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rc_scaffold - Download and SS
I just finished my arena map. I wanted to make it look like more than just a few pads and bumpers. So I build a yellow thing around it. It looks like a scaffold to me so I called it rc_scaffold. There are some good jumps the only problems I see right now is the lack of bumpers (save the map border) and the fact that there is no way off the rear pad except the normal jumps (no fancy jumps that will prevent a skilled player from predecting you), but maybe these wont be a problem.

[Image: rc_scaffold_b10000.jpg]

Download links:

rc_noxochet - Posted about this map yesterday. DM map. Find the thread for a screeny I'm too lazy to post it again:P

And GRITS, I can't send attachments because my e-mail client is dumb. Is there any other way to give them to you for the server?
If you cant send it to me on IM maybe you can just set up your server and I will come in and d/l
yeah that would work...let me know
MSN [email protected]
great looking map nox, hope it works as well, think you should be able to transfer on ms or im but you have to allow file sharing to grits and then change settings once done right?
Looks good man, looks good.
I think we all had a great time playing them the other night. scaffold still has some bugs and all the "scaffolding" may cause seizures in some... noxochet was very fast pace and seemed to be a hit, it had some cool jumps, I love the arrows on the rails at the end. Speaking of rails....some people ended up walking on them...that was so ping went up some, but it was a full sever (12) and a lot of action. I guess the most fun for me was...I surprised everyone by doing better than most...just kidding....the most fun was 'listening' to Pique and Nox talk "shop" about the making of maps. :wub: Good Job Nox.
It looks awsome :D
I'm gonna remove the yellow thing that goes around it ;p and the bars along the edges on the DM map will be fixed. I don't want people walking ont he edges. The other ones are fine though. I think it actually adds to gameplay, makes an extra two jumps possible:)

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