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Landing of the S jump
For those of you who dont know the S jump, it is when you jump from one of the middle pads to the outer middle pad, but instead of jumping to the same jump you jump to the adjacent jump.

It is believed that you can actually land on this pad, I have a demo of me doing this in arena practice. The demo is just over one minute long, because i'm still not that good at it yet :rolleyes: I also have an AVI file of just the jump, but its quite a bit bigger (13 mb's) if anyone wants the avi file, my msn is [email protected]

Attached Files
.dem   sjump2.dem (Size: 354.93 KB / Downloads: 19)
I've landed it once, but it happened when I was just messing around, tried to do it again and couldn't. I can also sometimes land the jump from a middle inside pad to the back outside pad, but it wouldn't be from from red to red or blue to blue, it is from red to blue or blue to red. Hope that makes sense :blink:
For some reason the attatched file, is way too small.

so here is the link for the larger demo

its only 3 megs so not huge.
yeah i can land her way too much
ya gotta love a man that can back up his boast with tangible evidence

good job anon
i can do this jump very easy ^_^ some of u guys are witness :P
I usually don't attempt to land it, seems to have little purpose... but I've done it just messing around.
Well it is a form of dodge, if they expect you to be air borne after hitting the S jump, it would be much easier to pick you off.
I'm competing with frito over S-falling though... he keeps beating me on that one still :/
o.O still tryin to master the 'S' jump? Its simple - best tip i can give is on the pad you bounce off (in the middle) try and bounce off it as close to the inside as you can - makes it a hell of alot easier:)
I was playing with Mew and Slosh when Mew invented the S jump, he showed us, then Slosh did it, then I did it. Technically, I was the 3rd person in RC so do the S you better recongnize, fools!
:/ lil face,Feb 16 2004, 04:07 AM Wrote:I was playing with Mew and Slosh when Mew invented the S jump, he showed us, then Slosh did it, then I did it. Technically, I was the 3rd person in RC so do the S you better recongnize, fools!
lol mew didnt invent it, and i was the 2nd person to attempt the S jump. lol
I actually can't remember who it was that did it first though :S mighta been razor or someone.....
I think I was one of the first five to try it, and I landed it on my first try. I honestly don't know why it's seen as a special jump... first off, it's not hard to hit, and it's so slow that it has little use except against inexperienced or distracted players. There are much harder jumps... KS and I fooled around with a particular jump that I was the second to land. From a middle pad to the pad directly behind it (behind the V bumper), then back and back again. The first part is hard enough, only good jumpers can do it, the second part takes quick reaction, and the last part is a matter of landing on the arrow again and having high enough sensitivity to rotate the mouse again. I remember KS trying it, finally got it, then I was able to do it several times in a row. Quite proud of myself I was. The third step of the jump is quite useless except for showing off, but if you do the first two, it's very quick and awesome. Many of you who play me know that I do the middle rear to middle pad behind it as a first jump in a round, and I usually shoot a disc off of it. It happens so quickly many get fooled and diced. I love it. What's great is to also darkson stall right off of it too.
I dont meant hitting the jump, that is where you run into the 1st jump, do all stages of the jump and then end up hitting the jumper which sends you of to the side pad. I mean landing on the pad that is behind that V rail. So the only jumper you actually touch is the 1st one. Its on the demo I posted, if you watch it to the end the jump is slightly diffrent. Look at where I end at the jump. Its the very last jump of the demo, and its like 2 min tops. I wanted to get just the last jump but couldnt edit the file.

You can also land on the back pad behind the V on the jump you are talking about to G, its much easier then landing the S jump.
WoooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Why dont we just say i wanted to dress up as your ego, but i couldnt find enough material. On the flipside!
I haven't really tried to land it. I can do the S jump backwards though. I'm proud of myself for that, but that's about all.
I know that's what you mean anon, I'm not referring to your original post, just all the follow-ups people are making seem to refer to doing it without landing. I can land it too, although I don't really try to. And landing the middle to rear jump is easy, I realize that, but again, I don't try to, there's little use, unless I wanna change it up.
Yeah changing it up is always useful as a dodge. Even if you cant read either jump you can still read in which way they will come of it and put a disc their.

As far as ego inflation, i had just wanted to see if anyone had done it.
i honestly never tried it. it was explained to me one time but i lost interest at the time.

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