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I tried to play police last night.
I have the flu at this moment as does most of this country. Last night I stumbled outside to plug in my
Christmas lights and I saw a tall black male walking out of my neighbor's open garage with his lawnmower
in his arms. He put it in his trunk and drove off. My neighborhood had gone down the toilet over the last
5 years since it was built from scratch and I was pissed. I jumped in my Jeep and chased the little bastid
around town trying to find out where this scum lived. I was doing 60 down the side streets but he eluded me.

What would you have done? The corner grocery/gas I frequent 2 times a day 1 mile from my house got held
up Sunday night at gunpoint by 2 black males in ski masks. I was just in there 1 hour before this happened.
If I'd had my gun permit, I would have put 2 in the back of each of their heads without thinking twice. The gangs
and the bass thumper Caddie's rolling down my street have gotten out of hand. What are we, as responsible, tax-paying
home owners to do about this problem?

Do any of you have any crime in your neighborhoods? I know GRITS lives a rock's throw from crime as do you California guys.

Just wanted to see what you guys experience.
My shead was broken into twice. Once I never heard a thing, the other time I heard them.

The first time they stole my bike and some of my grandfathers tools. They found my bike, but they never found the tools. Alot of the tools were old things so they were basically useless to anyone. They just ment alot to me.

Second time they didn't get anything.

I'm pretty sure I know who did it the first time around but of course I had no proof.
Ive never been broken into where i live now, but where i used to live in Georgia, ughn, different story. Pix is your new avatar Toby Keith? And if it is, is that because of my lil toby keith remark ? FUTK !
When i was quite young, around 3 - 7 i think, i lived in a district just outside of toronto, which later was added to part of toronto. Anyway our house was broken into when my mom was pregenent and they stole her wedding ring. Around the same time period a friend of mine, his place was broken into as well as his neighbours, on the same day. Would have been in broad daylight, because i was over their after school waiting for the cops. Everyone put up bars on their windows and basically lived in fear. Every other house had kids in it, around my age, as well as high school students.

We just put bars up on the windows as well as my neighbours, its best to choose a more defensive solution, to a problem that involves people entering your homes. Best to stop them before they enter, not afterwards.
My house has been broken into twice. That was within 20 years or so. Anyhow, Pix about the gun permit... If I were you I wouldn't go around slinging lead trying to be a hero. That might cause twice as much trouble for you. If they are part of a gang then their friends would find out eventually who killed them. So that might lead to some bad stuff happening with the gangs.

Last weekend there was a robbery in my town, 75 feet away from the police station about 1000 dollars was robbed.
Legally you can do a "Citizen's Arrest" but id rather call the cops unless im packing heat. You never know what a criminal is going to pull on ya.
Most people that steal whatever they can find are druggies, crack heads, shit like that. They are not professional burglars, they take huge risks and justify them with their need for a fix (much like tobacco addicts make up reasons in their head for not quitting).

My advice:

- Buy better/more locks.

- Attach alarms to the windows (the cheap ones), or you could put in some of those fake light blinking alarms that scare them off.

- BUY A GUN, keep it under your bed. If you don't wanna spend much just buy a Glock-18c. If you don't wanna buy a gun, buy a tazer(sp) or one of those prods.
I put those metalvent doors on my front and back windows. I want to put bars on my daughter's
windows on the back corner of the house. My wife says the same thing about not getting involved
because of retalitation. I told one little 10 year old corn-roll hairdew bastid to get the f out of my yard after
he was starting stuff with my kids and 3 other good neighborhood kids. He just looked and me and
said some racial shit. There are drug elements in my cove...crack and such...i know this...and it just burns
me up to be so helpless. I usually swerve at this kid when i see him walking to school every morning. You have
to know...he walks RIGHT in the middle of the street and won't move. His family is also the ones with the running
wild pit bulls in our cove. Gonna be trouble soon.

I would honestly like to sit out in front of my house in a chair with Remmington 12 guage and enjoy the sights and
let these troublemakers know ....enough is enough...not on my block.

...and yes Trippy....that is Toby Keith. FUDC! I know all about the T-shirt thing.
life is to short, either fight for what is yours and your right to live freelly and in peace, or take the laid back approach and move, either way you will have less stress. You have a choice, but if you stay, keep calling the police for every thing you see happening and carry a video camera, unless its documented it won't be realized. I know this from the stores i've worked. If you are aggressive not atagonizing, just active, they will leave for easier pastures.
shit man, I live in the Harshest part of town. . .be right back some bastard stole a penny off the sidewalk in front of my house!
my side of town isnt so bad....use to be worse, I think PIX was playing in game with me the day I had to call 911 to report the gunshots I heard outside my window and it use to be you could sit on my front porch and watch "COPS" without turning on the tv....but the neighborhood is getting better but that is because most of the people want to live in a good neighborhood and there are only a few bad people still around...carriage house got tagged last saturday by some girl gang and someone stole one of my little spruces out of the yard...I guess they needed a Christmas tree....
the worst thing that happens in my town is halloween when cops go crazy on teenagers who throw eggs at them.
Pix, you should move to West Virginia. We supposedly have the lowest crime rate. Don't really know if that's true or not, but supposedly we do.
but how many sheep go to the cops, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaady.
Teasing, hehe
Dude i visited West Virginia once and i'll never go back. I went to a ski place, and anyone who wore pink got called a fa**get, well, you know what i mean. It was like 100% white people the entire time we were there, maybe it was just the part we were visiting but man it was eery.
would have been sno-shoe or winter place, but probably winter place, that's more the white trash section.
Yeah it was like Winter Mountain or something i can look it up, they are probably all the same. I wouldnt say it was white trash cus the shit was like 50 bucks a person. But the town surrounding it, everywhere we visited was the same. At the time my older brother had a bushy ponytail, and got called a f*gget like ten times by just random people on the streets. It was utterly disgusting human behavior. Again, im not gonna judge the entire district(?) of West Virginia because of this, but im just saying i had the worst experience of a vacation there in my life! And ive been to almost every part in all the other major southern states and havnt seen that much prejiduce. If anyone does know that already, prejiduce pissess me off.
but if you didn't know this from that area is that when they were calling him that, they were saying, hey brother of my mother, thought you were my dad, want a date?

remember deliverance
I would load up on non-lethal munitions, like rubber bullets and tasers, etc. That way you don't find yourself caught up in a million miles of red tape. Besides, rubber bullets hurt more, and a taser (get one of those ranged ones) hurts full body.

So, PIX, you did grab the plate number and report it to the real police, right?
Totally dark Wha? I couldn't see anything. All I saw was a lawnmower moving into a trunk. were wearing pink?:o

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