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Gemakk still in Town
I don't mean to put to much attenttion on Gemakk, but he was the founder and leader when I first started playing and for me to still get to play a few games with him is special for me. I was a newb and I am still very hard to learn anything new and Gem was always and still fun to play and respectful of me. I got to be owned by Gem tonite, hopefully I was able to make it interesting for him, at least put up some kind of fight, and hopefully we will see him back on soon.
I saw him on and was tempted to sneak in a game...funny how a player has the ability to pull out the competitive nature of another.
glad you are both hanging around
I could take him.
sounds like a lot of talk to me 16 since you can't seem to 'find time' for your match with [CAKE]rUsh....finish the tourney...maybe then I will be able to handle the ego a little more:P

sorry jabba I went off topic but couldnt pass up the opportunity:offtopic:
but 16 proves my point about pulling out a competitive nature
I played him a few weeks ago, he actually remembered me from the forums, cant remember how i fought, but i was pretty happy with myself.

edit: np grits ^_^
I happened to of not wanted to do anything except listen to my Mp3s that day, so I decided to try Rico on Steam. When that didn't work out AT ALL, jabba came in and invited me over to the WON servers...had lots of fun :P
you should swing by more gem, good to see you on the forums tho :thumb:
I've had to work all weekend Grits, I've clocked in about 30 hours since friday. On top of that I have to do a group assignment where I'm having a problem getting a hold of my group. Maybe during the week though because I only work monday and friday during the week.

edit: There's no such thing as talk for me, I have always been willing to prove myself - you know that, I hope. ^_^
Gem didn't know this, but I locked the server while we played, the best perk for an admin.
Man that's the worst when you have to play a crappy player over and over again, I feel for ya Gem!

p.s. JK jabba
Jabba is far from the worst.
16 dude, did you lose your heart when you changed your name?

At least he was joking
I know Gem, thanks for the defense. He is the pimpteen, lol
I see Davion is coming back too...we will have to have a 'old folks' tourney.
Jabba is the ricochet Diplomat of Destruction.:thumb:
GRITS,Nov 24 2003, 07:09 AM Wrote:I see Davion is coming back too...we will have to have a 'old folks' tourney.
im going senile, so does that mean i can play?
Hmm.. I'd like to see things get a little spicy in the servers. ^_^
Yea same here, but every time I try to spice it up people are like, "WTF 16 IS AN ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** OMG!" and then I'm like "Yo dude I'm just telling you why you suck and I'm better." and then they're like "OMG WTF STFU OMFG FU AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?!?!?!one1111".

So like after that started happening I got yelled at, they're like "Oh be nice." and I'm like "Mmk.", and yea that's pretty much how it goes when anything gets spiced up.
I think players changing sexes really spices things up, I just think I should be able to make fun of it.
Random bull shit lies also do too because then person b thinks something about person a and then person a hears this for the first time from person b all because person c said that.
This topic is getting to be pretty off topic. lol :P
naw, we are still right on there., and Gem is still Da man.....
says person Z25
damn I missed makk daddy, hope he comes back soon so I can show him my new falling style.:blsh:

Quote:Man that's the worst when you have to play a crappy player over and over again

Man, thats sooooo funny!!!

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