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Dont Do Drugs
Allright im really really toasted while im doing this( 8 ounces of dxm cough syrup yuck acid head knows what im talking about:D) But ive come to the conclusion that drugs are B A D. I just keep watching all my friends getting dumber and dumber cus of drugs. Seeing old friends turn into coke heads when they started off doing pot. Im personally an imsomniac and addicted to valium and cocaine. Those are NOT good things to do be doing. I notice a lot of rico people like to be all" yo man smoke bud and play this game is phat" yeah it can be but dont keep doing it. If you havnt tried drugs pleased dont start doing drugs im really ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***ed up but I think i should tell everyone that it really is a bad decision in your life to make. Holy crap dxm is insane and my brains about to explode. Love ya Grits !
I agree, I mean I don't think it's bad to enjoy the occasional whatever the crap it is you want, but don't let it take over your life. The kitchen where my friend works is a asad display. Just recently he told me about an ex-coke head who works there that has started up again. He was freaking out at work (angry not.."oh my god i'm fu--messed up" freaking out). It's not the usual way he acts, he started again and it's messing up his head and toying with his emotions. Have a bit of fun every now and then, but try and keep it at bay.
My dug and this valley is a huge valley for Methamphetamines and pot. Don't know if it's true or not, but I don't really care. I stay away from that stuff. When you see a drug bust go on and then watch the guy die because he had drugs and tried to run you kind of figure that could happen to you and you try and stay away.
Gonna be a cop and planning to go in to the naracotics area of it.
#5 just wanna spoil other people's fun.:P
Jesus man, you just have to make limits as to what you're gonna do, right now I stopped smoking because I'm gonna get a job, I'm also working out a lot more (biking in the hills). I have also done amphetamines, acid, and coke, but that was all more than a year ago, it was more of a testing period, but I stopped doing uppers and shit like that because I also realize how people end up when they get addicted, I wasn't taking any chances. I still drink dextromethorphan (dxm) once every few months, but I'm really getting tired of the horrible taste, so until I find some safe dex gelcaps, I'm just not doing it again.
yeah dxm messess you up so bad. Cant think straight, move straight, or nothing.
Then why do it?
DXM effects, straight from erowid -

mood lift, euphoria
giggling, laughing
dissociation of mind from body (positive when sought)
creative dreamlike experiences
some users report empathic feelings, forgiveness, warm feelings towards others

pupil dilation
visual and aural hallucinations
decreased sexual functioning (difficulty achieving orgasm)
confusion, disorientation
skin sensitivity, alters tactile (touch) and skin sensations
robotic, zombie-like walking, "robo-walk"
discoordination, reduced agility

upset stomach, vomiting
body itching
rash, red blotchy skin
tachycardia (racing, pounding heart)
some users report feeling disconnected, isolated from others

(There are three plateaus, each plateau is a completely different feeling, the third plateau is full of dream-like hallucinations, visual and aural)
No wonder they make it taste bad. Wonder what the active ingredients are...

Long term effects must be pretty scary, seeing as it messes with the nervous system.

Three plateaus... fascinating. Now I know what I'm experimenting with on my POWs.
Actually, DXM is safer than most drugs, including cigarettes, you just have to know what you're doing. Never take cough syrup that has anything other than dextromethorphan as an active ingredient. Never take DXM in combination with any drug other than Marijuana (not even cigarettes because of the weak MAOI inhibitor). Some people actually take this stuff daily, but I would never take it that often, not only is it mildly addictive, but it makes you feel really, really weird, I would recommend doing this once every other week AT MOST.
decreased sexual functioning (difficulty achieving orgasm)

That's under neutral, not negative???

And thank you acid, the key word is "safer" and not "safe." By the way, do you know how long people have been using DXM for this purpose and by the same token how long its effects (particularly long-term) have been studied? Any case studies?

Just want to point out that with some drugs, you have to be careful in your assessment of the long-term problems associated with them. One example is shrooms... they aren't used enough by enough people to really have any good results in the studies. Basically, we don't know the degree of its effects. Curious if DXM may have a similar situation.

Also, if anyone is curious about addiction, the affect it has on people, and basically lots of stuff associated with addiction medicine and drugs, read "Cracked" by Dr. Drew Pinsky, it just came out a couple of months ago. Dr. Drew (of Loveline fame) runs a treatment center out here in Southern California, and a lot of the book is stories of the people he's dealt with. Lots of high profile people went to this treatment center as well. The guy is probably the best clinical expert when it comes to drugs and particularly addiction. Ok, I'm off to dinner... that's right, no rants or yelling at drug users from me this time! Oh, wait, nevermind, I'm feeling it coming on... abusing drugs is among of the dumbest things a person can do, and if you can't realize that, there is something wrong. If you admit it and accept the consequences of what you're doing, as long as you don't hurt others (which is almost inherent that you will, by the way), and don't praise what you're doing, then have fun destroying yourself.
Quote:That's under neutral, not negative???

It's not really impotency, it's how thoughts change rapidly and how your body feels sorta numb, but not numb at all, it has to do with the dissociation from body and mind.

Quote:do you know how long people have been using DXM for this purpose and by the same token how long its effects (particularly long-term) have been studied? Any case studies?

I did read up on DXM, the whole section in erowid, good information, but I forgot a lot of it, it's SAFE (as in, it cannot kill you unless you don't take the obvious precautions) up to 2000mg (that's more than three bottles of cough syrup), just like acid is safe up to 2500ug(?). I remember reading an article by a doctor that has done DXM every day for the past years, his life is relatively normal, just like everyone elses. I hate people that say "drugs ruin lives", ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** that, people ruin their own lives, if you don't have control, you shouldn't be doing it in the first place.

Quote:One example is shrooms... they aren't used enough by enough people to really have any good results in the studies.

Shrooms, just like Datura, is very unique, the alkaloids are SO unique, that they can only be found in the hallucinatory species of shrooms around the world, many scientists suggest the alkaloid shouldn't even be there in the first place, some natural impossibility... some even say it must be from another world! (jokingly)

These are just main points that I've read on, you can look up details yourself at
2500 micrograms? Good god... that's 2.5 milligrams. That makes the LD 50 pretty small.
I was wrong:

Threshold 20 ug
Light 25 - 75 ug
Common 50 - 150 ug
Strong 150 - 400 ug
Heavy 400 + ug
LD50 (Lethal Dose*) 12,000 ug
I just stay away from drugs- I don't even want the chance of being addicted. I'm a very addictive person when it comes to things that aren't even drugs (videogames, certain foods - pizza - , drinks {not beer, mind you}).

Besides, I wouldn't want any of the negatives of those drugs... esp the long term ones.
the dosage of LSD is measured in 'micro'grams...not milligrams. A milligram of LSD would
cause SEVERE psychosis.

WHoops...i see where you said that.
I'd just like to input that drugs like DXM, Ketamine, and PCP sometimes makes you think certain (very stupid ideas) are actually logical and reasonable (like commiting suicide, killing a loved one, or in this case, Limit was enlightened with the idea that all drugs lead to bad things). Never listen to the chemical, NEVER let the drug take over, no matter how REAL or logical it seems, it's all in the drug. On acid you may sometimes actually believe that you can read people's thoughts, trust me, this is not the case!

edit: Let me add that DXM rarely makes you think bad things, just like the positive description shows "some users report empathic feelings, forgiveness, warm feelings towards others", this is exactly what Limit was feeling, I think of DXM as PCP or Ketamine without the negative mental effects (actually the only bad effect I noticed with DXM is the horrible body itch that lasts for about 30-60mins). Don't do PCP or Ketamine! They are extremely dangerous to the inexperienced user. It really really blows, if you wanna try something like PCP or Ketamine, do DXM, it's safer than alcohol/tobacco, way safer.
"Don't do PCP or Ketamine! They are extremely dangerous to the inexperienced user."

Just want to note that this implies that they're not dangerous to an "experienced" user. One, you know who is experienced with drugs? A DOCTOR, particularly one who specializes in a field related to potentially dangerous and often illegal drugs. Granted, like drinking, people can have a feel and "experience" to find their limits. But PCP... not a cool drug, at all. Regardless of your "experience" I would say never do it. One reason I often make these posts and seem like I'm a narc saying that everything is bad is because I do it as a disclaimer. I often see posts and during games people (in particular, Acid) talking very casually and making drugs out to be fine and not harmful, as long as you know what your doing or whatever, and often makes the argument that pot is perfectly safe. I think it is a bit irresponsible to talk that way, like you're an expert, regardless of what you've read, looked up, or done. I'll say it again with pot... don't tell me it doesn't have harmful effects, I've known and heard people who use pot (non-addicts), they change and they sound and act like idiots. Doesn't take long before your laugh sounds like a cross between a 50-year-old chain smoker and someone with a cold.

I don't know everything, and neither do you. What I DO know, however, is that it depends on the person. Acid and PIX, I offer my congratulations that drugs have not messed up your lives and you haven't let them get overwhelmed. Because you're not addicted to something or haven't let it become a number one priority doesn't make it so for everyone. The brain is a funny thing, and no matter your experience, no matter what you think, shit can happen, especially when you start messing with it. You tinker with the chemicals up there, anything is possible. No arguments on its safeness in comparison with alcohol and tobacco, because I don't condone or use either of them, I just realize that if they were made illegal (as we see with one in the past) that shit would hit the fan. There is no free lunch, ladies and gentlemen, if you take any drug you are taking a risk and making a sacrifice with the poor mass of neurons in your cranium, among other things in your body.
I know one thing you got right, everyone is different, no two people react the same to one drug. You took my point all wrong though, PCP will always be dangerous, but some people that are INEXPERIENCED IN USING THE DRUG OR DRUGS WITH SIMILAR EFFECTS just go for the full dose (or a heavy dose) their first time doing something just so it "messes them up", those are the "extremely dangerous" cases I talked about. I have a friend that has done several drugs at large quantities his first time, almost every trip he's had was a bad one because of this, I know it because I've been with him, and although he says he feels "messed up" (implied in a good trippy way), I can tell he almost out of control. g-boy, from my understanding, you don't have that much experience with drugs, it can really meddle with your brain in ways that you might not think possible, KNOWING WHAT'S COMING can prevent "bad trips", in which a person's mind is out of their own reach, and they lose control. In now way have I ever said here nor on the servers that "DRUGS ARE COOL" or something like that, the only reason I talk about it and post about it is to be informative (notice how many safety tips I've given) and because it's something I casually do out of boredom, I also HATE when people give biased information and accusations on drugs, people that say "WEED RUINS LIVES" and how certain admins have blamed drugs on my bannings, once I was extremely drunk (was given a sober ban then) and all other times I was sober. It really, really pisses me off.

As I have said before, you have to set limits, don't do the drugs that have a high chance at screwing with your life, try them, test them out, but don't do them on a regular basis. I for one, am not ever touching uppers or opiates again (this includes synthetic opiates like hydrocodone, the shittiest popular drug on the black market). A good friend of mine on RC (which name I won't mention) seems to be addicted to Vicodin, to you, all I can say is stop now, before you start buying.
Actually, I haven't touched drugs in years. Why? Because I don't have time for recovery anymore. I don't even drink very much like
in college days...why? Recovery time. I don't have time to sleep the next day to get over the chemical hangover. My days are too valuable now
to give up a whole one to get back to feeling healthy. As to addictions...I am addicted to a couple things: caffeine (i get bad headache if i miss a dose within 4 hours time), nicotine and tattoos ( I got my 4th Saturday). This tattoo actually gave me a euphoric feeling from the endorphin rush of natural painkillers released. The artist actually said, "You know, people actually pay for drugs to get that feeling?" I totally agree.
"I also HATE when people give biased information and accusations on drugs"

Your information is unbiased?
The government gives out medicinal marijuana.
lets see i've done shrooms, pot, drank alchohol, done dust off before, and sniffed a marker once. The only really scary thing i'v edone is dust off and hte marker. The marker high i hated, i'm not sure how someone could want to do that again and again. The dust off high lasted for about 5 seconds, and isn't worth all the brain cells you kill.

Anyways, I feel that pot should be legallized completely. It is no more harmful than alchohol. Alchohol ruins just as many lives as pot does. I also know people who smoke pot everyday and still have a life. Pot also has the added bonus that you don't get hangovers and it is REALLY f'ing hard to get THC poisoning.

I really don't know why people start doing addictive drugs, like cocaine, crack (mostly the same thing), herion, opium, etc. It is easy to test for them, and those drugs WILL ruin your life. I personally think it is stupid to do them.

SO my stance on drugs, is that non addictive drugs (like pot) should be legallized, but i don't like addictive drugs. Also I quit doing drugs thanks to the army. All I do now, is drink alchohol (BEER PONG!).
"don't do the drugs that have a high chance at screwing with your life, try them, test them out"

how do u not do drugs that have a high chance at screwing up your life without trying them?

thus being said, if u can't try it, then it wont screw up your life.
Yeah the best thing to do is stay away from them, no doubt, gg quoting a piece of the sentence though, by "do" I meant on a regular basis, by "try" I meant a one time thing.
ya thats what i figured, just was kind of an odd sentence, asking for clarification mostly.
Pot should not be legalized, since it's smoked, and smoke is carcinogenic. Regardless of the actual reason for illegality, the health hazard of the smoke alone is enough to keep it illegal (seeing as smoke is "the number one cause of death in fires" and all).

As for it's semi-related non-wacky counterpart.. Tobacco is only legal because it's so entrenched in the socioeconomic fabric, that they (the corporations involed in nicotine delivery) can manipulate anything they need to keep their profits up, including politicians. It would be in their interest to sell pot to people, since it opens up more pockets than otherwise possible, translating to more leverage over everything.

Given that aiding imperialism in its stranglehold on freedom most likely wasn't on the mind of the self-serving, self-proclaimed antiestablishment, proud potheads who decided to crusade agaisnt opression, most of them would never see it coming. Optimists? I doubt it. Dulled minds? Maybe. Transparent self interest manifested in wishful thinking? Sounds about right.

Somebody said they wished pot was legal to one of their friends while they were smoking up instead of attending math, and they liked the idea. "Think about it: No more hiding, we can all smoke up anywhere, anytime, and we can't be arrested." All sorts of evidence is provided to back up the case, totally disregarding anything that might actually be used in defense of it remaining illegal, instead countering fictional arguments like "it's more dangerous than any legal drug", "alcohol, morphine, codene, etc. are legal", and "it ruins the life of everybody who uses it, and all their family/friends no matter what". Nothing on how smoking kills 100% of people who do it, how the long term effects of marijuana use cause severe impairment in mental abilities and day to day functioning, how expensive soon-to-be exsmokers are to the medical system, or that tabacco companies are already hard enough to keep in line, without the added market share. Could that be because this holy march to freedom was really just a couple of strung out teenagers rambling between bouts of uncontrollable giggles? That it has no meat to it because it boils down to a bunch of people trying to make their lives more convenient while blindly selling themselves to the very people they hate most?
I'm sorry Wha? but now you've confused the barf out of me. Can I or CAN I NOT still smoke my Popeye candy cigarrettes?
[Image: icon_mastercard.gif]

New computer: $1500
Optical mouse: $45
Leather chair: $250
Half-Life CD: $60

Hearing the sound of a some poor Ricochet s.o.b.'s head being decapitated: Priceless.
only with a can of spinach, and the pipe, and possibly when olive is in dire straights, the courts are still out on that one.

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