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Another fun weekend of CS
Ok...who DIDN'T have a good time this weekend???? LIAR!!

You people are a blast.

Best moment....
On Militia...Grits was running out with the last 2 hostages....all alone...everyone else dead. The last T was waiting outside.
She got out the door for 10 steps when he opened fire.
She went into panic mode and was looking for him and started shooting the hostages. She won the round cuz she shot them and
the first 2 were already safe. FUNNY AS HELL. Glad I wasn't one of those terrified hostages.
Last night I was on a game of CS on SuperFriends and actually finished with a score of something like 60-23...
I was the one outside when she killed the hosties. Oh and the jaccuzi on militia, very nice when u start to "smoke" it up a bit.:D Good Times.
I did have a nice time Takless....and how do you know I didnt shoot those hostages on purpose so we could win?:lol:
People can call us noobs all they want NO ONE has as much fun on CS as the rico crowd.
I think my favorite memory would have to be when wank was with the sheild and had pinned frito against these boxes in italy. I walk by and frito goes "hey a little help" I turn and cant stop laughing while i try to kill wank. According to GRITS someone else had just walked by frito without noticeing it to.
j00 didn't shoot them on purpose!!!
You told me you didn't and couldn't stop laughing at home when you found out!!!:lol:
I am still laughing at both those incidents....the hostage episode...I was like 'we won?' and PIX was like...yeah cause you killed the hostages and the others were already safe...I freaked I have to admit...I just started shooting anything with a face...luckily all my teammates had already died.......the "frito in the corner" was got me killed laughing so hard...and might get me fired if I don't stop laughing now....he was pinned in the corner by wank with the shield and couldnt get out and couldnt shoot and one of his teammates just ran by...shot me on the way and kept going...I am assuming he just didnt see him behind the shield...and then anon runs by and frito says "a little help here?"
it was glad they don't really issue weapons to us.:lol:
thanks for brightening up an otherwise dismal birthday

Edit: I must apologize your team didnt really suck grape I just wanted to show you some compassion for your misery.^_^
You know that all these things had me in it.:D
yeah wank someone spends waaaaaay too much time on CS server.....and.....stop camping in the jacuzzi and hiding behind a shield every round:P
Heh. I just played Anon / Wanksta for quite a while... I managed to hold my own for once, and won on both points / wins ... Think I was hot tonight, but it'll not last so your all safe.
BAH I couldn't play CS over the weekend- I didn't have access to my computer (on a trip).

Sounds like fun,:(
Oh, me anon and wanksta were playing tonight.
wank looked like a Cheech and Chong movie in that jacuzzi. He kept buying smoke bombs one after the other and setting them off.
Even MY video was lagging at that fog attack. We HAVE to get everyone in that tub and get a screenshot. I must have it for my site.
Buncha men in tights in a steambath. God...i think we have the new map de_sanfrancisco.:lol:

new map ? why didnt' anyone tell me:)
had fun tonight guys....sorry RJ that I "play around" too much...I live longer than most you know why friendly fire is off...:lol:
LOL two names... ESTER AND SAMMY ! ! ! God good times i had with those chickens.:lol:

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Heres a picture of me in my jacuzzi on cs_militia AKA the house:D

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who asked tonight..."don't you like it when people say they like your server?"...I think it was wanksta right after a non rico player said he would be back he really liked the server...not everyone agrees with our CS dogma...but they sure want to be part of the fun when they visit...that is if they are people out to have fun and not just in it for the stats....yeah it is cool that people want to come back and play with us.
I love you guys.
I just realized who sammy and ester were :lol:

Its always a good compliment when people like playing on your servers. I like the refreashing break, and not everyone calling the other a noob, or bringing in sexual oreintation.
lol i think i kind of brought the sexual orientation tonight.:D Ya i said don't you like it when people say they like your server. Very fun server to play on. Its fun to play with friends who uve known.
I meant people calling the other the G**
People dont do that kinds of things with ester, wank. (I know how that sounds :rolleyes:)
sexual orientation can be fun... vertical, horizontal, slanted... mmm... *wanders off the pub with thoughts in his head*
Wank was getting tooo friendly with the chickens last night. Now hes getting screen shots of their chloaca's???

Get that boy some help...FAST!!!:thumb:
my eyes!
wank...i just posted the porn of Esther on our site
You know something wrong is when its green :lol:

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