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Who will win in 2004 ?
Im very curious in active politics, and would love to hear from fellow people. Do you think Bush (idiot) will get re-elected? Personally id like to see Sharpton, yes, a Black president. Its about damn time.
lol Sharpton, he is to "out there" to win, he was in St louis protesting the metro system they have there, on the same day that they were having a party for the success of the system and he and the other protesters were disrupting the party and not letting the speakers talk, now thats fine for a greenpeace activist but not for a presidentual hopeful. I like Gephart for the Dems.
Someone please reassure me that I am not the only one who remembers the Al Sharpton that was involved in the Tawana Brawley hoax of 1987, as I have seen him grow in popularity I wonder how that fiasco that made him so public has been forgotten over the years...
A black president for the US? I am all for it but this is not the man to represent his ethnic heritage much less the US.
Wait isnt Al Sharpton like a singer or actor or something?
Here's the problem I have when people say "yay! a black president!" Isn't that a step backward? I want race to stop being such an issue. I was annoyed as hell at Halle Barry and the media making such a big deal about her and Denzel winning Oscars, making it seem like they were being held back and finally a black woman won the best actress. She won it because it was a great performance, not because she is black! And if it is because of her race, then she shouldn't have won it.

If the best man for the job is black, hell yes he should be president. But why be quick to get a black president in office? What does it matter? Al Sharpton would not be the best choice to represent his party in the presidential election. The fact that he is not white should not have ANYTHING to do with it. I know it's inherent in our current sociological condition to think about it, but can we please not make race an issue when it comes to a political candidate? Can we at least attempt to stop thinking about it? I do not think it is right to want someone in office just because some think that it will advance the status of his race.

That being said, I'll probably end up having a clothespin vote for Bush. If you asked me a year ago, I'd say definitely Bush. But with all the recent crap, particularly the abortion thing, I'm starting to view him as giving the Republican party a bad reputation. I really hope the Supreme Court shoots that bullshit down. However, I personally like how he has handled many things. And I don't see a good candidate from the Democrats.

One last note about race/ethnicity/nationality. Some people view Democrats as more tolerant or more for the minorities, that kind of thing. I'll say that from the recent election of our new governer in California, the Democrats make a big deal about a minority too. They made fun of his accent, claimed that he must be anti-semitic because he's Austrian, and all in all used his nationality as an angle to go against him. Support the politics, not a candidate's family background. Incidentally, people have tried to use the relatives-appeared-anti-semitic-so-he-must-be-too angle against Bush too. Brilliant. Especially when his father was in the United States military. Brilliant.
actually Halle Berry isnt completely black, but thats not the point. Point is, is that i want anyone besides bush. And most of these other democrats are really republicans who are just running democrat because they know that they wont get a republican nominee. Bush senior was a smart man, he makes his kids governors in the two biggest electoral states in America, setting it up so that the Bush legacy and the war in Iraq can continue. Bush is an idiot, hes not even thinking of half this stuff. This sounds like conspiracy theory, but you never see Dick Chaney on TV or anything do ya? Hes prolly the real brains behind the operation. Point is that i liked Sharpton most out of the bunch, he reminds me of a black Bill Clinton. And yes, i love my Bill Clinton, "scandals" and all. Sorry if this came off as racist to anyone.
I was a big Bill Clinton supporter :P

4 more years!!!! 4 more years!!! I dont think the country is any worse for the ware after good ol Bill.

Im just wondering what the steel industry is getting ready to go thru
A democrat.
Congrats if she isn't completely black, she and the media made a big deal about her being black and winning an Oscar. You're right, that has nothing to do with the point.

Not that it came off as racist, but I'm just tired of people caring what the president's race is. A black president would be nice, it'd confirm we've made progress, but not at the expense of the process of electing the best politician.

Bush being an idiot is a matter of opinion. He's not stupid, he's just a bad speaker and comes off that way... and he does put a lot of his religious beliefs into his decisions. But I think Al or Jesse would be doing the same thing.

I won't get into Iraq, I expressed my beliefs on that a while ago. It'd be hard to get a much worse choice than Al Sharpton though, at least in my opinion (I'm sure I'm not alone though).
Meh, I honestly dont care really who becomes the president in 2004 as long as it isnt bush. Arent republicans supposed to save money? Not spending 1 million dollars a week on a pointless war? Saddam never had weapons of mass destruction, and he wouldnt have used them against the USA. Only reason Bush went after him was because they cant find Bin Laden. Bin Laden was our, yes, the United States of America's fault in the first place. We trained him and the Taliban and all that with guerilla tactics in the 1980's to be used against Iraq and Iran. Bush says he will pull our troops out by July. Pardon by french, but thats flat bullshit. Ive got five relatives in the armed forces, one a marine sniper, one an army colonel. And reports saying colation forces are dying at around seven people a day? Why on earth would anyone re-elect this man who is screwing over OUR generation. WERE the ones who will be paying for his billion dollar wars, and billion dollar tax cuts that only benefited the rich. Face the facts, Bush is a BAD president and i just want Clinton back. According to the constitution, a president can actually be in office for 10 years. Two four year terms, a break, then a two year term. I wish Bill did this. Ill defend Clinton tooth and nail to the grave, this is something im dead serious about. Gas was cheap, millions of jobs were created, the stock market flourished, the dollar was doing very well, and overall the biggest crisis America had to suffer in his 8 years was him getting a BJ. Whoop dee doo, he lied about getting his tallywhacker sucked. Bush has multiple drunk driving tickets, and his whole family is pretty much known coke addicts. Im raving here, but I just cannot see any logic in re-electing Bush. Not as long as people in my family risk their lives for this pointless "war".
Bin Laden was not our fault. What the hell are you talking about? The CIA went over there and trained people to fight the Soviet Union when they invaded Afghanistan. Bin Laden was born into money, whether we went over there or not he would have become who he is, because he's that kind of guy. The US did not train the Taliban. Wrong group.

I'm not going to get into Iraq, that's opinion based. Careful with your facts though. I'm going to stop now though, because that whole thing I just read angered me a bit.
Bin Laden is the real problem, the war on Iraq was pointless, and don't give me that "free the iraqi people" bullshit, because that's NOT gonna be the reason the U.S. really went to war. About Iraq not having WMDs, they still found laboratories with containers designed to hold such harmful contents as biological and chemical weapons. My take -> Iraq emptied out their labs when the U.N. came in -> Iraq sent weapons to either France or some Caves/underground bunkers (There is proof that France aided Iraq right before the War) -> Bush looks like a complete moron for going to war in Iraq. It was a mistake, we should have taken care of Bin Laden first, some say he's dead though, so who knows.
Sorry if i got my bin laden facts screwed up there, but regardless we did help him in some form. Last thing i want is to be pissing people off in a debate. Overall point is what acid head said, war in iraq is bs. Bush promised every iraqi healthcare? not all americans have healthcare! He wants a "democracy" over there? BS! Hes gonna reinstate some warlord who will give us cheap oil. We are losing our soldiers, our fathers, our brothers or friends, for what? A pointless war. Yes, Saddam was bad but theres several other ways he could have taken him out. VIA Pablo Escavar in the early 90's, just send in Delta Force to kill him off. Again, my facts may be obscurred, by this war is garbage and so is our "president".
Clinton is no saint either, on the day of the columbine shootings, he dropped the most bombs on Kosovo.
Aye, plus Clinton accidentally bombed an aspirin factory:P.
George W Bush gets my vote again. Of course I have voted for every Republican
on every ballot since voting age. many of you fledgling liberals are
even old enough to vote yet??? I love seeing Republicans controlling the White House,
the Senate and the House. It's a dream come true to see Democrats cringing their teeth
and flopping helpless like crappie out of water.

I saw where Hillary Clinton went to Iraq to have chow with the troops last week. Funny thing
is that none of the troops wanted to eat with her because of her and Bill's views on the military
in the past. She's so fake. They actually had to ask for volunteers to eat turkey with her. Do
you remember when she was president she wouldn't allow military persons in the White House
with their uniforms on and made them serve food at all the official engagements???

The economy is going through it's NORMAL down swing and it now coming back up again. I feel
safe in my own country knowing military supporting politicians are holding the reigns again.
I just paid my yearly dues to the GOP last month and as a card carrying Republican I is GREAT!

i don't think Sharpton is a very good representative of the black population. Come to think of it....most of the
SELF APPOINTED black leaders aren't.
So pix your saying that Malcolm X or even uhm whats his name oh yeah Martin Luther King Jr. arent good representations of black leaders? Well who the hell is cus i know its not Chris Rock. My vote goes to RUN-DMC.
You're gonna lump Malcolm X and MLK into the same group as Jessie Jackson and Al Shaprton???
As for Malcolm X...NO, he was not a good representative of the black population. I really don't think
most blacks have similar beliefs as the Nation of Islam and it's 'white devil' beliefs. MLK was truly
about equality of the races, even though he sure liked to check into those hotel rooms with his
mistresses which kind of messed up his credibility.

You REALLY want to divide this country? Put a Jessie or Al in the White House. Can you imagine how
many times they would pull the 'race card' during the election recounts? It would only take 2 months for
them to change the name of the White House because anything white is oppressive to them.
Er okay then what kind of "race" president should we have? Are you suggesting that any black president would play the race card? That sounds nasty to most people, but its probably true i have to agree. I just dont want Bush:P. MLK was the true representative of a nation divided, fighting for true freedom of the black man. He is easily put into the same divine status with people like Ghandi. Malcolm X had a different approach, but can you blame him? If you were a black man living through segregation and having to put up with getting hosed down and bitten by dogs for protesting your freedom, i thinked youd be pissed off at the white man too! Malcolm X was violent in his language yes, but he had every right to be. Again, no Bush for me thats all im concerned. And as for the liberal underage thing goes, yes i will only be 17 and a half when election time rolls around. But does that not entitle me to an opinion?
Republicans and Democrats are both shit, more and more people are realizing this, hence more and more people turn independant every year.
yeah only problem with independent is that they will never win. Thats probably as likely as a non white male president:P.
I'm saying that if you put someone out of TODAY'S 'self-appointed' black leaders such as Jackson or Sharpton....YES...they would pull the race card
very much all of the time. The do it now. Someone like MLK(minus his extra marital affairs), J. C. Watts, Colin Powell, Condolezza Rice and even Justice Clarence Thomas would be great candidates for president and I wouldn't hesitate to vote for just about any of them. Many black people today hold back from speaking out against racists like Jackson or Sharpton and hide support for conservative black leaders because they don't want to be thought of as white puppets (Uncle Tom's). This thinking has handicapped the black community for decades. As long
as the only black people with a voice are ones like Spike Lee, who rabbles anti-white and anti-Semetic statements with a wave of the hand, then the majority of the country will continue to hold back a vote for black leaders of tomorrow. If J.C Watts ran next year against Bush...I'd vote for him in a second, but Bush is my candidate and I will support him win or lose.

As to black men living through segregation and getting hosed down....wasn't that 40 years ago? I wasn't alive then so I don't rightly owe anyone an apology. As for your right to an all means I am appreciative that someone your age is interested in political events and debates. I am thankful that people have died for that freedom and are working to give
that freedom to others in the world.

And Acid...more people are turning to Independents because people are losing their backbone and are chickenshit to stand up for anything...left or right. I once heard...."If you don't stand for will fall for anything."
Exactly, im thankfull people too have died for the freedom of not only this great country, but the entire world. However, our soldiers, under Bush's "strategic command" are dying for nothing. There is nothing to be gained in this war, and thats why i dont support bush, and why i never will. I myself plan on being a marine, but if Bush is still in office when enlistment time comes, i may have to hesitate on that. Its good to know that young and old (not saying your old pix no idea how old you are honestly) can speak freely among this types of issues without squabbles breaking out. I dont know if i speak for everyone, but i always enjoy hearing an opinion, whether its from a stupid drunk hillbilly or a harvard medical scholar, opinions always help you learn about something.
Question? Are you anti Republican or anti Bush? If you are truly interested in being a Marine, then you better do it while a Republican is
in office. Don't you realize how badly the Clinton's hampered and crippled the military over their 8 years in office? Democrats LOATH the
military and everything it stands for. They cut military spending (your military job maybe) whenever they get the chance. If that is your career
choice and I hope it is....US Soldiers rock!....then go with it and do it well. But consider your views before honestly making this choice. I would
dread entering the armed forces knowing that Hillary Clinton just got elected president. Now back to my first question above. It was not an
accusatory or inflammatory question...just a simple calm question? Please tell me you are just anti-Bush if you plan on saying Semper or die..
gung ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** gung ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** gung ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** one day?

Edit....OMG.....the word was Gung H0.....not
Oh im completely republican all the way. I prayed that McCain was going to get the nominee, but he didnt. He would have made an outstanding president. And yes I know about the democrats and some of their, well, tumulutous (wrong word prolly) fealings about the military. I still plan on going into Marines. And the thing is, ahem
Semper Fi, Do or Die, Gung ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** Gung ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***!
Thats enough for me i dont wanna get in trouble for over-posting.
Well said....I liked McCain also...especially his action as a decorated vet in Nam.
Good luck on your aspirations...I hope to hear good things about you in future.

I tried to get into Officer's school in the Marines and Air Force 4 years ago and being I'm at the top of the
age bracket and fully tied was too damn hard. I did do good on the Officer's tests and qualifications.
I am jealous that I can't start over and do it at your age.
One note about Malcolm X... he went away from the Nation of Islam and realized it wouldn't work, and that's why he was killed.

And I'm independent... nothing to do with having no backbone, it's simply that I don't agree with everything on the right. Same reason I'm agnostic, I don't see any religion that fits my beliefs.

I think the NRA and Right-to-Lifers are a bunch of ***I'm Stupid for Swearing***s and nutcases. I hate them, and I hate that they're associated with Republicans. A lot of social issues I will lean towards the left. I have my problems with the left too. When it comes to politics, I am pretty much Republican. So that's who I'll mostly vote for, although I am skeptical of some of the more conservative candidates.

Independent isn't exactly a party... like you say "they'll never win." Independent just means that you won't devote yourself to one particular party, and during primaries you can choose which primary you want to vote for, whereas a Republican has to go in and vote Republican. I won't devote myself to Republicans because I'm not as extreme as some of the people in GOP, and essentially I agree with acid. I have a phrase that Republicans and Democrats are two balls under the same dick.
I have one statment first: anyone who didnt vote CANNOT say anything. Unless youre a minor than its different. I feel everyones pain because my Uncle got shot (not killed). I almost have a full scholarship to get into the airforce academy in a couple of years to my excellence in Football and I sure dont want any person making the wrong decisions and getting me killed. I also think that going after Bin Ladin is right cause the fact is we are wasting just as much money bombing his stupid little holes. Maybe investing in a cover-up assasination might be the way to go but not a full-scale operation.
You realize you gave up a $60,000 scholarship because you were afraid of getting killed?
I think in about 10-15're gonna kick yourself big time. You have to face those
life death decisions every day.

Politics is what you make of it. I used to be Pro-Choice...but now I am leaning toward Lifers. You tend
to get that way when you have your own children. Extremeism on both sides is bad. The extreme Right to
Life are as bad as the extreme pro-choice. NRA....sure I support gun freedoms...I have a house full of them
and love to shoot and hunt. There will always be sides to choose and choose you must. I do not support
abortion anymore unless it serves to totally protect the mother's intrest. Things aren't always black and white
anymore on platforms. Indepentents just seem to stir up the pot alot of times. They vote for a candidate who
almost never has a chance to win and they dillute the vote. Look at the Green party and how they dilluted the
vote for Gore in 2000. Boy were the Dem's pissed at Nader. But people have their choice of who they want to
vote for and casting a vote is the most important thing there matter what the party.

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