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TIER 1 set up your match here #1
no, it's 6 hours before gmt. i don't know how long it takes blazed to get home from work but it would only be 10-11pm gmt when we could have the match. i'm okay with it.

btw, find out fure sure...
time zone calculator
me to
ok, i am going out to lunch (2pm mountain). i may not be back by 3 and we still haven't heard from g-boy. i'll be back by 3:30pm most likely though.
ok im back.................:ph34r:
yeah, i just got back myself.
well im off to bed now... 11:50pm and i gotta b up in 7 hours:(
anyone down to try and have the match tonight
im up, but i bet frooty is asleep
Well, as I said before our friday thing, I went away for the weekend to see my girlfriend for v-day and I just got back. That's why friday worked for me... now let's go any time.
Hi guys I am back glad you are trying to work it out PnG knows me well...lets not have any forfeitsB)
i'm awake, wonder if frooty is awake
jabbahunt,Feb 17 2004, 03:17 AM Wrote:i'm awake, wonder if frooty is awake
nah i was asleep, some people have work =P

Anyway, is next sunday good for everyone :?
Possible times? (Tryin to sort it ages in advance so you all have time to reply)
I don't know my work Schdule yet for the weekend, im off on Wed.
so far i'm available anytime up to sunday, monday i head for ohio
I'd prefer to do it during the week... sometimes I don't have access to play ricochet on weekends, whether I'm away from my desktop on a two day vacation or spending time with people... and I try to keep the nerd appearance to a minimum by not saying "I have a computer game tournament to deal with Sunday night... I won't be available."
g-boy,Feb 17 2004, 12:30 PM Wrote:and I try to keep the nerd appearance to a minimum by not saying "I have a computer game tournament to deal with Sunday night... I won't be available."
:lol:, i dunno why it just seems funny to me.
this whole week is bad for me...sorry....i have a midterm on friday. but after 4pm mountain (test gets out at 3:30), i can do it. other than that, the weekend is the only time i have free. i'll do it anytime saturday, sunday. i guess we have to play this match by monday anyways if i remember if somebody can't honestly do it this weekend, i'll reluctantly forfeit....but i want notice if you decide to play during the week.
I don't think you guys want to lose .asm in this match Please check your schedules and see if you can put aside 30-45 mins one of these times..

some options
Friday 3am GMT ----> 7pm PST
Saturday 10pm GMT ---> 2pm PST
Saturday 7pm GMT---> 11am PST
Sunday 8pm GMT---> noon PST

EST (-6 hours) (+3)
MTN(-7 hours) (+2)
CTL (-8 hours) (+1)
PST (-10 hours) start

or start on PST and add
EST (+3)
MTN (+2)
CTL (+1)
someone please check my numbers

postscript....omg are you guys the hardest to set up....but at least you are trying....The way I read it Frooty is GMT, Jabba is EST,.asm is Mtn, blazed is central, and g-boy is PST....I am not sure but I think that covers every time sure puts 5 out of 5 players in different timezones...thanks for trying to work it out...might be something we need to consider next tourney although by the end of the tournament we may have the same problem.
Saturday between 7 and 10 gmt is a good time for me.. anyone else ?
pm your time frooty? right?
saturday at 1 eastern is good for me
Almost every timezone... don't forget gwars is Atlantic and shalk is like +2 GMT...

Anyway, again I may be gone this weekend. I would love to do it tonight, but I have a lab from about 6pm to 9:50 PST... I'm not sure if I'll be back by sunday, but if so it'd have to be pretty much Sunday night for me. It's not that I can't put aside time, it's that all the times you mentioned are either while I'll be gone or smack dab in the middle of my chemistry lab. Sunday night or Monday day would be good for me for sure, or between 2-5pm PST on friday.
those are good times for me also
DAMN!!!! im sick with a allergy infection right now:angry:. Gimmy like 3 days or so to get better please:huh:
omg you are the last one that should complain about feeling ill....jeeze dont you figure it is devine intervention that you are sick so as to help make the match more equitable?:P
he has been owning for the last 3 days while practicing, let the match continue
Blazed,Feb 21 2004, 07:58 AM Wrote:DAMN!!!! im sick with a allergy infection right now:angry:. Gimmy like 3 days or so to get better please:huh:
:Phis haxs must be broken. . .ya that's right. . hacks for ricochet
I see how it is now!!! jk, well lets try for sunday.............
Im off the rest of the day, and I fell better. So lets get this thing done:upto:
g is at his g/friend's or so he said

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