthless, they can't shoot if they are using it and when they do shoot, all they can shoot is a pistol or swing the knife. Most likely its good against snipers, but thats pretty much it.

my problem is that they renamed all the weapons, so i have to look at the pictures when buying items, which REALLY slows me up and since they reorganized all the number assignments i have to refigure out what numbers to press to get what.
Riot shielded deagler is as deadly as anyone with a riffle, also considering you can't really tell when they aren't shielded from far away, what pissed me off most was when this guy shielding himself was just standing there, little did I know that he was luring me out so his teammate from the other direction could own me, either way I was screwed. I just think there should be at least SOME damage from rifles when you shoot at one of those shields (you know, like you do damage at people through walls), it's not a friggin' riot shield, it's a indestructible nuclear bomb repellant.
you can gernade them
Not sure if you knew, but grenades only do ~60 damage max.
hey that can be enough to repell them from you, or cause them to move, which they need to take the shield off to do so
Havent' played iut yet steam still download it :/
They have a version of Steam that already comes with HL and CS 1.6, get it off fileplanet.
All I can do is play HL or CS none of my other mods work..and I am VERY disapointed with CS 1.6 its the worst version yet..I used to play CS like krazy...I then stoped and now returnin after 2 years..its looks worse..the guns are worse..EVERYTHING I dont know if its possible but for some reason the graphics look worse but maybe thats just cause I haven't seen it in 2 years. The riot shields are a pain in the ass and gives a damn good advatage over the T's all they have to do is have two guys with shields walk side by side through doorways and the rest of the team crouches behind them..and you can't do shit..but since none of my other mods work looks like I'm stuck playing this shitty CS :angry:
It's pretty early to say but I really like CS 1.6. The shields may need some balancing in the future, but right now I have fun using them and playing against them. Steam is alright too. It took some patience to get everything working, but when all the bugs are ironed out it will be a nice little program. Losing the ricochet enchancements is definitely a bummer though. Hopefully we can figure something out ...
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
think of the riot shield as another awpesc weapon. it's way overbalanced and they aren't gonna do anything to get rid of it, so figure out a way to deal with it.
After playing 1.6 some more, the riot shield looks like more and more of a joke, people can block bullets from a whole team and run backwards into safety, it's utter bullshit, seriously, the shield is already banned from some of the most skilled CS organizations and clans, including cal and UGS. I mean, at least make it so when you have the riotshield in block mode you move a lot slower, how it is right now, it's WAAAAAAY overpowered.
And its way to real life they aren't that HUGE..those are like doors..
Yes, that too, maybe if people were only allowed to fully block when they're both in block mode and crouching, but standing, you should at least see their feet.
I know.... Keep it the way it is, and make it cost $16000. If it still completely shifts the balance of the game, making it cost $17000 will fix that completely.
The shield pretty much killed the point of being extremely vulnerable in a rush, anybody with a shield can get to any waypoint in a map safely, and the fact that they made each pistol more powerful just makes it even more unbalancing.

YES I AM ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ING A LOT, THIS SHIELD SUCKS.
O.o Sounds like I'll be able to survive longer than 5 seconds now ;-)
yeah, if I'm lucky i might be able to get a good 6 seconds, 7 if its a nub server.
You have that same problem too?:)Cool i need to play you sometime!
if i have it installed sure.
Yeah, give me like 3 days notice so I can leave steam to downgrade, er download it, k?:)
downgrade steam??? you mean steam can be downgraded???
No, it's a joke, downloading a crappier version of what was there.
It probably could be... you'd then call it a microsoft product:)
nah, microsoft's operating systems arent as spur the moment as STEAM.
Actually, I don't think there has ever been a release of this magnitude, of a product that flat out doesn't work.
Im really getting into that CS 1.6 soul took me to play at this server the other night and I had a blast, "still suck at it" but had fun

Wha?,Sep 16 2003, 12:06 AM Wrote:Actually, I don't think there has ever been a release of this magnitude, of a product that flat out doesn't work.
You obviously never tried Microsoft Windows 2 or MS-DOS 4.
what about windows ME??? it sucked so badly they had to immediately come out with windows 2000 and windows xp
well ME only had one real problem, and that was the memory leaks (im ignoring stabilty, its a given with microsoft) and u can get free programs to refreash your ram.

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