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No longer checking RIP tags
On two occurences I was in one of GRITS' servers when a player came in with a rip tag using an alias (which I didn't know at the time). I asked them on psay to let me know who they were and one gave me some witty remark and the other ignored me. I had to exit and find out who they were from their wonID's. They turned out to be lil face and g-boy. This is two for two.

From now on I will no longer check players to see if they have a right to wear the rip tag. If the co-leader and a member don't see any need to let an admin know who they are so we can ensure that only real members display the tag then I'm not motivated to do it either.

This only applies to rip...other clans will get my support at this time.

this would be a good time for clans to repost who there members are, all the clans will look out for the others if they are in touch and playing, well I guess except Rip, since they have like 50 players, i could never remember that. hehe. they are getting about as bad as pnp.
Hell, my own clanmembers don't even tell their own mates who they are when they're wearing the tag on some unfamiliar name.

First off, no one EVER psayed me asking me who I was. I would have told you. If the name was g-hizzy, you can't figure out that's me? And if you can't, as I said, you didn't psay me and I never saw you in the server.

And jabba, again, wtf? We don't have any more members now than we've had for a while.

Evil, you sure you psayed the right person? Or that the wonid was mine? Or are you making this up? Forgive my attitude, but in my mind, it's warranted.

One more thing... when did this take place? Are there logs?
RiP is down to about 10 or 11 memebers (I'm hoping to get it to 9) and as for not saying who they are, I don't see why they wouldn't, I will add a post to the Clan Section asking if anyone is asked who they are (when using another name) to answer as soon as they can.
Thanks RP2. I still think there is a need to 'defend' the use of a clan name. I know that the [CAKE] guys really appreciated me getting rid of a tag stealer that was on DM when none of them were playing. Everyone knows [CAKE] pretty much owns that map so I gave the guy two chances to change it ([CAKE] never uses aliases) he didnt so I banned him for 3 hours. I believe if you didn't earn the tag you don't wear it. Or a bastardized form of it.

Here is the log, although based on your post I would expect you to claim I faked it.

L 11/19/2003 - 20:07:00: [ADMIN] ADMIN Command: Stored Procedure used command admin_psay rip who are you?
If u concentrate on the game u cant always see every chat message... or even pmsg.
I agree MS
I always give two warnings before I kick or ban for that same reason. And I always use their screen name in my chat because you usually see your own name even if you arent really paying attention to the chat
I find that hard to believe, because when I'm game inevitably someone will type something to me and I'll most definitely see it. Just be more observant and for the love of god if you're gonna be undercover don't use your own damn tag, that's just dumb. It's like hey I'm in soandso clan...and I play like a certain player you guys know, but I'm not gonna use my usual name...just seems like way too much trouble to me. The cost/benefit analysis just doesn't line up in my head. I also don't think the admins should have to "babysit" and check up on every player who has a tag. Why don't we just make it policy...if you're going to have your tag on either have your original name or let the admin know that it's you, otherwise if you want to be "secret" then just don't have the tag on. Problem solved...
Quote:this would be a good time for clans to repost who there members are, all the clans will look out for the others if they are in touch and playing, well I guess except Rip, since they have like 50 players, i could never remember that. hehe. they are getting about as bad as pnp.

is it only me or Jabba just acted rude? because he is Junior its give him the right to talk like that? we are 11 and i say Jabba should get warning cuz its realy rude to talk like that. So Jabba, will u watch your mouth or think about what u gonna say or else u will start getting the same act from my side too. :angry:
I'll try to be less full of attitude here.

First off, that log doesn't tell me anything... it doesn't show what my name was, or the wonid. It just shows you asking who rip is... and only asking it once. Despite what cloud says, it's not that easy to see everything that people say. Sometimes I'm not in the mood to talk, so I don't really read much. If I saw it, I would have read it. And I never go "undercover" with my own tag. How many other players do you see with the name g-anything? I don't use any names otherwise. Lately I've been using [*rIp*]g-hizzy. Obviously an imposter. Or g-mac... or g-spot... or g-string as shakira liked to call me.

So evil, if all you're saying is that I am required to have the name g-boy with no alterations, and you only ask me ONCE who I am... then I guess guilty as charged. I didn't see what you said, I didn't "ignore" you. Talk about using twisted terminology. You assume a non-response means someone is ignoring you, when they simply may have not noticed because they were in game. You could have used csay or tsay to get my attention. Understand my annoyance when I don't remember doing anything?

Also... I think 20:07 server time translates into 5pm my time, in which case I do believe I was in the server. I also recall carrying on a conversation with lil. So it may not have been that I was playing a game and didn't notice, it could have been that I was preoccupied talking with someone else. I dunno evil, check yourself when you say someone is ignoring you, and I'll check myself when I say you make shit up.

And yes shalk, jabba was being rather rude.

By the way, cloud, I think you misunderstand the situation. If that was me and lil, it wasn't that we were going undercover. As I mentioned before, I have only been using g-something, which most people figure out. Lil has been using "Troma" again, which is like his original ricochet name. Once again, most people know who troma is. He wasn't going undercover, he was just using an older name. Like razor9 using reciprocity.
Ah, I should have been more specific. I just know players in my clan had done that and although I wasn't quite sure if that was the case with you guys, I do know it has caused many problems before and thus I simply aired that message along with the rest.

- Now Shalk about what Jabba said....dude he's just kidding around. People used to be like "omg uT is so huge, they've got like 100 members" but the most we ever had at one time was 14, so don't take it personally. He's just being jabba and he's just joking around, plus I don't believe he and RiP quite see eye-to-eye...
i like jabba. i don't think he has any problems with us a clan (i hope not). i really wasn't offended by his post. i just compiled an active members list for RiP and it came to 9 players plus Trippy whose active but doesn't play on holdouts. the communinity is so small that it seems we have many players and we are arguably the most active as a clan.
CAKE is rUsh, wha?, Smartass, and anonymity, and im pretty sure no one uses an alias.

My two cents about if someone offends you, try to take it up with them, through a pm or something private, spares embarrasment on the person who made that comment, and would be more likely to work co-operativley to resolve the situation. That goes it you have a problem with me as well (sorry if the forums are slow as a result of mass pm's towards me :ph34r: ).
um, did anyone see the hehe there, didn't mean to get you guys all riled up.(I was just using the 10 names plus 4 aliases per member and came up with 50)(HEHE) I thought the comic relief was due there. sorry if I was wrong. Now there is that pnp thing, hmmmmmmmmm.
Here are more entries from the log.

L 11/19/2003 - 20:05:40: "[*rIp*]g-hizzy<61><138073><>" connected, address ""
L 11/19/2003 - 20:07:00: [ADMIN] ADMIN Command: Stored Procedure used command admin_psay rip who are you?
L 11/19/2003 - 20:09:45: "un Named<62><111214><62>" say "sup G"
L 11/19/2003 - 20:10:17: "[*rIp*]g-hizzy<61><138073><61>" say "quoi?"
L 11/19/2003 - 20:20:21: "]riP[Troma<68><525556><>" connected, address ""

Look, you are not the only one and it makes no difference to me. I'm sure its pretty rare that anyone would use the rip tag. I'm just saying if you guys want to pretend to be someone else, don't want to talk or want to be witty when you are asked who you are then so be it but I'm not going to worry if you are a legitimate member or not. No one will be kicked or banned by me. I wouldn't want to kick a legitimate clan member becasue they didn't feel like talking.

Its no big deal.

It's not the admin "support" that bothers me. Just your phraseology. Seems like you're making us out to be bad guys... "if these two don't even care, then just forget it." Once again, ignoring is the wrong word. I now remember that point, and I did NOT see that psay. I remember seeing my name and I said "quoi?" which is french for "what?" I recall saying it because someone said "G?" and that's how I responded. He said "I said hey" and I looked up in the console and noticed that he did, and I just didn't notice. I never saw the psay. Either the psay didn't get to me for some reason (ie, psayed the wrong person or admin mod screwed up or whatever), or it just went over my head. And you couldn't PM me in the forums and say "why did you ignore me or speak in french to me?" or whatever, and you didn't have to make a post saying "hey, look at these guys, they don't care, they ignored my authority."

You know what... you're right, who cares? My frustration only stems from these posts where people are assuming I was just ignoring you, being a dick, on your word, when all you know is I didn't respond.
wait, don't turn this around, I want to be the ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***, raises hand, please. damn, the one time its my turn evil you go and steal my thunder.
We've seen this before. I remember I had to psay Jabba like 4 times once before I got a response when he was using an alias and the GaG tag. It is easy to miss the psay: talking to someone in the room, 7 people in game type at the same time, yada yada yada. It happens, no big deal. Lil has used the alias Tr0ma for a longer time than most people have played this game, he even used it at Frito's reunion, so he probably thought it was a joke. Like when a regular says hey and I say, "Who are you again?" Evil, it's like if you came in under the alias Rebauto and then I asked you who you were. You would think I was joking.

Everyone calm down, let's not get worked up over such a little thing.
Quote:I'm not going to worry if you are a legitimate member or not. No one will be kicked or banned by me.

the ambien i took is starting it's effect...and lounge music i'm heering sort of enhances the feeling (liquidy-smooth continuous voltage embraces me). i love ambien, i too it last, and i dreamt i was in a real rpg vidoei game. it was cool...these women were trapped behind a shield of ice (they looked like really cute elfs)...i brought forth a fire spell on the shield and after punching hte glass w/ our hands, it broke and it was nice. i made a differece and proved myself as a hero.

i hope you aren't going do that just over this incident. rulepool did what he said he was going to and it's clear now that a member will gve a truthful response in the future. so, there is no longer any need to punish us and one of your fellow sr. admins, who has taken it upon himself to ask us to do what you you wanted along.
I thought most people would know troma was lil and g-hizzy was g-boy but oh well:)
It really isn't that big of a deal to be kicking people under clan names. I was the one who brought that up a long time ago and then the rule kind of fell into place. I am sorry I did so, obviously it wasn't absolutely necessary or pertinent in any form or fashion. Gee, just let it die and go about your day, quit getting so damn offended by what people say, accuse, or allege.
Quote:I thought most people would know troma was lil and g-hizzy was g-boy but oh well

Same thing I was thinking.
good god act like its the end of the world B)
its the end of the world as we know it,
and I feel fine

song and group

oh wait wrong thread :P
man..i hate that song lol ;)
i can actually name that song to B)

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