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Delayed AGAIN
Apparently nvidia, so upset with its fx's performance, is calling for a reworking. Now hl2 will be in your hands on
September 24, 2004

if this has been posted somewhere else then........hell ass damn....

btw, here is the link.
I just realized that this means that i will be in college by the time that i finally get to play HL2. I guess in some way that is kinda cool, but mostly it makes me want to put my hand through a wall. Of course, this is all assuming they dont delay it to 2009.
I thought I'd be playing it when I got to college... which I've been in since Sept. 2003... now I might be a friggin second year student, living in a garage and playing HL2? At least I'll have a better comp then.
This is just some person who says he recieved an e-mail from gamespy. He also don't show no proof that it came from there either.

I think for news like this I will wait a few days. Anyway if nvidia cards have a problem with the game, I doubt the game would be rewritten for it. More likly new drivers for the nvidia card would be writen to do the better performance.

Telling a company to rewrite their game code that has cost them millions of bucks as it is, just so that it works on a card that will not be top of the line by the time the game is released just would not happen.

On this one I'm gonna have to say it "looks" like a hoax. But if you want, go post this over on the planethalf-life forums and see what kind of response you get :D Just be prepared to duck lol
this has been a fantastic marketing ploy. not only have they gotten new people to play HL by stalling HL2, they have everyone and their brother gonna buy HL2 when it comes out.
Since I've seen screen shots of it before when it was suppose to be released sept, I was all ready to buy it. Heck I was even gonna try to get my hands on a new video card to play it.

Then the delays came. HL2 was going to be one of the few games I buy, but now I think even if its released in april or september i'll wait and see what other people say. Also by either date, some of the video cards I have been looking at will have dropped in price and mayber newer ones for the price I was willing to pay will be out.

September 30 2003 ment a sale of a video card and half-life 2

April of 2004 means I will wait at least till May or June before I even think about getting HL2 and a video card.

Spetember 2004... I just might be looking at some other game. Maybe by then there might be some word on Mech Warrior 5. The video card will still be on my list, but if I am playing the same games I am now then there is no need to upgrade.
They have already modified the drivers for Nvidia cards.. it's a mixed-mode of sorts that uses DX9 and 8 combined to make performance better. Read all about that here-
Most sites say still say April. Even though I have no proof I tend to believe the April date. I had hope last Sep. but never really thought it would come out back then.

I don't see what Nvidia has to do with the HL2 release date anyway since HL2 is tied into ATI's video cards.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
well i doubt it will come out that late, but i also doubt an april release, considering their track record so far. im building a new comp in march, so i really dont care as far as being able to run it. but it will be awfully hard to run it if i dont have it.
I WANT MY HALF-LIFE 2 ! ! ! I CANT WAIT TILL SEPTEMBER (again)! ! !:cens::argue::cuss:
Jesus christ....!!! Do you realize how much technology changes in a year? By then they will
have invented some newer, better gaming engine and it will be obsolete BEFORE it even comes out..:lol:
allllllll fake..i wouldnt believe it for a sec.
Perhaps they're stalling so the current generation of gamers will have kids old enough to play. More than twice the demand!
gg DN:F
Pique,Jan 23 2004, 06:51 PM Wrote:gg DN:F
I've been saying that right from the start lol

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