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My poem
I usually don't write poems but this is for my english class. Please note that these are not my feelings it's just a silly poem I wrote so please don't call cops or a shrink :)

Your comments, suggestions and criticism are welcomed.


My self-loathing cannot be contained anymore
I hate everything that I have become
I want to destroy every cell of my body
I want to blow my brains with a shotgun

I feel no fear no sadness
Only desolation and madness
Vengeance burns in my heart I lost all hope
I will only be happy when I am hanging from the rope

Wrath is my protector and death is my best friend
They will never leave me they will stay till the bitter end
They are my apocalypse they are my hell
I now realize that nothing is going well

Beware if you see me on a battlefield
Get ready for me
I am full of rage I am full of apathy
When I come for you I will have no pity no sympathy

I wish I could fight in a war I wish I was dead
Maybe it will all end with a bullet inside my head
Sometimes I wish that I was free and that I could fly
But instead I choose to say goodbye
Nice poem Sieg. I'm surprised your school administration didn't call you in for counseling after submitting
this to English class and search your locker. I liked it anyway. Hopefully, you don't act on those thoughts
and bring them to fruition. As interesting as death may be, it is a no second chance solution.
I am glad you liked it Pix.

But you misunderstood my poem, I am not suicidal or homicidal. English class assignment was to write a poem about anger or sadness I chose to write about anger. I had a friend that committed suicide few years ago and I also lived through a horrible war about ten years ago so I guess I was inspired by these events. And by the way I didn't submit my poem yet but after what you wrote I am going to think twice before submitting it.
Nice Poem great way to express how you feel and I found a crazy one I wrote a long time ago lol well when I was in 9th grade heh but I guess this is how bad It felt.

Tears Shall Fall

Until this day I just couldn't believe,
pain was all I have ever had recieved.
Now I know hate in you is all I found,
to spit me up and throw to the ground.
Looking at you what all I see,
your not the man I wanted you to be.
I can't control this agony of mine,
it's out of control i'm so behind.
Pain you gave my heart turned black,
love is something you always lacked.
Seeing the truth knowing what to do,
all I ever think about is killing you.
Anger in me grows bigger inside,
for now I have nothing left to hide.
To take this knife and stab your heart,
now you can feel pain as we part.
A last breath my name you begain to call,
only saying to you no tears shall fall.
I like it DL, its dark and cool. I never liked writing poetry, but enjoyed writing short stories. Maybe i should work on one. I am thinking about doing one about a futuristic tron like thing, where people try to knock off other people into space with discs. Its a pretty out their idea, so you know its not from anywhere else.
That's awesome anon, I was gonna write about a group of terrorists that try to bomb some top secret government location but there's counter-terrorists guarding the site.
Yeah thats a bit more down to earth, you sure its not a Tom Clancy story?
i wrote a story about a government coverup at a secret facility called, uh, Brown Mesa Research Facility. It will star Jordan Freeman, and the infamous "H-man."

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