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The Simpsons map
Cyberlab has some pretty neat maps, my favorite map there so far has been the Simpsons, I'm playing it right now, I hope you guys will run it on VADS server, it's the coolest map I've played so far. It looks like you're in the Simpsons cartoon:D
Sup troma, asl? Nice title, by the way.
Yeah, its a cool map, has a bunch of audio files from the simpsons. Probably not the best for playing, but fun no less.
What's the website for the server. . i wanna d/l their maps
I don't know who makes those maps, but I can't wait to see what's next
You guys should put aim_map on the server, good aim practice with AK and M4 and a small map for when there are only 2-6 people on.
Too late for edit:

Also think you guys should take out the unbalanced maps from the server, IE. Prodigy, Italy, Militia, that's just my opinion though, I know a lot of people find them fun, but there's seriously no point in playing those maps when others are way better^_^I used to be a newbie and loved being Terrorist on Italy and Militia (kinda like SS, lol), but then you realize how much it sucks being CT. Why have 10+ maps on the rotation anyway? Just keep the good ones.

I didn't see de_nuke on the rotation, it is by far THE most balanced map that comes with CS, you should add it in, very fun once you get used to it.
I love de_simpsons...nuff said

We should add in a couple of NIPPER maps (only the good ones) and maybe Starwars and Starwars2. Oh and the iceworld maps are pretty good for less people.
oh those are like my best maps. I know militia is favorable for terrorists, but italy is pretty balanced. Its not like all the maps are slanted towards the terrorists, de_dust sucks for them. dust2 is ok for both.
Actually anon, dust is much more slanted towards the terrorists. The fact that you can get to bomb site A before CTs infers a much better chance of success. Without buy time, you'll notice a lot of cts buy the bare essentials so they can be out of the gate right when the round starts, that's when we see CTs taking advantage of their positions, but otherwise, no. Terrorists easily have the bigger advantage on that map. If the terrorists actually work as a team and rush A, and ACTUALLY plant instead of running around trying to kill everyone, they will always win. Dust is by far one of the most unbalanced maps ever created. Especially now with the dev team increasing the unsilenced colts spread fire. For italy, I could also put two terrorists in the house, one on the roof of the ct house, and two watching the seconday entrance to the pavilion and CTs wouldn't stand a chance. You'd also realize how unbalanced it was if someone were to hide in the ct house and listen for footsteps in the wine table area. Italy played correctly is by far one of the hardest maps to beat the terrorists at. You could also be like me and never change your gamma, so you just shoot into the terrorist windows at random hoping someone is there.
I don't like aztec. . lets get rid of it. . .

lol. . .i'm just buggin' ya acid. I don't like militia. . a lot of people don't like it. . prodigy is fun and so is italy. . .i like to be ct a lot of the time. . . and I don't lose all the time on maps like italy. . . militia i will agree is completely unbalanced though. Prodigy. . . I suppose it's a little more towards the ct's. . but not really. . . I don't know if you have assault on or not. . .but all it is, is a smaller version of militia basically. with all the hostages in one spot so the t's don't even have to guess where to find a hostage stealing ct. I always end up being ct on assault . . .and for the most part. . it sucks.

putting on iceworld or dustworld or any of those smaller. . basically tdm maps, is a good idea. apparently dust is the smallest on the server right now. . .and that's even a little big for a 2v2.

ps. I like those deagle maps and shotgun maps too. . .hmm. . I wonder how maps like that would affect the weapon rankings. . .
You guys are on crack, dust is very well balanced, CTs can throw flash nades in the tunnel just as much as Ts can before they get to B. Dust is a very very well made map, that's why there were so many 24/7 dust only servers until STEAM came out (it got old). Italy is balanced? How? All you need to do is camp spawn to win.

Prodigy is horrible, there are tons of exploits where people can hide in places you would never guess. The only real chance a T has in a scrim or a pro server is the long tunnel, and CTs just need to spam nades/AWP there.

edit: I played on the Nipper server a long time before I started playing everquest, most maps are pretty big, gotta admit though, some are so crazy and stupid they're FUN. as_crazytank is by Nipper I think.

ATM I have these small maps in my CS folder that I could upload on my webspace for you all to have:

aim_map (small AK/M4 practice map)
aim_ak_colt (see above)
awp_map (speaks for itself)
he_dodgeball2 (one of the most fun maps I've played, nades and knives only in a huge gym)
scoutzknivez (awesome map when an admin is around to lower gravity)
usp_map (duh)

I wish I still had deagle5 or deaglefactory, those are awesome deagle maps =/
awp_map needs spawn protection bad though :/

scoutzknivez is fun.
scoutzknivez !
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
You only want to run maps that attract people you want to play with. Deathmatch maps are high risk for immature players, just something to keep in mind.
Uhh no, I only play on small maps like the ones listed above to practice aim, I have the most fun on de_ maps. However, I much rather play on "deathmatch" maps on servers with less than 8 people, because de_ maps aren't as fun as they could be with anything less than 4 people on each team :/
I would leave most of the unbalanced maps on ... it just makes for a different playing mentality. Being on the tougher side makes you a better player anyway, you have to think about what you're doing a bit harder and it can also encourage you to try out new weapons. I don't see why everything has to be totally fair. I think it's pretty fun playing CT on assualt. Winning a round is that much more of an accomplishment.

I definitely agree with tossing de_nuke on there too. Great de map for a small server.
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
If anyone has maps that aren't standard but would be fun, just email them over to me and I'll sort it out from there. I have been putting any custom ones I get at:

Which reminds me, I have one to put up.

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