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Round 4 (Tourney)
Ok guys, I'll be sending an email out to all of you to make sure you understand the procedures of this round and also to guarantee that you are aware of who your opponent is. We still have 2 matches unaccounted for, but we will go ahead and continue on with the other matches since their will now be twice as many of them (atleast). Ok so this week (and the rest of the rounds) will be double elimination which simply means you must beat your opponent twice before you consider yourself the winner of the match (the best 2 out of 3) the match lengths will continue to be the same, but now there will be twice as many or even 3 times as many incase it where to go to a game 3. [Noxious , Nemesis ] and [LiNuS, Musketeer_Fin] I still need your match results, but other than those guys here's what the matches will be...also please turn in results ASAP and have screen shots to prove the results please. For this week list all scores (ie, I won game 1 (X - X) and game 2 (X - X), thus I am the winner...or something along those lines where X represents the number of wins in the match).

Match I - RulePool vs. Shakira (that'll be a doozy)

Match II - Power & Glory vs. RuNnInG_WiTh_ScIsSorS (another doozy)

Match III - Acid_Head vs. (the winner of LiNuS and Musketeer_Fin) (yet another if LiNuS wins)

Match IV - Shalk vs. (the winner of Noxious vs. Nemesis) (yikes so many great games this week!)

P.S. - Please respond to your emails to let me know that you COMPLETELY understand the procedures of this round and that you will be able to contact your opponent...Thank You.
Should change the name of the touney.. pg's to Cloud's :P
now now...I don't wanna take over the's just she hasn't been around and I'm one of the leaders....I'm just trying to keep it going and do what I can to help...:huh:
Can we watch some of these on HLTV??? It'll be like the superbowl all over again!
Boy that would be fun to watch. It would be just like you were in Spectator mode waiting for
everyone to finish up their matches so you could play...but you would NEVER get to play.:o
I've got some paint drying over here...want to watch?:thumb:
J/K just made me laugh when you posted that. I LOATH waiting to play a match
in rc_arena.
Give my match to Pique. I have got a couple of personal issues that have come up unexpectedly in my family and my heart is just not in to playing any games right now on a competitive level. I maybe on the forums to read or post but that probaly will be all till the weekend at the earliest. Sorry for screwing up the tourney.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
So how bout that Tourney huh? I've gotten results from one pairing that's it.....if you guys wanna continue this thing...I kinda need the info...ya know? Just fill me in on what's going on and we'll work something

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