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Daily duties
Its almost 3:30 today and i'm going alittle stir crazy. I took the day off(my firs since july 24th), thought I would go out and do some sight seeing, well wouldn't you know its rained all day, so I stayed in. Luckily the tournament championship golf tourney came on at 1 or otherwise I would go nuts. Normally I work from 8 to 6 or 7 at night and when I get home, I play a bit, watch some tele, or go out for dinner. Since I can't golf right now, there isn't really a reason to take much time off. My question is, what do you do when you have the whole day completely to yourself?
You could go see Matrix...the early show!!!
you could also do some housework, if your lifestyle is at all like mine, it could really use it ^_^
Call me lets work something out....I hate to see a slug bored :lol:
You could find someone out on the street or in a mall or something and follow them till the police come after you.... not that I've done that:)
Light a fire, pick up a book and read all day. Or you could go on the wild side and go outside, get totally soaked in rain and slide on your stomach across the front yard.
I go to the gym, and if I am really bored I hang out there and watch the girls play racketball. or you could do what my buddy use to do when we were younger and go to the mall and say things to people that would make them think you are a secret agent waiting for your contact, like "take me to the beetle" or "the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain" and look at them like they need to give you the other part of the conversation.
Is that the same as going in JC PENNEY in the lingerie shop, looking at the manakins, flipping bras, and shouting out "Anyone want to hear some dirty jokes"

god, to see the old blood get going.
ummm, not that i would have done that, (disclaimer)
1.sleep until about..hmmm 12:00 or 1:00pm. some food
3.take care of hygein.
4.usually sit on my ass or I go driving for a couple hours(which also entails sitting on my ass). this time it's getting closer to evening so I usually go out, assuming I'm not already out driving. If that is the case though, then, I just stay out.
that just goes to show you we have lives:P

You could also learn to play an instrument, if u dont know how, and if u do, play it, i try to play my guitar as much as i can.
Ya, I'm kind of in a band. It's not really a band though more like..a collaboration. Me and a couple of my friends bought some time at a studio to make a cd but we only got 1 song done. Now we know how to do it though so all we need are the proper mics and "pro tools" (mac program). I'm second guitar.
When I'm home, I watch the clock and count the minutes till I have to go back to work. It's quite torturous.
I'm AT work now and I'm counting the hours till Monday morning. MAKE IT STOP.
"pro tools" is a pretty common studio program, not sure if its the industry standard, but i know its popular. It even has a voice editing software, so if your experianced enough with it, you can make anyone sound good, right jabba?:P
freefall, can you post the song you guys finished in mp3 format somewhere?
It's a coiver of Go with the flow by Queens of the Stone age. I don't have it but my friend has it on kazaa, of course he's the only one in the world with it, so he kinda has to be on to download it. I'll see if I can get a copy from him though.

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