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A little history
A week prior to my banning, I went through a number of personal problems. 1. Had to switch schools. 2. Brother moves to Japan. 3. Wreck my car and almost die, losing 50% of the nerve fealings in the right side of my face. 4. Dog dies. 5. Girl friend cheats on me, so i break up with her.
Now, im not trying, i repeat, not trying at all to tap into the sympathy box, but I feal this might help some people understand why I was "two faced". Jabba, I can understand what you mean now. I remember, as will most of you hopefully, that i was just a friendly little stoned hippy in ricochet. I tried to be polite, always said hello, goodbye, good game, My Fault (for blocking) etc. I didnt shun newbies, but tried to help them when they asked the same rediculous questions over and over again. However during this week where I endured numerous personal difficulties, including paying $500 dollars in fines due to a car wreck, I was in a state of mental anguish to say. I was rubbed the wrong way by admins, who for some reason or another, decided to kick or temp ban me. They reserve the right to do this, but I did not know that. So how did I handle this? Forget the peacefull old ThisShitsTrippy, I went into berserker mode, throwing the most vile and hatefull messages at people that I could think of at the moment, where I was strongly absorbed in a high level of cocaine. Yes I acted the fool, Yes I sincerely apologise to those who recieved these messages as they were uncalled for. Private talking in a mature fashion would have been the Trippy thing to do. The regrets are all on my side here honestly, and im not going to allow myself to be provoked by people who did not accept my first appology. Again, while i do not feal comfortable revealing these things as they are extremely personal and nerve wracking, it might be for the better so that some of you can see why I went from calm and peacefull to utterly insane. At first I did not understand Jabba's Two Faced theory, but now I do. Again, I only ask for understanding here. Anyone feal free to reply to this, but please do not try to provoke me by calling me a crybaby or what not, Im just trying to give a more in-depth explanation that I did not feal comfortable revealing until now. And by all means, my mood has changed greatly. Provoke me to your fullest extent, I will no longer sink down to those levels. I am not a religious man, but sin begets sin, and the lone sheep is surrounded by wolves. Understanding is the first step back into tranquility.
-Peace and Love always to those who care,
I didn't get through reading all of that, but if all that stuff 1-5 is true, damn man, that does suck.
Yes it does suck, and yes it really does do some damage to a 16 year old living in near poverty. But still, this does not excuse my behavior and actions, which were so vile that I hope they are not quoted in this thread of understanding. As Jabba said, Peace. Thank you.
i was debating on if i should post here or not but here it goes..we all have our ups\downs..we have all our shouldnt take it out on others or even post about will get flamed just like you flamed me when i was being honest about exercising and my life...and you wondered why i was so mean to you..what you did is what you reversing it..yes ive been banned alot of times and i shouldnt be used as a example to get yourself unbanned...this matter should be discussed with GRITS on msn or in pm's..not in the forums...this topic generally will prob be locked for obvious reasons..its not a public matter
I know i shoudlnt take it out on others SS, thats what ive learned. Remember, a few days prior the banning i wanted to call a truce with you. Remember? It was silly for us to be flaming eachother constantly, and it still is. The offer is still in the air, I would appreciate it if we could make ammends.
-Peace, Trippy.
i know you want to make truce with me..but it will never happen cause the simple fact even before..way way before you got still had a hissy fit with me thats not forgiveable "wheni called you a kid" you took that way out of proportion and there was no call for it...
SS i know why you can feal angry with this, and lets not start flaming because i dont want this post to get locked. But the truth is, as i remember it, you made fun of me a couple of times for abusing drugs. We have both made insults at eachother, and there is no reason not to make a truce. Im not saying we have to be friends and go eat icecream sundaes, ya know? I just want a truce, an absolute peace between two good ricochet players. Its gone out of proportion, so cmon man, im willing. If you dont want too, then okay, but dont flame me please because im trying to reconciliate with the ricochet community. And i think a good first step is making a truce with people who ive had a grudge against, or people who have grudges against me. For the sake of ricochet, lets just call it a truce, okay man? Shit im calling a truce even if you dont agree to it:)
-Peace SS, sorry for all the smack i talked.
BTW im kicking most of the drug habits, definitely no more cocaine, ive switched to a better school where i wont be stressed 8 hours a day. Im taking martial arts and reading to the blind constantly, so i should definitely be more stable. I also tied up some grudges with people from old school, so I can give a 100% guarantee no flipping-out policy--no matter what threats or dissess come my way!
==Shits mighty Drippy but this game is Trippy!
I think the problem is that everyone took everything too seriously. I think the lesson is to not take any of this stuff personally. And that goes for everyone, including admins. Definitely use your powers as you and GRITS see fit, but also don't take anything people do as a personal attack. They don't know you, probably never will. Aside from this, I have no opinion on the matter.
Trippy I have to say that it pisses me off that this all took place, because I always loved coming on to a server you were in or seeing you come on a server I was in, and then this took place and it and got way out of hand, it is sad that I dont have you as a rico buddy anymore, but chalk that up to lessons learned and go from there, maybe we could find a shared interest in another game we could play together, I do need a CS buddy cus I dont think acid likes playing with me anymore after he realized that when I say I am a noob I mean "I am a noob" :P

what about me..i thought you were my cs buddy :(
man I havent seen you in forever, IM me sometime and we can play. :D
I dont see what your getting at Frito, that im never going to play ricochet again? Thats laughable, we both started playing at the same time and i'll be damned if a stupid little incident like this is gonna stop me from playing. Dont make everything sound so final. And CS? Ugh !!
#15 are sorta banned from grits server..which all the good players play :\
SS your so cute when your angry. Are we still on for brunch on sunday buddy?
hush soul, dont stir the bucket.
:lol:i love you frito :wub:
SS dont take this the wrong way but this is supposed to be a serious thread, and id appreciate it if you dont demean it with comments like those. Thank you.

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