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My avatar wasn't "suitable for children" but 16's is? I am confused. Actually, no I'm not, you admins just love my homoerotic avatars too much~
im not defending 16's avatar, nor insulting it, maybe u should talk to one of us if your upset about it.
maybe its a muscular shoulder, but since its not moving I can't tell, lol
:lol: i always dress mine up in pink lace to.
Acid take a chill pill. This is the first time I have seen the avatar and maybe Grits or Gwar did not see it yet either.

I know 99% of the time I do not even pay attention to others avatars since I'm busy reading not looking at pictures.

I will garantee you that Gwar or Grits will ask 16 to change it or make him change it if he does not comply.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
This was so far off topic I had to move it....acid you know better than that :P
start a debate or a new topic, and add a link...Please dont mess up someones thread especially a tournament one with petty faux martyrizing

I will PM 16 and ask him to change his avatar.
Acid, since you feel sorry for yourself and feel the need to bring others down to you, does my avatar offend you also since it's not wearing clothes.
I removed my avatar so I could stop poor wittle wacid head from cwying. Aww isn't he so cute?! ^_^
ill change mine to, who knows what sexual acts are going on behind that snowstorm, its a grey one i know.
yes, you are right anon, i'll remove mine too, I realize there may be deviants out there and I would hate to promote that. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I know Acid is just looking out for our well being.
i better start complaining about p and g's now to, his avatar could be pointing at me :(
Quote:My avatar wasn't "suitable for children" but 16's is? I am confused. Actually, no I'm not, you admins just love my homoerotic avatars too much~

For your information Acid, as soon as I saw the image (which was about 10:30pm or so my time) I brought it to GRITS attention and sent off a request to 16 to remove the avatar.

It was not you that brought it to our attention, it was me just scrolling through the post and seeing it for the first time.

Acid you are very paranoid, you think everyone with some sort of power is out to get you. Who knows, maybe we are. If you don't like that, why don't you just leave the Ricochet community. This way we won't be after you anymore.

I'm sick of your attitude that you have that we pick on you every little chance we get. You think that just because we don't catch something the second someone does it that we are after you because you tried it before and got caught.

Grow up.

16, we don't need comments like that, they only fuel flames.
Yes p and g's sign is very self-abusive, and gwars could be considered intimidation. But to be honest, gwars is a nicer person than I am, I look for every oppurtunity to go after Acid, as I am sure he already knows. But I will try to control that in the future and only do it on Tuesdays from now on.
I forgot to mention, if you have problems with someones avatar, PM one of the admins and bring it to their attention. Don't post about it in the main forums.

We admins will look into it and if its something that should not be on the fourms it will be removed.
Gwarsbane,Nov 2 2003, 07:21 PM Wrote:Acid you are very paranoid
wonder why? hehe :rolleyes:

btw acid, I like your little green creature in your sig, it makes me happy looking at it :)
agreed....i love that chipper little pickle-donkey ^_^.

i really wish there were really animals that looked like that:(.
yeah me too. I'd buy one and then ride it around town :lol:
where did the pickle go?
Gwarsbane,Nov 3 2003, 03:21 AM Wrote:If you don't like that, why don't you just leave the Ricochet community.  This way we won't be after you anymore.

I'm sick of your attitude that you have that we pick on you every little chance we get.  You think that just because we don't catch something the second someone does it that we are after you because you tried it before and got caught.
A bit drastic there eh gwars. Come on its just about a avatar people, dont let it become more than that.
My avatar is actually sexy but no one noticed...or maybe they did and I am so hated no one would bring it up.
what is your avatar evil? it looks like it's half-frog and half-car.
It's a chair used for different sex positions...late 19th century style. Unfortunately, I don't have any pics with it being used.
Hmm, here all along I thought it was a slug.
Looks like it would be a little cold on the hiney;)
it's early model man, it's not perfect geez.
Its the thought that counts PIX :blsh:

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