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Maybe I've been living under a rock, but...
What exactly is Steam? One day I just saw a whole discussion on it, and I have no clue what it really is. I'd appreciate it if someone explained what this Steam thing is using small and simple words for my small and simple mind. :thumb:
Its the new drive engine for valve.
OMG someone please pull that rock off of Magoo's hole in the ground...:lol:
My advice would be to go through some of the posts we have here about it. Also go to for more details and check their forums for any info.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Control. STEAM is a computer generated dream-world, build to keep us under control, in order to change a human being into this... /em holds up a dollar
NO!!! I refuse to believe it!! its not true!
just breathe, pg... breathe.
You can pretend to be an anti-establishment dollar...
*breaths several times* I....I.... I feel marginalized..... :blink:
its over rated i know :S
Isnt Steam a whopping 1 GB on your computer? thats what i saw on the website, so ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** that i got a shitty 16 gb computer im not giving up one of the few remaining gigs i got for some shitty ass valve update. I dont care if steam can crap gold its too big. Correct me if im wrong about the size:D.
My Steam folder is 2.01GB so yeah it's pretty big.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
im afraid to check mine :ph34r: deathly afriad, seriously, this isnt funny.
So far, the only things that Steam added to my TFC is some friend finding thing, a teleporter made by engies, and two gates in one of the dustbowl
hey p&g..why is my folder larger than yours 2.62 gb...<_<
scoot over Magoo, I hear PIX is as up to date on the steam thing as you are.

btw you had a visitor last night a guy name Ninja said he knows you from TFC and you told him you play ricochet...but its ok we set him straight and said we had not seen you since you started playing some dumb game.:P
Quote:hey p&g..why is my folder larger than yours 2.62 gb...

Well it could be a number of things. Maybe you have more mods installed than me. You may have a bunch of things like custom maps for games I don't play like CS. DoD is another that I play just a little so you may have more stuff than me in that folder. I never play TFC either so that folder has nothing but the basics in it.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
hehe, I pretty much stick to two mods, Ricochet and HLDM.. But anywasy after I posted that question, I realized how obvious the answer was....just for future reference, is there any way to remove posts that you've just posted and re-thought it..I've had a couple times like that before..:/
No there isn't only Moderators can. If you want something removed then PM one of us to take care of it.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
u know, i was really stupid. i got the steam installation that came w/ only the ricochet cache...even thought the full vavle cache was avaible. i'm probably the only one that downloaded that...hehe. np though, i just had it update hldm, op4 while i went to bed. i may play dod tonight over steam...i've never played it before.
_Acid_Head_,Sep 28 2003, 07:49 PM Wrote:Control. STEAM is a computer generated dream-world, build to keep us under control, in order to change a human being into this... /em holds up a dollar
omg I about died with laughter when I came across that... if you hadn't posted it, I sure would've.... once I had actually thought about it that is... but as I never think .. erm... err... never mind.. where was I ...

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