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I neeed maaa RICOCHET
As a wise man once said, "Guess whos back, back again, Trippy's back, tell a friend." Ah but just on forums for Ricochet life right now and im calling on all you fine people to help me with a dillema ! I cant get back to ricochet because Steam loves to kill my computer! My Hl.exe file doesnt work anymore so i cant access WON, i dunno whether to reinstall Half life or not, and steam doesnt launch rico at all, it just crashes. But besides that,
[*RiP*]ThisShitsTrippy is definitely back in action, for better or for worse. Of course now, for a few simple words. To GRITS, whom no one else will know of our discussions but her and I, thank you for everything you have ever said and done. Thank you to anyone who pleaded or rioted or picket fenced (doubt that) my banning, thanks to anyone who wished to get me unbanned. Of course next to GRITS i actually have decided that Gwarsbane and Evil Admin are indeed the ones who deserves the most credit from me. I sent him, as well as other, as you admins have seen, the most vile and personally insulting insults that a sick, coked up, 16 year old mind could think of. Yet they learn to forgive and forget, among other people which i cannot list here due to space limitations but you know who you are. I hold no grudges against anyone, say what you want against me, taunt what you want, throw what you want, but guess what. I AM back, and I will PERSONALLY make sure that this kind of incident of a simple flame sparking a bonfire (some people will get that) will NEVER happen again under my watch. Again, GRITS deserves everything that she can ever hope or dream for, just for putting up with my and anyone elses constant bullshit. Let this never happen again, all ammends aside, this was probably all for the better. I, perhaps among others have learned, and I hope anyone who tries to judge me in the future shall think before they act.
Ooops forgot a name ><. Jabbahunt, known you since way back, sorry things had to happen between us the way they did. Hope we can be pals again. Peace.
Welcome back Tripp. Anyhow I don't really know about the problem of yours, I'm guessing just reinstall half life, but I'd wait for someone else to tell you what to do.
Ahh Tozzar my man, i tried that before under the advice of frito and my computer wigged big time. Im hoping netniv or pix or gb or someone with a lot of computer expertise (not saying you dont) has a good suggestion.
Err seriously im having major computer problems if someone could put some advise in here or PM me id appreciate mucho big time. Thanks.
isnt there a fix option when you run CS cd when you already have it installed on your computer? not sure but might give that a try. oh and welcome back trip :thumb:

If your computer is screwing up other than Half Life, you might need to reformat >_<

If your computer is too slow get an upgrade:)

If your steam doesn't work regardless then you can flick off Valve for using Steam like I do.
Err think i figured it out. Deleted a lot of old shit, then reinstalled half-life. Downloading hl1110.exe so then i SHOULD be able to play ricochet. Wish me luck :/.
OKAY ALL WORKS AND IM ACTUALLY BACK !!! dont celebrate if ya dont love me:D.
MY GOD....sounds like he won an Oscar or something:P
I dont think people really realize how much this community means to them until they are without.
I think EVERYONE realized it when they first got choked with STEAM and all the
hundreds of NEW players. All the accusations of cheating and how bad this game
sucks (I still see that EVERYNIGHT) were a startling reality to how good the community
was and how we all felt safe and comfortable with our 'tribe'.

I propose that all the original people over the last 2 years add a recognizable symbol to
their nicknames in the servers to denote membership to the original TRIBE. It would
make all the Players wonder who the hell are all the people with the same tag. It would
let them know we owned this game from the start and there's nothing they can do about it.

Wutta you think? Somthing like t-[OS]Pix notice the t- ?
if ya do something like that why not just do [IB] or something (IBForums. . .get it)
I think IB looks too much like a clan tag and would be overwhelmingly confusing to people already possessing tags.
Good idea though.
Alrightl, I haven't been playing for 2 years, but I know most of the community is that considered part of the tribe?
I dont favor this idea at all. Ive been playing for many a year, but seperating ourselves from other people would just make it worse. Instead of shunning people, try to induce them into ricochet. Just making them outcasts is the last thing a fledgling mod needs.
#17 are most assuridly part of the community. Seperating ouselves is not the goal...just recognition
that this is not some new noob game invented by Steam and that we have been loving it for a long time.

I'm gonna put it up for a poll then.
well if its granted to everyone after a year year period, then it shouldn't alienate anyone. I remember playing DM, for a long time, but cant remember if i would qualify for the new tag, guess that will be another poll.
Kinda sad the second im coming back into the game all people are thinking about is seperating us from "newbies". Defeats the whole purpose of having a community in the first place, sounds more like an exclusive group that anything.
It may not be about separating the community, but that's the way it comes off.
aye thats the way it comes off. I really dont care, let the "vets" do what they want. Im happy playing with newbies and everyone else to be honest.
I spent a hella night last night playing against 15 noobs on one of my frequented servers.
And worse yet...they had mics. This one 18 year old female would NOT shut her pie hole
about how lame this game was and how big a loser we were to play this so much. I wanted
to cut her Chatty Kathy pull string sooo bad. I never see anyone in the Holdouts server playing
anymore or so it seems. You can have as many positive interludes with these noobs as you want...
I'm sick of em and there's nothing we can do. Sure we need a 'bigger' another hole
in my head.
do u play on severed's server PIX?

the place for fun !@!@ (or something)
I don't think i do. I usually do a quick refresh and go into one of the 2 with people in it and i play.
Anyone who thinks they have it bad in Ricochet with newbies and chat spam and mic spam needs to play Counter-Strike for about 5 minutes before realising how lucky they are. Ill be darned if that game can go 5 minutes without me getting called a newbie ass f-bomb n-bomb homosexual blah blah jew jew jew blah blah. Point is, ricochet is a sanctity if you compare it to the behavioral motions of some of these other mods.
Yeah, everyone in CS calls each other a noob etc., like it trully matters how good someone is at a game. But then again, I guess that's why CS is one of the most competitive online games.
That may be why cs has been the most popular online game for about the past 3 years, and will continue to be no doubt once CZ comes out and a CS mod for hl2. Its a fun game yes, but people gotta stop acting, well, like freaking turds.
CS is popular because it's "manley". They think our little game quite wimpy even though they usually stay for
an hour before signing off with the usual insults.

What's funny is that when I've joined a couple servers before, as soon as I first spawned on the first pad, I had a
grenade in my hand for about 1 second then it changes to a disc.
you just have to ignore the chat, thats why i have music playing when i play cs, so the ppl dont bother me. Or if i want to insult them, i'll call them an idiot without them realizeing it, perplexing i know :huh:

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