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8 more days....
Ok as we all know by now Half-Life 2 is suppose to be released on September 30, 2003. Which is 8 days from now.

Now here is the problem, It hasn't been announce as going gold yet. Going gold for a game is important. It usually means that most of the major (and a good chunk of the minor) bugs have been found and removed.

It usually means that the programmers are happy with how the game runs (thou not always true, look at the mega RPG for starwars just released, many people have had problems with it and have said that it looks like it was rushed). It also means that the money should start rolling in instead of just out.

It takes about a week or so to make the master copies, send them out to the manufactures and then have the CDs pressed, boxed with all printed material and sent to stores.

Nearly every single game that I know of has had either a leak or official press release a day or 2 before it goes gold saying that the game is about to go gold. Most games go gold about 2 to 3 weeks before release.

With 8 days to go, there has been nothing about HL2 going gold (not unheard of but VERY rare) Also Valve has said that they will release a benchmark tool for people to test their computers to see how well HL2 will run on them. They said they would release it a few days before HL2 is released, I haven't seen the benchmark too yet and there are only 8 days left.

With 8 days to go... will Valve release HL2 with no announcement of going gold or will they step to the plate on the 30th and say "Sorry Half-Life 2 has been delayed for another week because of the problems with Steam"

And yes I believe part of the reason that there has been no announcement of HL2 yet is because of the problems they are having with steam.
To be frank, I don't care... coz I wouldn't be getting it when it's out... however, the schemer in me wonders what this will do for public relations... not my statement that is, their actions...
Quote:Now here is the problem, It hasn't been announce as going gold yet. Going gold for a game is important. It usually means that most of the major (and a good chunk of the minor) bugs have been found and removed.

Can a game go gold without being tested by the general public? I don't think so. There hasn't been a HL2 beta, has there?
Yes it can. And has done before.
A game can go threw beta in house only. Or they can be sent to places that do the beta testing for you. There are actual places that higher people to just play games and do beta testing. They sign nondisclosers agrements before they are hired so that they will not be allowed to talk about anything that they are testing. If they do they will have to pay huge fines and be fired.

Would you risk loosing your job playing games all day just to talk about a game that is coming out months from now?

Do you know how bad I would like to be hired to a place like that... to see all the latest upcoming games and be able to try them out and look for bugs. :D If I could afford it I would pay them to do that LOL

Not all places do public betas. Over at we are actually running a beta right now. Its closed off to the public but we have allowed in about 150 people to take part in the beta to help us find bugs before we release the Mech Pack for public use.
I know a few people who have done that for a living, and with the way I find bugs... I wouldn't mind a go.
This is an article from GameSpot:

Craig Beers
PC Video Editor

The G-Man's Half-Life 2 Release Conspiracy Theory

I find this whole situation surrounding Half-Life 2 to be quite amusing. There is an appearance of miscommunication at every turn regarding the release date, with a hint of unlikely but still possible backstabbing. Speaking of backstabbing, there's that whole spectacle with video card manufacturers. Valve is putting on a good show here, and all I can do is sit back and laugh.

When is Half-Life 2 going to be released? That's the question on everyone's mind. It was originally scheduled to come out on September 30, 2003. I'm sure there was an "or when it's done" clause, but everyone has been expecting it September 30 anyway. I think it's a safe bet that we won't see it on store shelves at the end of the month. So why are Valve employees still saying September 30? Judging from forum posts, people think this is the word of God: "Half-Life 2 will be released on the 30th. Mr. X at Valve said so!"

But Valve is only a developer; the game will never be put into production without the publisher, Vivendi Universal Games. This actually makes me very curious, because Vivendi has remained tight-lipped so far. Vivendi appears to be talking to retailers, because companies like EB have it listed for a November release. Yet Vivendi still says nothing to the consumer, not one press release smacking down Valve's claims. As successful as Valve is, the company can't go against its publisher.

Or can it? Valve has been developing Steam, its streaming content delivery platform. Valve will use Steam to authenticate CD keys, update its game, and even let you purchase games over the service. What's to keep Valve from giving Vivendi the big middle finger and just releasing the game on Steam? Current numbers from Valve say 500,000 people have already subscribed to Steam in just four days. It's a totally viable option. I'm sure there are agreements between the companies, and any breach of contract will incur huge penalties. Though perhaps Valve has some accounting monkeys figuring out whether it's possible that if they pocket the revenues for self-publishing Steam they can cover this cost and still make a big profit. I don't think it's likely though. I just thought I'd throw that out there because it is an interesting concept that may come into play in the future. Who knows where we'll go with Internet delivery. All I know is that Valve is doing a cool job of being a pioneer with the Steam system.

I also threw that theory out there because some other company got shanked in the back by Valve recently--at the Valve/ATI event where Radeon cards outperformed Nvidia cards in tests. The focus has been between the card manufacturers, but Valve is in the center of everything. They knew that Nvidia hadn't released new drivers yet and would be at a disadvantage. Valve may have seen a strategic move here considering ATI's rise in market share in the past year. Just because Nvidia is at the top right now doesn't mean it's invincible. Look what happened to the former king, 3dfx. Of course, there's also a deal with ATI to bundle Half-Life 2 with video cards. Valve is no stranger to maneuvering to better position itself, so it may try to strike out on its own if it suits the company.

Returning to the actual release date, I think the more likely explanation is that the secrecy and controversy is manufactured. Let's face it--you are going to buy Half-Life 2. No matter what happens, Valve and Vivendi know they aren't going to alienate fans. In fact, Vivendi is no stranger to loyal fans who patiently wait out release dates. Warcraft III sold lots and lots of copies despite delays. Their main goal now is to attract customers who aren't quite sure about the game. What's a great form of marketing? Why, word of mouth. Look at any forum. Half-Life 2 is like every other topic. These people unwittingly become free marketing tools for Vivendi. By not announcing a definitive release date, threads everywhere ask questions and draw in readers. It sounds like a sure plan to me. I guess I'll have to join the ranks and post more threads about how Gabe said this and Gabe said that.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
did hl1 go gold? I remember it being quite bug free.
Thats a good question, its been so long since that happened. :)
I can honestly say I don't remember either, lol. Shows we've just been playing without many issues for so long that we've forgotten some of the roots.
HL1 didn't have the hype built around it like HL2. I did not follow the release of the first one too much. I remember stopping by EB that day picking up the box. I thought it looked good and bought it. PC gaming was rather dull in 98. I think Quake2 was the most popular game at the time before the first HL. I could never really get into the whole Quake thing even though I own all 3. HL changed alot in the PC gaming world that's a fact. Now we have FPS coming out left and right with very few being actually good.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
who actually determines gold status? is it the company? if so couldnt they just call most things gold status, and give the customers a false sense of security and would be more prone to buying it impulsively.
yes its valve I believe that will say when HL2 is gold status.

No they can't just call it gold status any time they want. Gold status means its going off to the presses and is only weeks away from release in the stores.

If they call it gold and don't release it till months later no one will trust them agian.
Power and Glory,Sep 23 2003, 12:35 AM Wrote:PC gaming was rather dull in 98. I think Quake2 was the most popular game at the time before the first HL. I could never really get into the whole Quake thing even though I own all 3.
Quake was the all time great back then, with Quake 2 being good but not running on a lot of machines due to the graphics requirements... however, that soon changed. I had many a lan party with Quake:)(especially at work)
Its not happenin..if you look on the internet to preorder HL2 most sites have it bein released on November 14th..I even saw at GameStop they have it being released on the 2nd of Febraury :o;):angry:
Being that unless they delay it several years, I'm not gonna be too early for it... I don't mind as long as they get a lot of the bugs ironed out.
I have heard some people say they have seen release dates as late as march 2004.

So it will be released when its released. Do I think it will be September 30 2003? Nope, I think hell will have to freeze over again before that happens.
something should come out of this sept. 30 though, like a press release or something. yeah, w/ seven days, i don't think they can get the product on shelves in time...

unless...maybe they will release hl2 single-player over steam sept. 30. steam ready?
Gwarsbane,Sep 22 2003, 10:43 PM Wrote:yes its valve I believe that will say when HL2 is gold status.

No they can't just call it gold status any time they want. Gold status means its going off to the presses and is only weeks away from release in the stores.

If they call it gold and don't release it till months later no one will trust them agian.
i mean just calling it gold even though it has bugs, sounds like corporate propaganda to me.
.asm,Sep 23 2003, 02:05 PM Wrote:something should come out of this sept. 30 though, like a press release or something. yeah, w/ seven days, i don't think they can get the product on shelves in time...

unless...maybe they will release hl2 single-player over steam sept. 30. steam ready?
Well something is comin out the 30th...HALO for PC wahoo!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:DSorry guyz HUGE Xbox/Halo fan...
that would be fun, i wasnt that crazy about the controls for it on xbox, would be better on pc.
You get used to the playstation controls pretty quickly though.

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