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Chat Spam
Ok, tonight, for the first time, I actually left one of GRITS' servers because I felt other people where not showing enough respect. People who chat spam are usually banned, but when you log onto the server, and see a few people spamming the chat with nothing but politics, I feel is going over board, especially if they are asked to cool it a bit, and they just totally ignore it.

I general don't have a problem with people discussing things in general, but when it's plastered all over the news enough to last us all more than a life time, there's no need for it on the servers. Especially when it's supposed to be a place to unwind from the day and relax. Not walk into a mine field of politics.

Or, maybe I'm the only one who feels this way?
ban the word bush and war and sadam and anything else that even remotly resembles a political debate.
To me "Spamming the chat" is someone who continuously keeps typing the same thing over and over again to make the chat scroll fast to piss people off. Most of the time it's people who are messing with the chat filter and spam the automated responses. Depending on the direction of the conversation then I would have done something. Usually I warn, then llama, then and hour ban depending on how severe it gets. If I was there when this happened I would have told them to stop if it was bothering other players like yourself. If they were not being vulgar in any way or being disruptive i.e. starting an arguement then I would have seen no problem in letting them chat. So to sum things all up it depends on the situation to see what I would have done. I will make a mental note of this to watch out for it.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Sorry you left netniV. I never want people to feel "run off" I was there for part of it. I tried to change the subject a couple times but this is something that is obviously weighing heavy on a lot of peoples minds. The server got really quiet when the US president was on TV...very few players continued playing and none really talked at all...a couple even gave virtual hugs to each other. I agree it is a place where we should be able to avoid politics and relax and enjoy 'fraggin' each other...sometimes it is hard to leave the real world out
there were a few of us that were discussing the upcoming war as the prez was coming on in 5 minutes to say exactly that and people were letting out there feelings. Guys we are a community and occasionally do communicate. How can you not think we would do otherwise, of course I do understand if one doesn't have any vested interest or responsibility in this war.
Anyway regardless of your opinion on the war, let's give our troops and country full support and pray for them.
Now knowing the situation I would have done nothing it was a heathy conversation. This subject IMO anyways is very important not only for the world, but for us Americans who are the focal point who at this time are not looked at highly upon by alot of other countries.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I'm sorry you felt that way net, but usually we don't discuss politics and considering the magnitude and timeliness of the events that our enfolding, i think it's inderstandable. i know many pple (including myself most of the time) are uncomfortable discussing politics (wanting to keep our politics private unto ourselves), but if it's healthy and constructive and doesn't become abusive or personal, i think it's ok once and a while.
i really believe nobody intended to disrespect you, including myself, but i think you have to allow us to discuss these extraordinary events sometimes as they occupy much of our thoughts.
totally agree asm.:argue:debates are healthy and understandable, go usa:thumb:
yea go US
and watch us brits roll over to every command bush gives blair... blair's a twat
I got really into the debate because when I read misconceptions, stuff about calling the American (and therefore my) president stupid, I just hop in there. I noticed net saying it was bothering him, and to be honest I did sort of ignore him. I just kept responding to what others were saying, and it just kept going on. Sorry if it bothered you bro, sometimes you just gotta let it out and not sit around passively.
Personally I enjoy debate of any type. Therefore when I play rico and become totally occassionally become engrossed in debate, I am infact using it as a "place to unwind from the day and relax." What some find relaxing others can't stand. I mean, look at computer gaming in general. I guess the solution would be to mute those in question or just ignore the chat.
I love my prez.....Dubya is my hero!!!
God Bless the U.S., Britain and others.:thumb:
Frooty, god bless Blair and his true allegiance to the americas, I'm gonna give him a honarble citizenship
ok, let me make something clear here. I don't mind healthy debates, in fact, I'm one of the more argumentative types of people for debating. I love 'em. The problem is that when your in game like that trying to relax and all you get is long lines of text scrolling up the bottom half of your screen from a lot of people who all are pretty wound up about what they are disgussing... then I say that online game chat isn't the channel for it.

If there's a full blown online debate, that's what IRC/MSN/AIM/Yahoo/ICQ etc are designed for. I could tell I was being ignored, and that's the bit that made me leave. If someone had said something about the president etc, then it would have been at least partially acceptable. The only person I could see even bothering was GRITS. Hence why I apologised for dropping out so quick to her alone.

I have little interest in the war, because it has become so you can't really even go a few hours without it being mentioned somewhere somehow. When it comes down to it, it isn't affecting my daily life. Kinda selfish, but that's how you live life. You deal with your problems and try to help out where you can.

So, to sum up. If there's a debate I'm interested in, I'll debate. If I'm ignored, I'll walk away because I'm no fool. And if it's a hot topic, suggest to people to take it outside the online game chat, because I was struggling to read what you lot where all writing and I wasn't even typing half the time (regardless of the point that I touch type anyway).
Well, I agree with what you just said net. I try not to care about the war, because it isn't affecting me in any way, I don't even have a relative in the military. The problem is, as you said, it gets talked about so much. I'll try not to start the debate in a game, and I'll try to ignore it, but sometimes I see statements that I don't like, so I'll jump in, and I start to forget everything else.
So, I try more to avoid debating in rico. Still seems hard... even last night I got into a debate with a guy who feels that society is holding him back from having extramarital sex, that is, a threesome with his bisexual wife and another woman. I eventually got sick of it and just left, because if I stayed I wouldn't be able to stop.
You wouldn't have stopped havnig sex? j/k.

But, I used to be like that. Now I just get involved with a few odd things, but only if I think there aren't gonna explode. Once they do, I just quit it if it's in the game. Things like the war get everyone going though, and so that makes reading/responding/playing tough because it's just scrolling past you constantly.

So, what is worse? Dedicated chat spam of repeating the same line over and over? Or someone arguing their heart out completely ignoring other user requests to calm it down....?
You ######s, I bought a microphone for nothing, JUST MUTE THE "SPAMMERS" FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

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