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not gonna happen
Many of you may remember my hushed excitement over a certain interview I was supposed to have with Valve 2 months ago.

Well I have officially given up hope on this getting completed, and am moving on. Does it mean you will have new interviews up soon? Maybe, maybe not. In any case, I just want to post my official closure note on the subject.

You see, a Doug at Valve politely answered my request through their home page. I was suprised at his quick willingness to help me, and he even said he would promptly get my questions to the proper people. So I wrote up some of my best work yet, and sent it off!

My first reminder nudge was sent about 2 weeks later, when I was told he would get it to me within a week. I sent the final request about a week ago. It went like this:

Please please please please please please please please.

I figured my pathetic attempt would get a pathetic response, yet I did not even get that.

In any case, it really is too bad because it would have been the best one yet, and would have served as a wonderful finale to my forum.

I may continue it as we now have a new set of greats. For now it is dormant, it lies sleeping in peace. If you don't see me on much lately, its because I usually only play between 11 and 11:30 or so Pacific time. I am still here and keeping tabs on things. I still represent RiP and try to take down as many uT's as possible.... except razor owns me pretty hard now, whether he is with them or not. He is as damn good as anyone in either clan!

Hope to see you on! Pmail me if you want more friendly chat.

Beastie (no longer playing as Stacks because my Magic rating has dropped a bit... long story)
I thought I should let you know that last night Razor had a bad night... and I won a lot of the matches... you'd have too ... you gotta play more, get addicted, let everything else fall by the wayside... Life Rico, Sleep Rico... Drink Cococo...dang that advert got to me :/
its a damn shame. :angry:
what's a damn shame?!
Heh, I think he means me not getting my prized.... precious. It was mine all mine... and Doug stoooole it from us!


I would recommend you attempt to contact when things calm down a bit. Alfred Reynolds seems to be part of the developer group and you might have more luck with him. I know right now he is pretty busy with STEAM issues but he seems to be very helpful and good at getting back to people, at least on the HLCoders list.


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