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uT roll-call...
Ok guys, obviously I'm not being in anyway, shape, or form a good let alone great leader and I know you deserve much better. I'm just so damn busy all the time and I really haven't played any games in about 8 months. Yes I've dropped by rico maybe 4 times periodically in there, but that's not nearly enough. I would like to know who all is still in the clan and then I believe it's in order to either disband the clan or appoint a co-leader who can take my place as I'm not around...what do you think uT?
Chentvin, Chentvin, Chentvin :lol: he would be a good Co thats what I think anyway. Dont disband uT!!!.
Guess I could be totally wrong .... but how important is the ricochet clan leader anyway? I mean what exactly do they do?
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
Well, I'm still in uT, but I don't really know who should be co-leader.
Sockhole,Sep 21 2003, 07:18 PM Wrote:Guess I could be totally wrong .... but how important is the ricochet clan leader anyway? I mean what exactly do they do?
What does he has to do? Well, it's hard to explain...they have a lot of things to do. For example: he must receives the money from the guys applying for the clan, he must be called 'Master', he must be told 'wow you are good' even if he lost a match 3-0 by falling in the earlies rounds, etc...
The co-leader should also be someone serious that's why Morning Star and Turtle will be good co-leaders B)
OH guys you forgot to mention my name!
limit is still in B)

Edit: predictable i know, shh.
present!...o wait, this...isn't the RiP roll call :unsure:...sorry

anyways, i always thought uT should be a subsidary of RiP...kinda like the minor leagues. we could let the players of uT play until their good enough to be brought up to the big leagues...i.e. RiP.

so i'm offering my services to be co-leader of uT (while being an active member of RiP) and coach the uT men and that one day they can proudly sport the RiP tag.

RiP has no lives.
And to think the li'l league turned me down at one point and now I've gone Pro ;-) ER, I mean RiP...:)
1,000 posts, clearly no life.

jk with you netiv:P
You think this is no life... you should see the forum where i have 10,000+:)
Quote:limit is still in

Yes limit is still in but I play with him maybe once in 2 weeks and I dunno how long Turtle will be in uT, so it should be me or Chent and I say Chent.
I see Chent, Morning, Limit, Turtle, and this the extent of it?
not that anyone cares but I think Chent or Morning would be great leaders and turtle would be also but I havent seen him to much lately, anyway that is my 2 cents not that anyone cares :unsure:

I care frito, I care...
I'm out, have been for months now.
hadn't realised you'd departed magoo. haven't seen you in rico though...
No man it should be me! ME ME ME!
I'm always on! Everyday!:thumb::smurf:
Every time I go on rico there's nobody on.
there has been less ppl playing due to steam i think, but we're still around. And since we're following the major league analogy, the only thing better then the majors is the hall of fame, ie copperstown, or in the rico world cake:P
Hmm... maybe I should lead both RiP and uT since both have leaders not around so much ;-)
Hah dream on netniv ^_^ .. Chent, Chent, Chent!
I'll always be dreaming if it's uT I was thinking about leading... I must have been crazy:) uT = Unbelievably Terrible ... RiP = Real Interesting People

did I just start WW3 ?

take this to a different thread netniV this is a serious thread for a clan roll call
RiP real interesting ppl? how can u be in it then? remember you have no life. ;)
ok unless RWS or any others have any input...then I'm going to appoint a co-leader out of those who've stuck with uT thus far...and no we're not "ultra terrible" you freaking dork...:rolleyes:
hahaha...Cloud just called you a whale dick!!! THats soooo funny!!:smurf::smurf::thumb:
is uT some sort of a clan? I am not familiar with them.


maybe I should join it.... nah no clans in ricochet, that would be lame.

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