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Calling all players....
I'm sending this request out to all the players of all the different mods we have here.

I need screenshots from all 3 mods. I would prefer action shots or close up shots of some of the characters in game. Basically I need stuff in the shot that says what game it is.

I don't have Counter-Strike or The Specialists so I know I will need others to provide screen shots from those 2 mods. But if you can get a cool shot in Ricochet grab it and send it to me.

I don't care how big the images are. Anything from 800x600 and up. Just remember thou the larger the better. It gives me a larger area to work with.

I don't mind getting them in BMP format, but if you can provide an uncompressed jpg format. Just remember that the larger the image the larger the bit map will be. You can compress a BMP program with winrar or winzip.

Send me a PM or post in this topic when you have a screenshot that you think I might like.

I will try to provide an FTP for people to upload to if you have access to an FTP client program.
I can send you my hom e-mail address (do not send to my hotmail account cause it sucks for larger files)
if you have me in msn you can send it to me that way
you can upload it to your own person website (if you have one) and send me a link via PM so I can download it that way.

I bet by now you are asking what this if for, well its a little project I am working on and I just need some screenshots. Anyones screenshots that are used will recieve credit for them of course.
I will get frito to die in all sorts of poses for me tonight ;-) I have all mods and so does he. As an example of my work:

[Image: ts_greenhouse_scream.jpg]
Let me dig through my hundreds of TS screenshots, I'm bound to have a badass one lol.

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Pretty cool-looking The Specialists shots.

[Image: backflip.jpg]
[Image: cometgun.jpg]
[Image: cratering.jpg]
[Image: dodge.jpg]
[Image: dodge2.jpg]


[Image: lookincool.jpg]
I liked those Specialists one...very nice.

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Quickening,Jan 26 2004, 11:30 PM Wrote:...
I think the words on this screen sum it up completely Quickening ;-)
heres one

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heres two

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heres three

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and heres 4

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heres a rico one

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Discs galore...

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So that's where the =noob guys went... I think I've made some friends:D(look at how I'm "phat", which is the good version)
Lots of good pictures here guys, keep them up.

If you can, can I get a couple of close up shots of people just standing in one place. without the crosshairs on them. I would like to get as clear a shot as I can. Thanks :)
its amazing what the hl engine can do with a few updates.

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That last CS one is perfect Sage, its just what I was looking for, a nice clean shot of one of the characters.

If others can do the same that would be great. If you can get a little closer to the character. If not that is perfect.
Heres one that will make any ricochet player scratch their head.

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Terrorist hiding from CTs. I think this one's netniV:)

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CT in his death throes

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MORE goodness, High-def hostie.

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Dying is fun.

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Sweet level.

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You can always download Half Life Model Viewer and a few custom models and get some close up shots.
RushJet1,Feb 4 2004, 10:04 AM Wrote:MORE goodness, High-def hostie.
you just might want to consider a lower resolution, seeing how your fps is a little, uh, low.
You think 26 fps is low????

I play games at 15 fps. :D
It's no wonder we can't hit you half the time... especially when we really wanna ;-)
I've locked the FPS at 30. I can't play at 60 anymore... I dunno why... just used to 30. Gives the game a more movie-like quality;)

For the hostie pic, I have Truform on, so it gives it more polygons. The reason the level shot is going 26fps is Zbuffering is OFF and Truform is trying to add polys to everything even if it can't.

I usually leave truform off as it lags a lot with hosties and dead people.

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