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Guys and Dolls, if you are gonna spray, please be mindful of your fellow players, there are only 6 pads and sometimes as many as 11 or 12 people playing, but in the event that your spray is tagged(someone sprays over it), then I believe you should be able to respray. Now this does not mean that if you have sprays on several pads that you should do this. I believe a spray on 1 pad is sufficient.
This is retarded, if you're going to implement this rule, at least make a limit as to how big a spray may be, otherwise people with massive sprays will spray over and over and over, and eventually you have pads full of nothing but massive sigs piled up on each other (not to mention people have less room for their own spray), allow me to demonstrate the problem:

[Image: ssatitagain.jpg]

For now I'll just turn off decals... again.
might i add...the reason why i have many sprays there is because acid "on purpose" kept spraying over my spray..right across the face...also my spray is is very small in a paint program but for some reason hl+mods blow them up..most sprays in the cs community and or others use those limits for their sprays
Quote:might i add...the reason why i have many sprays there is because acid "on purpose" kept spraying over my spray

Three people were using the face spray in different shades of blue, don't start blaming me for your abuse of leniancy. Also, your spray covers up to three of our sprays at a time, so don't be a hypocrite.

Quote:spray is 144x80

I suggest making it as small as default HL sprays (as I suggest it being the limit for all sprays on Holdout's servers), then you won't have so much of a problem with people spraying on yours, you're not the only one that likes showing off their spray in center pads.

Quote:most sprays in the cs community and or others use those limits for their sprays

Welcome to Ricochet, there are no walls, there isn't much room for sprays.
there were 2 ppl using diff shade of had the dark blue..which was on all of my logos and there was a bright blue..which was on 1 of mine...if you go any lower than 144x80 you start to lose detail..things get blurry and you cant see what it is..if sprays are "distracting" just turn decals off..simple easy to use
Acid is correct, your spray shouldn't be larger than the default sprays, and this brings back to the point of limiting your spray to one pad so others can show their tags on other pads. One spray should only be tagged by another if that person defeats them.
that would mean everybody would have to resize it...and i doubt anybody would. 64x64 is to small
On the topic of sprays...does anyone know a better way to make 'em without the "bright blue is transparent" thing... 'cause from a distance all you see is blue it only becomes transparent up close.
and does anyone know why i can see them via steam but not won? i've tried all the download/upload commands in the console (won).
SS once again this is something for YOU to fix, not everyone else.
Freefall, are you in software mode? That shows blue from a distance. Change your video mode to OpenGL or Direct3D. It'll probably run smoother and look better too:)
I'll try that, The specialists (in WON...can't play steam) does that too, in Dojo..or whatever it's called, all the trees are big blue squares with a picture of a tree on them.
this new rule is stupid u still get mass sprays on a pad which will cause lag who even suggest that stupid ass rule?
I understand why the rule as been enforced, though if you really want to do some good just take sprays away. I understand people like to spray their names or pics all over the place but really the more and more that get sprayed, the more lag. And this rule will be hard to truly enforce. Since spaying has caused such a lil thorn...why not just get rid of them?( If its possible)

I really love the jr admins and how they support the admins..;)
yeah, i think this new rule is a little to ambiguous and subject to different interpretation, in addition to the fact that it would be difficult to enforce. i say if your spray get's sprayed over...tough luck. you spray once and that's it...regardless.

better yet, just get rid of sprays all together like quick suggested. just having everyone set it up so they can't see other sprays, if they choose, doesn't work for the admins because they have to see if anyone is using offensive images.
um..thats what ive been saying since forever...keep the limits..1 spray on 1 pad..if it gets sprayed on..respray it..if the person wont stop warn them or something..ask them to stop.and if the ppl dont wanna see sprays just turn them off
quick question? i cant see sprays (thats not the questions SHH), and i have all the upload/download commands set to 1, so can anyone help me out in this matter?
r_decals 300
cl_allowdownload 1
cl_allowupload 1
cl_download_ingame 1
also, i didn't mean one spray per pad, i meant one spray per spray period.
i have those all set up, SS, any other suggestions?
run in opengl mode..if you dont have one already..create a autoexec.cfg and add these commands into it ...these are the ones that i have in mine

fps_modem "65"
fps_max "65"
scr_conspeed "9999"
r_mmx "1"
rate "2500"
default_fov "110"
cl_showfps "1"
cl_allowdownload "1"
cl_allowupload "1"
cl_download_ingame "1"
r_decals "300"
well the opengl mode isnt supported by my video card, but i did add those commands to my autoexeg.
This is a problem - with a very easy solution.
Dont spray at all - problem solved.
frooty you are so frooty :P
I tried openGL and couldn't see any spray period. Only able to see 'em in software, and that's got the whole blue background problem <_<

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