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Well i came to with a server that i saw him and at start he started to swear me i told him to stop and that 1 more swear he will have to take tag off, but then he kept and talking about my gwar-attidue and that i havn't change. Acid is the one that havn't change, as much as i respect him as a player my respect to him as a person got very much down. we already talked about giving him time period to see how is he and all of this, well when there wasn't a filter he kept on saying ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** you and more and more, the guy havn't change + when i told him to take tag off he just said *I DONT CARE* , i will have to ask to ban him.... read and decide what u think... and he said 1 more thing too, that i have taken the game too seriously and the clan too, well if u think i shouldn't take this seriously Acid just leave. and he also said i won't listen to a 16 years old (im almost 17 but this isn't the point) that think he is all mighty, at the last time that i checked i was from those who builded RiP so if u don't like me at the leader position acid i will not ask from u i will TELL U to take tag off, and im allowed to do it.
You know what Shalk, right here in this thread you're making yourself look like the innocent one. For one thing, none of this happened on any of GRITS' servers, I have been pissed at Shalk for a while because he's an OAF, I have never been able to express myself because of the strict rules on VAD servers.

Shalk came in as "Scout", it took an hour of gameplay before he would tell me who he was (I actually had to guess). He starts acting like nothing has ever happened between us, which is far from the truth. Shalk is the worst leader I have ever had in any game I have ever played, he has no devotion to the clan, he's the kind of person that gets a complete attitude adjustment when he realizes he has more status in a game than the rest of the players (even if it is a little more, meaningless power), Shalk doesn't even have his damn TAG on 90% of the time, what clan/group/guild leader that you've had never has his tag on? He's a selfish little fool, using his admin and OH SO MIGHTY RICOCHET CLAN LEADER status to try and manipulate me into doing his bidding, for one thing, I curse on servers that allow it, the server owner was there at the time and didn't mind, but Shalk was threatening to remove my tag if I didn't stop cursing, and I can now see he's trying to get me banned for cursing on another server as well. WTF? Why should I listen to this guy? To hell with him. I finally had enough of his controlling attitude and muted his ass, followed promptly with him leaving.

Anyway, after a while I knew him and Frooty would be playing on GRITS' 24/7, I had the intention of apologizing for being an ass and say I was just really pissed about past events. But naw, without me having a chance to say anything to him, he said (btw, on some random name without his tag), and you can take this out of the server log if you wanna check " If you don't say sry I won't remove my banning thread on VAD's forum "




You can keep your clan Shalk, I don't want to be a part of it if it has a leader like you, sorry g-boy, sorry for leaving again (for the same reason), sorry to all my clan mates, you're all cool.

Hope this post makes sense, it's 5am and I'm too tired to proofread. Seriously hope you don't actually consider banning me for this guy's lack of testicles.

You know where I am if ya wanna blow steam off independantly. As for proof reading your words, I think the overall concept is in them, and your spelling is way better than mine is ;-) If you are gonna leave the clan, far enough, it's your choice, but don't leave us all ! :-D

u came to appology? so why when i told u i won't delete what i wrote about u (and i came to play with frooty to fool a little we talked about msn), u said u don't know what im talking about and u acted like nothing happend, i though u came to appology but then u don't know about what to appology? i said u acted like an ass but u said the opposite, stop the lying, u are 2 faces, first u coming to appology then u don't know about what.
net, talking to you was like talking to my mother, but online hah:PDon't wanna do that ever again.

I came back to play from time to time, the clan had meaning to me since I've been part of it for some time, during that time Shalk's involvement was very limited ("HAY GUYS I TINK SOMEBODY WANT TO JOIN!11") but it's not a chore, certain people shouldn't make it feel that way, I play to have fun now, not to be the best. If Shalk beleives he has so much authority to just remove my tag without consent of the clan, fine, I'll remove my tag, it's not like I wanted to do it (hell, he even says I refused to do it on the other server), but he is an admin and I know how some people are just DYING to find a reason to get me perma banned no matter how stupid it may be. If you can't stand bad words on a server that allows them, leave, I don't wanna listen to you whine, I rather mute you.

I wish I could meet with you in RL Shalk, I really, really do.
Quote:u came to appology? so why when i told u i won't delete what i wrote about u (and i came to play with frooty to fool a little we talked about msn), u said u don't know what im talking about and u acted like nothing happend, i though u came to appology but then u don't know about what to appology? i said u acted like an ass but u said the opposite, stop the lying, u are 2 faces, first u coming to appology then u don't know about what

I don't know what the hell this is supposed to mean, I think I addressed all of this in my first post? Whatever, it's all over Shalk, you "win".
_acid_head i don't know if it was u or the drugs that was talking to me on the other server, but u said pretty much things that hurt me. i told u to stop but u kept on talking like an ass over and over again, this is the respect i should get? I don't think so. Im the leader, handle it or not, if i decide u act not like u should i am ABLE to kick u out of the clan.

and about u hoping to meet me in RL, we came to threating now ah? Well ur just pathetic.
I hurt you? Read the end of my first post. I have been off all drugs for two months now and don't plan on going back until I'm out of college at LEAST. Again, if you don't like me cursing at you on a public no rule server, leave, I gave you a GOOD idea that I wasn't in good terms with you from the moment I guessed who you were. Yes Shalk, you're the leader! HOORAH FOR SHALK! It doesn't matter anymore though, it means nothing to me, I'm no longer in *your* clan. You can shove it for all I care.

About the RL meeting thing, not really a threat since I'm not gonna act upon it. I just really wish you were next to me right now so I could beat you to a bloody pulp =)
Good that its over.
I moved this thread out of the 'banned' forum. If Shalk wants to try enforce language rules on a clan member outside of our servers that is his choice...I will not ban someone from the Holdout servers for language they use on other servers.

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