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A Little Help...
Okay... so here's how it went down...

One day (friday the 5th) I go to play ricochet--which has always been a pain ever since steam decided to play garberator with the half-life files I told it to leave alone--so I go to gametiger, find a good server in the list, copy the ip, and paste it into the ricochet console just after the word "connect " (that's the "always been a pain" part). I hit enter, and wait for it to work, which to that point it always had. Instead, it sits there, doing nothing indefinitely. I try to type quit, but the CLI won't have it. Escape? Nada. Alt+tab? Find out hl doesn't occupy space on the task bar. Oh sure, it's in the proccess list in the task manager, using 00% CPU, and occupying roughly 200k. Now, I know this type of stuff happens, and ending the proccess fixes it right up, but that's where this gets to be a little perplexing; End Proccess does absolutely nothing to hl.exe. It sits there, the list refreshes, and it remains. So far the only way I have to close it is by rebooting.

I can load a map from the console with "map" and I can change cvars, exec commands, but going into Lan Games, Internet Games, or using "connect" causes whatever this is.

So... does anybody know what trivial thing I'm overlooking, or how to go about fixing this?

...I hope...
The exact same thing is happening to me so im just reinstalling halflife to see if that fixes it. Wait, could Steam have taken over Ricochet... Permanately? Hope not. Just a hunch though.
I've already re-installed, and now I seem to have this:
(though it doesn't help in the least when I try to close it)

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