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Player Excuses
I was just on and the player I had just beat got upset when he/she lost by saying "block, manners please", now when I chopped his/her head off in the next round there was no n1,nice, ouch, or any quote "manners" displayed. Then this player left the game after I shouted shup up with the manners shit.
This game is full of different styles of play, I get really tired of all the references of what is superior play. All these moves were put in for a reason. If someone doesn't like the different nuances in the game, they should create a server that doesn't allow such. I atually enjoy some newbs/cheats that try to just block me, at least I can kill them or learn to dodge. The more I play, the more i'm learning to guide myself back to the pads after being pushed or blocked,( and yes I like the push disc) against a skilled player it is harder to get the correct angle to push them into space, otherwise they guide back to a pad or kill you with decap. The trick is to follow up with second shot or a misleading shot, when they are dodging it, your follow up kills them.

Anyhow, I would like to see a little more sportsmanship from the new guys, most of the regs already do(most), there are a few that are so insulted to be beat that they have to leave, but I understand.
Some of the most seasoned veterans and best players of ricochet now or in the past were entirely rude. No GG, no NS, no n1, maybe a sorry if they blocked. Not to name names, but im sure someone will come up and say "hey i dont have to say that if i dont want too" well its damn common curtisy i believe. Again though, go play counter-strike for five minutes...
I don't mind if they don't say it, but to always make an excuse for there falling or missing, I don't think its the other person's responsibility to always say sorry if they didn't do it. I happen to say i'm sorry if I think I was the cause of it, but I don't ever blame the other person for me not being able to dodge well enough. I may say Aw, because I fell, but that is a chide on myself, for not dodging.
As people know, I nearly always say gg. If I bump someone I will say sry. If I get bumped but I feel its my fault and someone says sry, I say, na it was all me. If its a bump and I feel both are at fault and they say sry I say, np it was 50/50

Just a couple of letters can make someone feel good which is one of the main reasons I say gg.

If someone bumps me and they don't say sry and I feel its their fault, I won't say np or anything like that till they say sry.
Yeah, I remember that Jabba. Giyam, or whatever his name is, isn't very polite. I wanted to gag him and kick some afk earlier, but I couldn't get the admin commands to work. Only 4 hours later did I realize I was typing kick "soandso" instead of admin_kick "soandso." I really suck at the internet. :smurf:
I usually dont say gg cause i figured no on really cared but ill start up more then i guess.

i notice some people only like to say gg when they win a game tho, but if i win there is nothing.

Anyway, again. Im sorry to anyone who i offended, ill start up saying gg now.
Well I don't think Jabba meant you KM. I do think it sucks if ppl selectively say gg only when they win....
I think it is all a matter of mind set and personal preference. I enjoy the 'conversations' and when I am "IN GAME" I feel like I am actually playing with that is just my nature to say sorry if I bump and make you fall...sometimes I say it when you get the point...just my nature....I say gg because I enjoy almost every game and I want you to know that I know you are leaving (changing opponents) and that I enjoyed myself whether or not you won or I won....sometimes I will say sorry when I know I was socializing too much or doing admin stuff and gave you a really lousy game....again it is my nature and I am connecting with my opponent, all of you are real people to me and that is just the way I does not mean if someone doesn’t say gg that they are a bad sport, sometimes it is hard for me to type gg especially when I know I played lousy...and then other people just get into a 'gaming zone' and are moving on to the next match without a thought to the last

To is sort a virtual hand slap after a game, sometimes it is a high five sometimes its down low, you just cant tell in type.
I don’t think you have to apologize for bumping me either, I apologize and a lot of other players do, but it happens, part of the game, get over it or don’t play. Just my two cents on the topic
You guys are worried about table manners.....I'm worried about flying to some city and STRANGLING one of the poor idiots who
say that "this game is ghay", "i would be sooo emberrased to be good at this game" and the classic "people actually play this game?"

It's getting REAL bad.
I don't say gg. I don't plan on ever saying it consistently. The ONLY time I say it is after a lengthly match that was really good. And I'm not sure exactly how that's rude. Saying it selectively, that is saying it only after you win, is pretty rude. But really you don't need to say it after EVERY game. I just feel it's reptitive and if people know me, then it should just be a given.

If you really think that I'm rude for being silent after games, make a damn rule in the server that we have to say gg, ns, and sry. Sorry about my sarcasm, but I get the sense that this is semi-directed at me and obviously at people who have my same attitude. I think you should name names, because the whole subtlety thing is a bit rude too... "Oh you know who you are. You know you're bad. You better change your ways." Just say "Hey! g-boy... you're a dick, start saying gg." See? Easier.
Are we saying here that people are actually getting mad because someone doesn't respond with gg after every 10 second match?
I usually say gg or nice but it gets real old when you have to do it every time. g-boy might be a dick...(J/K) but he's got a point.:P

Anyway...when you start having to 'type' the whole starts to get like 'work' and that wrinkles up muh turtle shell real fast.

BTW....are you guys playing on WON still...i NEVER see anyone anymore on Steamage.
People have gotten annoyed with me about not saying gg all the time, as well as not saying "sorry" after a bump. Once again, it's a given. It might also be a lie, because sometimes when I bump someone it's a relief, but 99 times out of 100 it's accidental.
There are some people that get mad because I say gg too fast. Most of the time after a match, i'm the first to say gg. Its like a reflex now because i've done it so many times. I don't have a bind for it either. (I don't think anyone should have a bind for anything less then 2 or 3 words)

Anyway, I say gg if I win or loose a match. If I had fun, I say gg. If I had a ton of fun people will get great game :)

I've only had one wicked game and that was when me and someone (can't remember who now) had 3 rounds that timed out before we could kill each other.

Like I said thou, gg to me is just showing sportmenship.
The problem I have with you saying that, gwar, is that it implies not saying it is being a bad sport. Or that one lacks sportsmanship when they don't say it. All gg shows is what you just said... that you have a reflex. It's two letters, takes nothing to say it. And generally you don't mean it.

I'll use a real sport as an example of my point. In the NHL, there is a tradition that teams will shake hands (more like tapping gloves) at the end of a playoff series. It's a great tradition, and I love seeing it. End of a game seven, bitter rivals, they can still give congratulations. What about during the regular season? Nope, they go off to the locker room and prepare for the next game.

It's the same for me in ricochet... during regular games, I don't see the need and I find it annoying if it's used too much. But during a match, a lengthy one, usually it's a great game. At the end of like the tournament matches, I always say gg, but I also say more, like I spell out "great game dude, that was fun."

It's like a cliche... you use it too much and it loses it's meaning. It no longer means "good game" it now is just something people say... also like forcing people to say the pledge of allegiance in school every day, the words soon mean nothing, they are just meaningless garble that students roll their eyes at as they say it. You make them say it less frequently and at more appropriate times, maybe the words are a bit more meaningful. Does anyone else at least somewhat understand my angle here?
Some people actually do get annoyed. Personally im just annoyed by constant spammers and people who bump a lot and dont say shit about it.
Is shooting multiple discs illegal or rude?? Never heard that.
g-boy,Dec 5 2003, 07:02 PM Wrote:People have gotten annoyed with me about not saying gg all the time, as well as not saying "sorry" after a bump. Once again, it's a given. It might also be a lie, because sometimes when I bump someone it's a relief, but 99 times out of 100 it's accidental.
I gave up saying sorry for bumping after I got good and I'm playing with other good players, simply because styles do clash and sometimes you do drop. If someone does it on purpose consistently, then that I sometimes get annoyed at, but otherwise it's fair game.

If a match has been a decent running one and it's been hard, gg is worth saying as a mark of respect. If it's just another run of the mill match, and you say gg... how do you differentiate between one giving decent respect for a well fought battle, and just an ordinary game?

You can probably express it if you say something like "Very Good Game, I thought that was brilliant". Except that unless your a fast typist like me, you wouldn't get that out before the first round started!
I dont have to say anything I dont want to! lol. I'll tell you what i[m getting sick of: all this talk about peple getting sick of hearing whatever (or not hearing whatever) from whoever.
Well welcome to the feel good, make everyone feel comfortable world!
I was actually thinking the same thing as ][_imit and that scares me a little bit:D
my stance on saying gg, it actually has to be a decent game, i'd say if one specific person falls more then twice, it wasnt a good game and isnt in need of the gg. I wont say it if the person falls more then twice, becuase thats like rubbing it in there face, which is rude. On reciveing the gg, it only bothers me if i fall more then twice, but if i can still make a game out of it then im happier. I will always return the gg, becuase if it does make someone feel better i think its worth the pressing down of four buttons.

I see Gboys point, although i dont agree with it, but i think your standards are a bit high, if i were to take your stance on it, i would say gg on a no fall basis. That way its still a pretty decent game, its the best of both worlds i would say.

As for Gboys analogy, i think its flawed because thats only what you see, i have a feeling since a lot of the old veterans have been on a lot of teams, they would have made friendships, and probably would talk after the game.
I actually started this as a gripe against those that complain/make excuses every time they lose. please complete this.
If I have tried my best and someone bests me, I congrats them, I don't understand the need to always put someone down for winning, I keep hearing , oh you were lucky, I wasn't watching, blah, blah, blah. The game is what the game is, you play each time, if you lose, try again.

ps. I like to reward or give accolade to those that have done well or have made a good kill. I only say gg when I have been outdone(alot lately).
Analogies are analogies because they're not exact. It was to make a point. Nonetheless, maybe you helped my point by saying that anon, because don't I talk to you? Of course. I talk to everyone (sometimes I'm silent, nothing against anyone). I will talk when I feel like talking, or usually if someone says hello. So... yeah, I don't say gg after smaller matches, but I do talk between them and during them quite frequently. Much like the veterans going for a beer after a game and having a talk about life?

PS sorry for being off-topic jabba, had to comment
I just hate it when the winner says gg first, it's a matter of respect.
I say we do like in football and give em a swat on their tail pad...

THAT'S NOT ###### either dammit !!!!!

I'm wit you Acid......
_Acid_Head_,Dec 5 2003, 08:39 PM Wrote:I just hate it when the winner says gg first, it's a matter of respect.
i never say gg, unless the other person does..and that is one of the reasons why
heres the limit goodgame rules:

1) the match must be all 5 rounds
2) no falling, bumping, etc
3) no push discs
4) long-lasting rounds are a must (at least 2 out of the 5)
5) cool moves are cool and add to the flavour, but arent necessary.
6) i have to like the person i'm playing

If all of the above are satisfied and i'm IN THE MOOD, then i'll give a gg (which corresponds to...F11) :thumb::smurf:

Quote:heres the limit goodgame rules:

The above is what ][_imit needs to consider saying gg.....anyone reading this please dont take it as hard facts for the game in general and dont flame ][_imit for his matter how far out there it your opinion^_^
No push discs limit? Even the best players use push discs skillfully... I fail to see the logic.
Yeah I agree with g, I have a lot of fun playing against push discs, unlike before where I just hated it:P

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